Q is for QUTE!
They focused on brainwashing women and have been quite successful.
LMAO at most of you who then game as a female and are basically playing dress-up dolly, not realizing the mindfuck that was subliminally instilled in you, in essence neutering you as a male. It ain't 'cause you prefer looing at a female ass, no matter how much you have convinced yourself of that. We naturally want to IDENTIFY with the characters we see, or the heroes in movies. Congrats.
Where do you think all the hipster faggots have come from? Boys being pussified. Taught not to judge and accept the fact they are sticking women into every role, no matter how ridiculous.
And before you lash out, oh anime fan, step back and think about it.
Ok, Don Quixote.
No amount of decor will make Kristen Wiig 'hot'. What a limp fucking noodle.
They put her in this shit just like they push lesbians and fatty's.
Of course... It's so simple!
To be fair
Ah yes, the covert internet 'ACKTUALLY' guy.
First one written by Zack Snyder & Allan Heinberg and Jason Fuchs.
1984 written by Patty Jenkins & Geoff Johns. Jenkins being the director of both.
It's all in the writing folks. Always has been.
Sure, cause they're the saviors of the universe. Not the retarded youth I see. What a massively ignorant perspective.
Yeah, I saw it. They changed it though and I liked the other one better.
"Gone Home" award for the most Overpriced Piece of Shit!
For me, personally though I'll be in the vast minority, is Red Dead Redemption 2.
I am no fan of the Cyberpunk genre, but I love western games. I've played COJ: Gunslinger many times. I bought a 35" 21:9 monitor specifically in anticipation of RDR2.
But here I am, really digging Cyberpunk, but I quit RDR2 at Chapter 4 or 5.
What a fucking slog. Shitty writing. Characters I could never care enough about to give a damn. Cliches. Ham handed plot-line forcing ridiculous mission setups. NPC mission character's dialogue often verbal diarrhea the 'writers' just pull out of their ass.
I came to realize, Rockstar games are designed by kids for kids that like to do stupid shit. Of any age. An open world to do stupid shit in.
Hell, I love open world games. Far Cry 3-5, Blood Dragon, Primal, New Dawn, AC Black Flag through Valhalla. Mad Max. I even enjoyed Rage 2. Witcher 3, of course. Finished them all.
But here I was, a game I was anticipating more than any for the past three years, but I just couldn't keep going.
Hell, I'm not even a story guy. I find most game's stories cliched and predictable. I'm usually laughing at the story when I do pay attention. If you grew up on classic literature you likely understand this. If you grew up on Star Wars and Michael Bay... eh. To me, it's the difference between 'The Twilight Zone' and 'The X-Files'.
<trying to keep the bit below somewhat spoiler free>
But I know what the #1 issue was for me and likely resulted in my viewing a lot more of the game from a negative perspective. Because it made getting through it painful for me, because they just kept making it so obvious he was a evil person and I could predict the outcome of the game. Over and over.
I think where it really went south was when you had to 'liberate' him and then tag along for the Holocaust. I would have blown his fucking brains out. But oh no, you have to continue to endure it. And at that point, I also liked the gang less, and I really wasn't that impressed in the first place.
This is cheap manipulation that the utes of today might need to be so obvious so they fucking 'get it', but I don't. It was just heavy-handed, shitty writing. Give me a little subtlety here and there please! I'd like the challenge of catching it.
Tangent: I'm responding to the 'nomination' but it would be disingenuous of me to claim it is "the most overpriced piece of shit" for others though. Hell even for me, I just couldn't get into it, but there is a LOT of game there. And a lot that is very well done. The world and atmosphere.
Although, to counter that, the bugs on PC are ridiculous. That's pretty much what the PCRedDead Reddit is all about, in the end.
Ah yes, those gaudy 1970's Christmases! Love it!
Sure as hell better than Jamie Foxx.
The amount of hate is ridiculous. Mob mentality, and just like people sagged pants like retards to be different (belong) young retards are now mobbing on to hate in a way to belong, especially with gaming.
I'm loving the game, as THE VAST MAJORITY ARE. I have not had a crash or a glitch. Of course, I will now.
Yes, complaints are obviously legitimate, for those that have issues.
Yes, it should have been cooked longer. But do you remember the hate for the relatively slight delay? There's no pleasing internet fucktards.
Yes, the MONTAGE is ridiculous and there is cut stuff.
But I'm pretty damn impressed by what I have in front of me to play with. Try and appreciate what you have, and not what you wish you had, while taking responsibility for your own self-afflicted hyperbole.
If you're pissed because it doesn't align with the tabletop version enough, I know nothing about that and can't speak to it. I'm just looking at this as another new game to play, and see how well it does for me. And so far, it's been very good!
i7-6700. 1080ti. 32gb ram. Clean system with no bullshit running.
Amazon has to be stopped. You have no idea what you are giving away for this relatively short-lived convenience. And 'convenience' that they can afford because they are getting deals cut no one else can.
Just posting to test out the new unified logins for win communities.
Can we keep the tranny on KIA1?
society of morons
I was covering a lot of bases with that statement, including everything you mentioned.
We are devolving into a society of morons staring at tits and ass while all around us is destroyed.
"Love is Love". Pedo-code for 'anything goes'.
"Five to one baby, one in five. No one here gets out alive..."
Fuck it. Time to let Islam have its way with these fucking cunts.
Hory Shet!
LOL, a year or two back I had no idea who this guy was(still really don't) and saw one pic on Steam as a curator and and knew this dude was a degenerate mess.
I figured he was a pedo though. Oh well, the week is young.