I looked at that "study" from the community notes, it has only 360 women from Utah.
Kind of meaningless overall but I just can't understand how a man that does sewing is considered more desirable then a man fishing even in this incredibly small sample size.
just can't understand how a man that does sewing is considered more desirable then a man fishing
Like everything else, ignore what they say, watch what they do. Women will universally claim that they want caring, sensitive guys who will talk about their feelings, and then immediately ignore them to go chase after Chad Thundercock and Tyrone BigDickerson. Women don't talk to convey information. They only do it to increase their social status. Everything out of their mouths is just manipulative noise.
Women will universally claim that they want caring, sensitive guys who will talk about their feelings
Oh but they do want those guys. The just want them as beta slaves that they trick into raising Chad Thundercock's kids and then divorce rape once they've extracted all the value they can from them.
That's starting to change as young women start to outearn their male peers. When the state, family and society provide income (via wealth transfer from men to women), parenting and all the benefits of what a "beta bux" used to provide without the disadvantage of having to live with said man, they will in increasing numbers refuse to let the beta bux into their life and remain alone.
I looked at that "study" from the community notes, it has only 360 women from Utah. Kind of meaningless overall but I just can't understand how a man that does sewing is considered more desirable then a man fishing even in this incredibly small sample size.
Like everything else, ignore what they say, watch what they do. Women will universally claim that they want caring, sensitive guys who will talk about their feelings, and then immediately ignore them to go chase after Chad Thundercock and Tyrone BigDickerson. Women don't talk to convey information. They only do it to increase their social status. Everything out of their mouths is just manipulative noise.
Women are idiots.
Oh but they do want those guys. The just want them as beta slaves that they trick into raising Chad Thundercock's kids and then divorce rape once they've extracted all the value they can from them.
That's starting to change as young women start to outearn their male peers. When the state, family and society provide income (via wealth transfer from men to women), parenting and all the benefits of what a "beta bux" used to provide without the disadvantage of having to live with said man, they will in increasing numbers refuse to let the beta bux into their life and remain alone.