During the Summer of Love, the Washington Post ran a front page special article about how BLM should take notes from the Haitian Revolution.
They're also chucking rocks at Teslas while they're being driven. They're being a bit coy about that one (because they could obviously kill somebody) but they're well past the point of being gay little vandals.
There's no hiding those cracked out eyes, might as well lean into it.
I've never seen anyone mention this, but there's an extra layer of fake and gay to the he/they thing - It literally didn't exist until pronouns in bio became a thing, and I don't mean as a social contagion. I mean prior to pronouns in bio, nobody conceptualized pronouns like that. Nobody demanded to be referred to as he/they because nobody even formatted pronouns as groupings like he/him or whatever.
Sure, then he could be one of thousands of guitarists you might watch one video of on Youtube, if he's lucky. It hardly makes a difference. Maybe Walsh is such a lame bitch that he thinks being reasonably good at guitar is cool enough to immediately propel you to rockstar status, but that's not actually how it works in reality. The career path of the vast majority of guitarists starts at gigs and ends in a cubicle.
You gotta wonder what's going on in Walsh's life that he needs to comment on the productivity of highly autistic nerds playing video games. Dude must have been cucked by somebody with a NES collection or something, I swear to god.
I believe they got stricter about holds in later installments. It's been a long time, but I vaguely recall holds being basically optional in 3, but there being a minimum hold time in one of the non-numbered sequels.
I wouldn't even care at this point. Europe isn't our ally, the European rulers are the allies of the American rulers, and our rulers extract tribute from us on behalf of their allies. If Trump is disrupting that alliance, all the better for us. Russia's gain is not my loss.
In this case, it's probably not from repetition, but from pressing too hard at too wide an angle for too long. Gotta change up your hand posture a little bit while you're playing.
1% gay shit is a lot different in a world where the people who want it are merely obnoxious, as opposed to a world where they've gotten everything they've wanted for fifteen years and all its done is embolden them to publicly jerk themselves raw to fantasies of killing us. Things change, motivations are revealed, and new context is created.
"If x came out today" is one of the dishonest psychological hacks created by vicious little faggots that has wormed its way into public consciousness. It only works because most people mindlessly regurgitate on whatever dumb fucking meme they've been programmed with. So what if New Vegas coming out today would be treated differently? It's a different world, with different people and more history to draw upon. What fucking cretin is so detached that he would treat it the same today?
Alternative title: Woman taps into her retard blood to overpower two malnourished rice farmers in rural Vietnam.
Clef could be a dude, could also be a Korean woman with botched plastic surgery. Looks like somebody took an Instagram filter to Michael Jackson.
Always good to take a second and remember that leftists seriously want to force you to call those Shreklings "women."
One of the most shocking things is that the man-face spicy latina is not actually trying to fuck the mashed potato-faced ambiguously Asian girl. I would not be surprised if the latina was a latino at one point and it was supposed to be a "transbian," but somebody yanked the leash. 1999 had to have been a money pit and DE has been chasing the high of We All Lift Together going relatively mainstream without success since.
Everything since Reb took over as creative director has basically just been her spewing her middle-aged unmarried career women issues out in video game form.
Men are bad and abusive and masculinity is the root of all pain.
Where are all the good men, I'm lonely.
My gay best friend is lonely too.
This young ethnic man wants to fuck me and doesn't take "no" for an answer because he knows my rejection of him is my insecurity, not disinterest.
She's just playing House with a hundred-million dollar IP.
Some of the more clever ones have pivoted to "Well actually it's stress from the Trump EOs," because it turns out that it takes slightly more than ten days to train an air traffic controller.
Here she is an hour prior to saying that.
This dumb whore waited all of an hour, as if we wouldn't all see that she's demanding the deaths of infidels. I wish we lived in the world they act like we were living in. Moving back to whatever rape-pit shithole she's from should be preferable to getting exactly what she deserves in the UK.
I remember hearing a phrase from Sargon when he was getting out of his "classical liberal" phase. Dunno where he got it, but it sums it up nicely:
All progressives want is a moral permission to oppress.
If Trump followed rigorous adherence to protocols, half of our generals would have been put up against the wall for the intentional bureaucratic delay they used to defy Trump while preparing the Afghanistan pullout.
This whole thing has made me seriously wonder if Vavra's been huffing gas. He sounds like coy progs did in 2014 when they were trying to find cracks to slip the "Europe was never white" wedge in, except it's 2025 now and we've already been down this slippery slope. Nobody's fooled by it at this point. You've either long since learned to detect prog signaling and reject it immediately, or you're a normie consumer zombie and can't be "fooled" anymore than a houseplant can.
Liberals are so fucking exhausting. They're like method actors who can't or won't get out of character. Deep down, they all know Musk didn't do the salute, but they just can't stop themselves from playing the role of the outraged liberal. Late night talk shows and social media have rewarded this behavior for so long that liberals probably can't even remember when they last acted like sober human beings. Some of them were raised this way and probably never did.
What's more, Musk will probably just play into it, because he's got the same personality flaws as fucking Chris-chan. The dude bought Twitter because the internet practically dared him to. Now they're basically daring him to be a Nazi, so what, are we gonna get a couple weeks where he pretends to be the fakest and gayest Nazi alive? Spare me this bullshit.
Gay niggers in 1400s Bohemia
Not woke
Also noteworthy interaction with the CM. Warhorse loves their tranny Youtubers. 60k subs is literally fucking nothing. Not that you even need to check, you can tell by reading his bio alone that Warhorse is pozzed.
Especially when he's clearly not shy about voicing his position on it otherwise. Well, either that, or he's phenomenally retarded.
My favorite landmark in my old neighborhood is a stump with a sign for a reforestation organization on it.
There was one reply Rufo retweeted which was basically "You could live the 1950s lifestyle on this budget so I don't get why you're complaining."
First of all, lol no. That's enough to buy your home and raise a family on a single income and have a comfortable retirement if you live in Smallville. How many fast food manager positions are there in Smallville? Two? Three? You're gonna be the one in a thousand who gets that position? If you live somewhere with an active tech industry (you know, the places that have the jobs you're qualified for), your cost of living is gonna be way higher. And god forbid you're trying to find work in your hometown, rather than being an economic migrant in your own country.
Second, what happened to 70 years of growth? What happened to four generations of sacrifice between now and then that we can only afford 1950s wealth to our own people? Well I know what happened to that wealth. You formed an Everyone But White Men coalition, paid off the peons, and took the rest for yourselves. Or at least, some people did - Rufo gets paid more in momentary influence than actual wealth, because he apparently has the disposition of a woman who settles for being the third wife in a polygamy.
Yeah yeah sure, hardened Canadian warriors marched through a thousand miles of nothing and fought their way through barely-trained militia farmers to burn down a shitty swamp house 200 years ago. Fucking whatever.
What are you going to fight for? Gay crosswalks? Chinese landlords? Being called to selfless suicide when you can no longer work to provide gibs to people who wipe with their hands, if at all? You're a nation of arrogant, delusional liberals that doesn't even want to exist. Frankly, your people probably want to be conquered at this point, which makes it sting all the worse that you were never worth the effort.