TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +4 / -2

Did you miss how Marx's close associates were Jews, how Engel's mentor was a Jew, and how Trotsky and Lenin were all Jews, and they ALL surrounded themselves with Jews in their criminal communist cells?

Obviously you did so you could shill that he wasn't a Jew.

Was Karl Marx Jewish? - IsJewish.com


"Since Karl Marx's mother was Jewish, and in Judaism one's religion is based on one's mother's religion, then that makes him also Jewish."

He was Jewish.

His father converted SOLELY so he could continue manipulating the legal system. He did his legal duty so he or his kids weren't in legal trouble and that was it.

TheWinningTeam 3 points ago +4 / -1

NEVER access ANY political site without a free vpn or proxy.

NEVER tell people online who you actually are. You are only feeding the ''spy on you'' monster.

No matter WHAT the FUCK you THOUGHT, ''I'll access the internet without some kind of proxy/vpn'' is gonna be one of the worst ideas YOU ever HAVE.

Even free VPN add ons are good enough to watch some news and read and make comments.

In no particular order, things you need to know are:

All four Opera VPN/proxy hybrids are free.

What's more, Opera GX and Opera Developer can download the iNinja Proxy which is a fantastic fucking free proxy. More bandwidth.

Also there's something called epic security browser which is what Brave, and all these other fake security browsers are trying to claim they are. The built-in proxy is ALWAYS on and the free VPN is manual turn-on.

It's very mechanical and slow to use but because it's all manual, and it only allows you to put on THEIR ad block and THEIR proxy/VPN combo, it's VERY fast and also it's put together very slick in that it doesn't break websites you really need to go to.

Also there's a free Chrome store vpn called ''Touch VPN.'' This is a fantastic addition to a Chromium based browser because it's got settings to turn on and have it obfuscate all the different types of browser/computer fingerprinting algorithms.

There is also a computer traffic-wide hybrid VPN/Proxy called ''Psiphon.''

It is a real vpn, it was invented to help Chy-Com dissidents contact the outer world, and they use it over there, tonight, to get themselves secure.

I have firefox, opera, torch, opera developer, opera GX and Opera Beta. I also have epic privacy browser and on Microsoft Edge, I have Touch VPN add on.

This is 8 different cloaked browsers.

Each one of these browsers also has a ''erase cookies'' add-on in case Communist Bolshevic bitches somewhere, decide to ban my account.

Most all the places I go, if I really like being there, I start three, four, five accounds, so I can have my free speech to go along with my radar proof interplanetary instrument probes age.

There is also something called 'WebRTC'' and that RTC stands for ''Real-Time Communications and it's not really designed to trap you it's designed to make video, audio, this stuff, get from computer to computer as swiftly as possible and it's a protocol that - in the packet headers you REAL un-cloaked IP address is STAMPED on EVERY packet header.

So you NEED to understand how to CHECK ALL THE COMPONENTS of FINGERPRINTING your BROWSER because WebRTC transmits your REAL uncloacked address UNLESS YOU GET A DOWNLOAD to OBFUSCATE THIS FOR YOU.

That is all.

Good luck to you all.

Do not get popped because you think there's no way you can be safe for free.

ALL the OPERA browsers, and ALL browsers covered with an iNinja OR TouchVPN add-on, can be made to START when the BROWSER starts and this is important.

Anyway, that's my story and I'm kinda half-ass sticking to it.

deleted 2 points ago +3 / -1
TheWinningTeam 2 points ago +2 / -0

They always have been ok with that, although in this case, that's a man who was being arrested for child molesting/child porn.

TheWinningTeam 14 points ago +14 / -0

96% of all those gun crimes are committed by Democrats, and after this past summer probably 99%.

TheWinningTeam 33 points ago +33 / -0

“I was a mom up until recently,” Carrillo said near the beginning of the interview.

“I used to travel California advocating against human trafficking.

I’ve always been a social justice warrior, equal rights, and human rights activist.

I’ve always been very vocal about basically a lot of the things that are going on in the world.”

A few minutes later, Wallace cut to the heart of the matter: WALLACE: “Liliana, what happened to your three children in Reseda?” CARRILLO: “I drowned them.” “Why?” “Because I — Eric [the children’s father] and his friends had basically told me throughout my relationship, like, what would happen, you know, and everything was happening just as they were saying, and so I wasn’t about to hand my children off to be further abused.” “To be clear, did you kill your children?” “I did.” “Why?” “Because I didn’t want them to be further abused."

" I promised them when they were born that I was going to protect them, and I already — already saw what was happening. I already saw — I already knew what was going on. And I knew what was going to continue to happen.” A few moments later, Wallace probed further: WALLACE: “Do you regret your actions?” CARRILLO: “I wish my kids were alive, yes. Do I wish that I didn’t have to do that? Yes. But I’m — I prefer them not being tortured and abused on a regular basis for the rest of their life.”

“Do you believe your children were physically harmed?” “Yes.” “To add to that — do you believe your children were physically harmed when you say you drowned them?”

“No. I did it as softly, or — I don’t know how to explain it, but — um — I hugged them, and I kissed them, and I was apologizing the whole time.

I love my kids. I love my kids . . . and I promised I would protect them.”

Which is why she had to kill them,

and which is why leftists have to kill you.

TheWinningTeam 21 points ago +21 / -0

This is why voting from proper social distances of 100 to 400 yards, using sanitary copper ballots that don't spread covid, is almost always the answer.