"Actually Trump did win 2020 and therefore can't win 2024! Checkmate Drumpfchuds!"
I thought this was from a few years ago.
It's certainly been posted before, although only 7 months ago: https://kotakuinaction2.win/p/17siSbWki2/why-are-the-few-remaining-comic-/c/
He's the other side of the coin from Density, both "normie-incarnate" for the wider gaming sphere and not in any good way.
One of the things he's "well known" for? Having a large collection of rare mounts in WoW.
That he specifically paid other players mountains of gold for, probably funded via WoW Tokens.
Then bragged about owning as if he'd put in the same amount of work as players who farmed things themselves.
Seinfeld was my first thought, too.
Going to need something to go with all the salt that's coming, might as well!
What do you do when a retard throws a grenade at you?
Pick it up, pull out the pin, and throw it back!
I've heard the argument that he's vindictively saying shit like this to ruin Kamala's chances.
Maybe he is but he's also shown decades ago he's just as vindictive towards Clarence Thomas when the SCOTUS seat was happening. The takeaway from all this should always be Biden is an extremely vindictive and petty man, and that the enemy of my enemy is absolutely not, nor will ever be, my friend.
"Dear Joe, please stop giving us even more insight why your children are so fucked up."
Sharp opinion here. If you tell me you shouldn't "protect someone against their will", then it means you've never protected anyone.
It's far more telling than it may first appear, it means someone has never had to look out for "that friend" who got too drunk and now needs kept off the road and/or away from sharp edges/long drops.
Protecting you whether you like it or not is what every cop, fireman, emt, trauma nurse, medic, or corpsman is trained to do. They'll save your life, sometimes while you beg for death; because that is what it actually means to try and save people.
At a fundamentally more primal level it brings up the point anyone claiming this has never had children, or pets, because they are absolutely retarded enough at times to end up getting hurt and/or killed simply through sheer lack of awareness at every day things like cars, stairs, and a whole list of other things.
Thanks, I hate it.
He's most likely to break his own wrist attempting that. Hell, many guys would probably end up breaking something by trying to punch an actual "Chad" and knowing this would probably get offered a free throw and still then fuck it up by slapping someone rather than punching properly.
Could be worse, could call him a Spez.
Its funny how the only time you hear about people changing their last names, its either First Generation Immigrants trying to acclimate or Jews, seemingly to try and hide being Jewish because they do it in Hollywood the most Jew friendly circle out there.
And then there's Caryn Elaine Johnson who was advised by her mother to change hers to sound more Jewish, hence Whoopi Goldberg. Yes, she's a literal Caryn/Karen.
My inner shitlord feels like "Oh, my" should be the response to this since Takei was the original reason for this election law.
Covid and the following permacrisis broke the perception of time and reality. Months feel like weeks, weeks feel like days, it's a blur now. And it's not just getting old, young people are noticing it too.
In old people the inability to measure time is often called being senile, so that unironically sounds like a "mass induced senility".
Ambassador to Antarctica.
They tried blaming him the other week when McDonald's went down in stock despite actually performing better than the wider market. If anything his appearance there probably helped the company and even if it didn't something else did.
Battleship is just 1v1, though. Mario party is a potential Fatal 4-Way that can only end in blood and tears, and possibly destroyed controllers.
Everyone in my social circle can attest to the very inappropriate level of excitement I had when 8 was announced after a near fucking decade.
I was once walking to a class for uni with someone and the subject of a book series came up that he loved. He hadn't heard a new one came out that week and literally 180'd to go get it instead of going to class 😂
experience the joys of a sleepover with split screen multiplayer.
"No screen watching during Goldeneye!"
Remember when Trump said something bad about Nickelback and suddenly everyone loved them?
But the one thing that makes me go "that can't be right....that must be a glitch...it can't be that old" is those rare times I come across a Youtube video that was uploaded near the beginning, like a video from 2007 or something and the video will say "uploaded 15 years ago, or 16 years ago"
Understandable but a difficult metric to use at times because some older YT vids just don't exist anymore. I've had bookmarks for years just stop working one day because of some reason and then needed to go find a re-up of it to use so while the content still exists the originals are now long gone.
1,587,886,943 views, 15 years ago
blacks aren't an ethnic group either.
Good luck telling that to many in the USA. Show them literal blood feuds and tribal wars that have gone on for decades and regularly includes what would amount to war crimes between neighbouring African tribes and it will be flat out ignored because it goes against every "noble savage" or "homogenous" teamwork that so many retards keep trying to push.
Ah yes, copium.