I'm still waiting on remuneration for the slaves the white man stole from my Indian ancestors. Adjusted for inflation, I'm owed about $20 million.
It's been banned from Amazon and most other mainstream book retailers. It's easiest to pick up directly from Fidelity Press.
It makes more sense when you realize that rabbinic judaism is a reaction to and rejection of Christianity incoporating aspects of Babylonian paganism, not a continuation of the practices of the ancient Hebrews from the Old Testament. The Babylonian Talmud was compiled after the Bible for a reason. If you want to read a thick tome about it from a Catholic perspective, check out E Michael Jones' The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit.
Even if you train it perfectly, there is always a risk it will suddenly decide it wants to kill someone. They were bred to be murder machines.
They get sterilized when they move to Israel.
He's such a cowardly faggot that it's believable.
No, he meant Death Con. Death Con 1 was in the Pale of Settlement. Death Con 2 was Auschwitz. Now Ye is putting on Death Con 3.
The best propaganda is the truth.
Just because ISIS was used as mercenaries for Clean Break doesn't mean they weren't trying to put their guys on someone else's soil, and the ultimate goal of Clean Break is Greater Israel, which requires Israel's boots on ground from the Brook of Egypt to the Euphrates. If you aren't putting your boots on their ground, you don't want to win.
Fact: Women complainng the world becoming Handmaid's Tale and other similar screeds on the internet is actually hornyposting.
The ultimate goal of war has always and will always be to put your guys on their soil.
The Civil Rights Act has always been a shadow constitution that grants extra privileges to non-whites.
Pedo Peter's shower fun time is the other major part of the laptop from hell, along with his 10%.
It's not a matter of deserving. It's how it is whether you like it or not. Trump has a cult around him and is the living brand for anti-establishment, which was cemented by the raid. Reality will not conform to your whims no matter how much you pout. Try affecting politics in your local area, where you might actually be able to change things.
You are delusional if you still think Trump is the best choice.
It's cute that you think there is a choice. The FBI made the decision for everyone at Mar-A-Lago.
Trump is at his best when he can communicate directly with his people. He can't tweet and he can't get TV interviews. Let him do his thing.
You've mistaken me for a Trump fan boy. He is extremely disappointing. He also wins bigly and the regime is scared of him. Trump is the guy whether you or I like it or not. He has shifted the dialectic. His simple existence in the White House focuses the spreadsheet-Americans on him instead of ruining the world.
DeSantis is being pushed by Con Inc and other snakes, which should tell you everything you need to know. He goes where he sees power, just as Cruz does.
Stop getting emotionally wrapped up in electoral politics. If voting could truly change things, they wouldn't let us do it. Ride the Tiger.
Hammering Biden is counter-productive and helps the regime's kabuki theater. Pedo Peter is not responsible for a single policy. The problem is the ruling class.
The people Trumps trusts to advise him and execute orders are a significant problem. The stuff he says completely unfiltered is why people vote for him.
They are jealous since only family cares about middle aged women.
A polack went to the optometrist and asked if he could read the eye chart. The polack replied, "Read it‽ I know the guy."
His previous speeches were far more restrained. It's not a good sign that Putin is becoming more Eurasianist. Vlad was a moderating force to the MOD types that want to kill all anglos with an asiatic horde.
This is what non-profits have always done.