TheOpiner 19 points ago +19 / -0

This will be applied to the comments of the Prime Minister Starmer when?

Now that would require the PM to not engage in two-tier policing... Wait, hold on...

TheOpiner 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you're referring to the BBC, this is why I archived it because they like to edit things after being called out on it.

The Elon Musk stuff happened as I made this original post but it's all tied in to the same thing, they detest user generated social media and want to put an end to it. They also seem to be using the same tactics as activists do to get something shut down, useful for a Government that does not want to get it's hands dirty or be seen as the first to block X in it's jurisdiction.

ETA - Do remember as well that Elon allowed Tommy back on the platform (why do I remember things after I post something?) and as Tommy is Government enemy number one, that makes Elon culpable for everything that happens from then on.

TheOpiner 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Government seems really intent on blaming free speech and Internet freedom for the rioting alongside their usual boogeyman of the far right.

TheOpiner 34 points ago +34 / -0

When they say "far right" they mean "working class". And it's not just protesting. It also applies not just to the police but also to the Uniparty and the judiciary. And not just if you are white. It also applies to men and boys, Christians and Atheists, republicans (as in critical of monarchy), dissenters and critics of the Uniparty, Brexit supporters and oddly enough in the times of promoting Net-Zero, environmentalists.

TheOpiner 14 points ago +14 / -0

We've reached the point now where the local police have denied any assaults taking place and that the footage circulating on social media is all "speculation" and "disinformation" (it's those words again) and that no-one was carrying weapons either.

That being the case, where did all the footage come from? You'd think it would be easy to disprove all of this with evidence. But we're expected to just listen and believe.

TheOpiner 43 points ago +43 / -0

I saw a video of a police liaison officer telling those with weapons to drop them off at the mosque without punishment or arrest.

You can bet that tomorrow, the likes of Yvette Cooper, Keir Starmer, Rishi Sunak, James Cleverly, the Stoke-on-Trent MPs et al will be offering zero condemnation of the violence today against those they dub the "far-right". Which will be rather telling.

TheOpiner 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bear in mind that CCTV with facial recognition is being put into place as part's of Starmer's attempt to outdo Trudeau. So anyone suspected of going to a protest will be ID'd and chased up by the Police.

TheOpiner 2 points ago +2 / -0

At the moment it's just counter protesting but there's already rhetoric flying around that they plan to outnumber and 'deal' with the "far right".

TheOpiner 2 points ago +2 / -0

This, a victim of Edwards giving his testimony to a national newspaper that makes Edwards look worse than he already does and now the BBC has had to remove a video of the Southport suspect who appeared in their Children in Need campaign video.

Not a good week for the BBC.

TheOpiner 1 point ago +1 / -0

From what I can see, the media calls them "counter protesters" but it appears the left bloc are itching to stir up even more trouble knowing that their opponents will be the ones facing the consequences.

TheOpiner 19 points ago +19 / -0

I note that Antifa have started to get involved. Likely they will start to get fully involved this weekend which likely means things are going to get worse and more intense.

TheOpiner 9 points ago +9 / -0

The media and politicians are going all in on the "speculation incites riots". This has been going on for a while and I warned repeatedly about it. Sadly it appears I've done an Alex Jones and that prophecy is coming true.

The people who condemn the "far-right" (and that will include Reform UK and the Conservatives now, mark my words) for using the tragedy of Southport for a political agenda are now doing that very thing to shut down free speech, bring in new draconian illiberal powers and proscribe their political opposition.

They look at Iran, Ethiopia, Sudan, Venezuela and other countries that shut down the Internet to quell dissent and unrest with furious envy. They would like to do it but their pesky western liberal values go at odds with that tactic.

TheOpiner 17 points ago +17 / -0

They seem very keen to pin the riots happening due to "social media speculation". It's something I have noticed by the authorities (those who wish to maintain one official narrative) and the media (those who want to get rid of their independent media competition and tow the authority line) as of late. They want speculation banned and claiming a riot started due to speculation gives the Labour Government an excuse to further curtail free speech and freedom of the press.

TheOpiner 35 points ago +35 / -0

If you're talking to someone on OnlyFans, the chances are you're talking dirty to her boyfriend or a hired male worker. No matter how desperate you may be to get noticed by a woman, never do OnlyFans.

TheOpiner 8 points ago +8 / -0

There's a complete news blackout with no-one allowed to post about the suspect or the scene online or on the media subject to arrest.

TheOpiner 0 points ago +6 / -6

The alternative is that you give permission for the police to do this to you when you do a thought or speech crime. What is done to your opponents can also be done to you.

TheOpiner 6 points ago +6 / -0

I don't even get that. Shadowbanned and instantly deleted comments is what I get. The comment deletions have also become more common as of late. I consider them to be a form of psychological abuse.

TheOpiner 22 points ago +22 / -0

The gender bias that the media will not talk about.

TheOpiner 18 points ago +18 / -0

Particularly when a lot of accusations can just be reduced to "he's a recluse/loner/eccentric and therefore...". This is why we are supposed to have due process and innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt in a civilised society. Anything else is mob justice and witch hunts.

TheOpiner 5 points ago +5 / -0

The problem Dev has is that he's trying to paint himself as the one critical of both the left and right at a time when everyone is being told to pick a side as everything accelerates post Trump assassination attempt and we're being told that it's either them or us. Even Tim Pool has dropped the milquetoast fencesitter stance and become firmly right wing and very pro "defend yourself by any means necessary to preserve yourself and your culture" in the last week.

TheOpiner 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think a switch was flipped post attempt and a lot of the rhetoric I am seeing from the right is that cancel culture is merely the start and in response to what the left actively say on public forums about the right (see Destiny's rhetoric about the right and in particular, Trump supporters) therefore anything is now fair game, the left is seen as a grave threat and the right must be first to beat them to it. A spiral down into a (hopefully not literal) arms race. Considering we are now post what happened to Trump. An intense anger that has been bottled up and brewing has now been released since that attempt was made. There's no going back from this.

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