Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's all rot to begin with.

IQ maps to income. It just does. That's not debatable.

That doesn't mean if you have the most iq you have the most money, or that stupid evil people can't get ahead.

It doesn't even mean that the richest person will be the smartest. Zuckerberg and Bezos are pretty evil.

But the difference between lower class and middle class is 80% of the time going to come down to brains.

Theacefospades 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean. White nationalist present right here.

The point is you cant answer "hey society has been ruined for me, my role has been to suck it up in exchange for greatness and the reward seems to be being eroded"

With "Well the solution is to suck it up even more so we can build a society on the back of your suffering where we can have greatness again"

Sure it might be the best solution but you can't build a movement solely by demanding martyrs.

It's like if they made it so.if you have a white child they execute you. The birthrate would plummet sure, but you can't just demand people do it anyway.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure thing bud. I never called you a liar. The fact that you think I did shows more about your reading comprehension than anything else.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't accuse you of lying. So yeah I'm thinking it's you that's hysterical my man.

I was trying to explain why you remind people of boomer-con logic thats particularly annoying to people here.

I didn't say I've read the entire talmud. I said ive read the talmud. It's long. I don't think anybody has read the whole thing.

I read the Quran in high school as part of a faith struggle.

And I was here when we got booted to 8chan dude. You might have been here just as long I suppose, but I consider that unlikely so I guessed.

The only spitting I've done is call you fag, which was borderline a term of endearment and mostly just to keep things fresh.

In conclusion, take you Prozac

Theacefospades 5 points ago +5 / -0

I think we can bridge this gap. It's probably the biggest one on the right besides the JQ and i think it's a completely fair one.

Prepare for overwrought navel gazing.

The right advocates for capital C Civilization and individual dignity which is distinct from "freedom" as the neo-liberals define it. Do what thou wilt is of thr devil and that's been well established.

Civilization depends on and demands healthy families to build itself around. Going volcel undermines the fabric of society thay makes our eventual galactic empire possible.

Human dignity demands thay not be beholden to anybody without compensation that is equitable. Marriage is fundamentally NOT that for men.

So you have a situation where the two core tenants of positive existence are forced into opposition.

I'm one to believe that's by design but whatever.

I'm married, quite happy. Wouldn't change a thing and I fully intent to advise my children not to marry except in very specific circumstances.

The problem for most is that the advice for how to marry is highly unpopular AND something you can NEVER EVER tell anybody especially a woman.

Here are the requirements:

  1. You must marry young
  2. You must marry while poor.
  3. You must marry somebody poorer than you OR someone in a genuinely bad family/personal situation.

I've talked about this before, but you HAVE TO do them. If you miss any, especially 1. Your danger % jumps wicked high.

To me it's a bit like being raised by a single mom. Statistical choices, if you can avoid the worst ones you'll be better off.

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

They super cheat. And smart people don't cheat because..

Well they just dont!

It's like Africa. They totally would have invented the wheel if the mean whites hadn't opressed them and they were only able to oppress the superior blacks because cheating.

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

So... your first paragraph. I'll just address the protocols part.

Cause fuck no it doesn't imply a race wide conspiracy any more than FDR and Truman's nastiness implies a catholic conspiracy to nuke the Japanese.

If the argument is that Jewish culture and religion breeds conspiracy and subversion... yeah you'd fucking expect to see jews throughout history doing a conspiracy.

That doesn't imply some unbroken line of Kabbalic succession dating back to the Pharasiees who killed Jesus. Yes some people believe that, but the vast majority of the JQ folks position is much more of a cosmic "cmon really?"

I don't believe you've seen anybody claiming that Jews have a 2000 year old plan that's been passed down through the ages rather than people claiming that jews have always been like this, and those techniques and ideas are baked into their religion, as is Lying about it.

I've read the talmud dude. It's nastier than the Quran.

To the second half, there are very few anti-Israel folks who are genuinely pro Muslim if they arent Muslim themselves.

For my part I dont really care about the sand people on the other side of the world killing the other sand people on the other side of the world.

But there IS some poetic comedy in seeing the Jews get fucked by their own creation, especially seeing as how they sicced the same weapons on us. jk Rowling esque.

This isn't really a discussion though, since you completely ignored what I said... which was kinda the point of what I said. That you won't turn the same lenses on the targets you've been taught to hold sacred.

In conclusion youre a fag.

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0


It's funny how that seems so pase to me now given how evil they've gotten since those days.

Holy shit I'm nostalgic for the villians of my adolescence.

Theacefospades 3 points ago +3 / -0

Equivocation isn't sexy.

As a different point. the poor have done very little to advance the Human Equation. It's one of the reasons they're poor.

If you wanted to cross section the world by IQ and uou weren't allowed to use race or IQ, wealth would be your best bet.

Theacefospades 3 points ago +3 / -0

You continually top yourself

Theacefospades 5 points ago +5 / -0

Makes you wonder.

"If you allow speech people will start becoming nazis!"

"If you allow meritocracy whites will always have disproportionate power!"

Oh no!

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

Litterly yes. Why would you expect it not to.

Thats the fucking point of America platonically.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's not their own opinion. It's just the failure of their overlords to correctly balance the programming cocktail.

The progressive stack is supposed to be inviolate. But they make the "being brown" trigger too strong that it overrode the "muh holocaust" trigger. Wasn't ever supposed to.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Almost nobody believes it s a 2,000 year old all encompassing conspiracy.

Jews are EXACTLY like Muslims and blacks. They have a cocktail of IQ and Culture that makes them broadly speaking destructive.

The reason people call you retarded is because almost everyone here has had this argument from the other side.

If you're here you KNOW generalizations aren't all encompassing.

If you're here you KNOW that certain demographics cause disproportionate destrcution.

If you're here you KNOW that you'll be tarred and feathered for even suggesting the above publicly.

If you're here you KNOW that basic positive activities are demonized and degenerate behaviors are glorified.

You KNOW that Muslims have hatred, dominance, and destruction baked into their ideology and culture.

You KNOW that Communists have hatred, Dominance, and destruction baked into their ideology and culture.

You KNOW that leftists/SJW/academics/blacks have hatred, Dominance, and destruction baked into their ideology and culture and that youll be called a conspiracy theorist for suggesting it.

Hey did you know that Jews have hatred, Dominance, and destruction baked into their ideology? They also have a lot more power than those other groups have had over time.


Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Broadly speaking I'm a doomer. But my white pill is still Jan 6.

It's sort of the watershed of "could you imagine how easy it would be if we were as nasty as they pretend"

It's lessons learned. It showed how easy it was, it showed how much fairness there is (none) and it taught a lot of people the lesson about striking at the king.

I call all that positive, and if it happens again this time I'd expect escalation. I cant say it'll be enough escalation, but the pressure certainly isn't going down.

Theacefospades 3 points ago +3 / -0

That was my take as well. Just a broadly dim person.

Famous for washing the taste of water out of his mouth with cola.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Even among people who have a strong ethnic preference, it certainly is not the case that it is you default to an ingroup preference of a race over ethnicity, and ethnicity over familiarity. An American white is not likely to affiliate with a non-English Russian who shares no religion, value set, language, or economic tie; compared to the American black neighbor he went to school with, speaks the same language, and has the same religion.

Racism is not that ethnic groups have an in-group preference, you are trying to re-define your way into winning an argument like a Leftist. It isn't even that racial groups have an in group preference.

This is the culture argument. Followed by a definitional one.

Regardless your "you're redefining is wrong, my definition is right, you're trying to win by definition" is so hackneyed I don't even know if it's worth explaining why.

Arguing about definitions is utterly pointless. You should know better.

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