Yeah, but unemployment is OK because the government can just do makework jobs at minimum wage and print more money to cover it.
It's just the universities though! It'll never get out into the real world!
I like how it doesn't rule out nonwhites for "parasitic whiteness". I guess the old construction of grouplover doesn't work anymore.
Richard Biggs, Stephen Franklin. Stephen Furst, Vir Cotto. Andreas Katsulas, G'Kar. Jerry Doyle, Michael Garabaldi. Jeff Conaway, Zack Allan. Michael O'Hare, Jeffrey Sinclair. Tim Choate, Zathrases.
WTF Mira Furlan [Delenn] died at the start of this year from West Nile virus!
Holy hell I didn't know about like half of those.
Going to go be sad now.
I don't know what I hate Kenney for more, all this retardation or that he's handing the province to the NDP on a silver platter.
I hear the Queer Kids Stuff moonbat is working for Nickelodeon now.
Complete coincidence, I'm sure.
Grenade "accident" more likely.
Man gets picture of woman in power removed because it offends him.
Yay feminism?
Twitter: pronouns in bio, mask in avatar
Dead tree: Race/apology in signature
"I have a mortgage. I have a car note. I have light bill, gas bill, water bill, internet bill,"
cable bill, Netflix bill, Doordash and Uber Eats bills....
Alberta? You mean the province that's saying it's going to loosen lockdown rules on churches to 1/3 of fire code limits in four days?
Uhhh... Is that a lesser-known character from the Robotix movie?
Dangerous information like that the disease started in a lab?
Yeah, my father was pushing me to get the vaccine as well. I had to get genuinely mad at him before he backed off. (And I'm not getting it because I had the 'rona back in January. The vaccine, even if you assume it's perfectly fine, is useless to me.)
I forget, is this the long weekend for the Easter worshipers?
Step 1: Suspend elections "only during a pandemic". Step 2: Declare a neverending pandemic.
They never outright come out and say they're being dictators, they always have a few extra steps to put a veneer on it.
I did not know VirusTotal was theirs. Dammit.
Brown blames poverty for the actions of the ultra young criminals, not bad parenting or policies.
It must be the nebulous problem you tell the bad parents that your policies will fix. There's no way you'd direct the blame at the people you're gulling, or you.
Carrey is weird and the movie predates the Y2K apocalypse that killed us all. This is the definition of "nothing new". I suppose it's OK as an attempt to avoid talking about current events...?
Honestly, it's probably worth it to read far more of God in the Dock: Essays on Theology than that one quote. For instance, to mine nothing more than other parts of the same paragraph:
If the justification of exemplary punishment is not to be based on desert but solely on its efficacy as a deterrent, it is not absolutely necessary that the man we punish should even have committed the crime. The deterrent effect demands that the public should draw the moral, 'If we do such an act we shall suffer like that man.' The punishment of a man actually guilty whom the public think innocent will not have the desired effect; the punishment of a man actually innocent will, provided the public think him guilty. But every modern State has powers which make it easy to fake a trial. When a victim is urgently needed for exemplary purposes and a guilty victim cannot be found, all the purposes of deterrence will be equally served by the punishment (call it 'cure' if you prefer) of an innocent victim, provided that the public can be cheated into thinking him guilty. It is no use to ask me why I assume that our rulers will be so wicked. The punishment of an innocent, that is, an undeserving, man is wicked only if we grant the traditional view that righteous punishment means deserved punishment. Once we have abandoned that criterion, all punishments have to be justified, if at all, on other grounds that have nothing to do with desert. Where the punishment of the innocent can be justified on those grounds (and it could in some cases be justified as a deterrent) it will be no less moral than any other punishment.
To be 'cured' against one's will and cured of states which we may not regard as disease is to be put on a level with those who have not yet reached the age of reason or those who never will; to be classed with infants, imbeciles, and domestic animals. But to be punished, however severely, because we have deserved it, because we 'ought to have known better', is to be treated as a human person made in God's image.
Builds a mass censorship engine.
"It's for a noble cause. We're the good guys!"
Yes, drag an aimless chancer like Shoe0nhead into the argument. There's no way to better make yourself into a farce than by invoking another farce.
Whitmer said her husband, Marc Mallory, made a failed attempt at humor when he made the request of a boat contractor.
She still doesn't realize that "Oh, my husband just was making a joke about how I fucked up this guy's business." doesn't actually sound better than "My husband was trying to use my name to jump to the front of the line."
I'd believe them giving him a young female research assistant or something though.
What'd give more bonus points: Chinese exchange student or Soviet exchange student?