So your "it's culture" comment falls flat. Because yes that's the neo-lib conventional wisdom but historically it isn't accurate. And the times it HAS been accurate. It's been modern and exclusive to Whites.
I'm not even editorializing on this point. Conclude what you will.
Hes a lolbert man. He doesn't get it. He never will.
He's every stone toss meme come to life.
It's fun is a reason.
See everyone always complains about Imp. But he's never annoyed me in the slightest. I think he's hilarious and would unban him in a second.
Lethn was sand in my underpants. I'm not GLAD he's gone but I'm not sad like I am with Imp
You have to be genuinely autistic right?
Nobody believes you're actually Lethn in disguise.
So yeah you missed the point entirely lol
I mean we're aware you're a faggot.
But by definition he isnt a user.
I was initially interested from a "a support your own" perspective.
But he was such a tool all the time I don't think he was all that different from the "classic" developers that I hate.
Like a theater kid or something.
I don't think he ever actually really said.
It's sort of a "gradually I began to hate him" type thing.
Any conversation with him was utterly grating. Probably most annoying was his habit of arguing superiority from agreement.
You'd say something and he'd somehow manage to agree and call you stupid for thinking it at the same time.
I don't think he does..... highly suspicious.
Yeahhhhu I'm starting to wonder
No. It sounds like he and you don't understand the difference between a game that was in development for 20 years and released like shit. And a game that's been out for 20 years with ongoing development.
One that springs to mind eas discussing Deadlock.
He was expressing the fairly normal "trade embargo means bad" and when I explained yeah that's normally true, it's Valve, which has good history and Icefrog himself whose showed design chops on Dota 2 for the better part of 20 years. Building it in Wc3 and continuing at valve, while keeping his independence by remaining anonymous and living in asia. He'd be about as hard a person to pervert as exists.
He responded by saying "a long development time doesn't mean it'll be good, look at Duke Nukem"
He just completely misses the point in just about every interaction while being 150% sure that if there's even the tiniest bit of confusion that people talking to him are ciphers who just don't grasp his genius.
See above, he's retarded.
Shows what I know.
I think it was more assumptions. The cop structure hadn't been tested on a macro level, and the usual argument was "black trash vs cop" and the left taking the trash's side.
We're there dirty cops? Yeah. And for my part I've always been anti-institution period, so I hated them on principle.
But looking at something like Mike Brown?
Apparatus working as intended as much as it could. The trash was taken out and yeah I'll stand by that cops actions no hesitation.
As an institution though? Fuck em. And then they were during covid and they failed. So fuck em double.
Prior too I can forgive you for believing in them as a right wing institution like the military. Now it's clear neither one is, so there's no excuse.
His COVID one was awful too.
He's been a cuck for a while.
I didn't read it. Found it anyway.
Well see there's two major racial groups in the world. They're at odds with each other naturally but have been manipulated into living together.
A third group, a subset of one first two begins applyfying the tensions between the major groups in order to upset the existing power structure.
They introduce drugs into certain communities, and stoke prejudice against the racial group that currently holds power. And while they pretend to be innocent and weak, they actually occupy a number of highly influential positions in the government. All with the goal of gaining power themselves, revenging themselves on the current dominant racial group, and if all else fails burning it all to the ground.
Then they made that group represented by sheep and rams. Like cmon.
The best one is the one with Antonio Banderas
Don't knock bugs life. The accidental subversiveness of that movie is superb.
It's only topped by Zootopia
Pretty sure he bought an ice cream truck and did that for a while.
I'm summarizing you nitwit.