Smith1980 5 points ago +5 / -0

So on one hand they are oppressed, but on the other hand they have time to be upset about this?

Smith1980 15 points ago +15 / -0

True. I just remember seeing footage of the residents screaming at the mayor. Reminds me of a Democrat cousin who was complaining about the pushing of lgbt into every space. I just told him that is what he voted for and he said well I don’t agree with that

Smith1980 5 points ago +5 / -0

That what I was thinking. If I was a white dude in that situation I would’ve said Daniel Penny and went back to reading

Smith1980 39 points ago +39 / -0

They were saying they didn’t vote for this but what did you think electing a super far left mayor meant

Smith1980 9 points ago +9 / -0

I just remember because except for Saturday (Saturn) English days of the week uses the corresponding Norse god/goddess from Romans. I only knew about that because I know Spanish and their days of the week come from the Latin/Roman names

Smith1980 17 points ago +17 / -0

I mean Norse Mythology is ingrained somewhat in our language. Why do they think we call today Thursday

Smith1980 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yea Batman beyond was great. Problem starts when the oversaturate with so many Batman variants

Smith1980 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Just like I think a Just Stop Oil protester will be killled or seriously injured one day

Smith1980 12 points ago +12 / -0

People that do these things are so annoying. I probably would’ve confronted him. Easy to say but I can’t stand these antics

Smith1980 20 points ago +20 / -0

So I guess they are using the NASCAR strategy

Smith1980 24 points ago +24 / -0

Oakland loves their criminals and then they are shocked at all the crime. To paraphrase Sowell and Friedman… when you incentivize something you get more of it. I hope someone comes to help that man

Smith1980 16 points ago +16 / -0

You’d think a tractor company would know their customer base and mission

Smith1980 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’ve never believed that gamers wanted more diversity. Especially not by the definition they use. I guess they can manipulate stats to show that gamers want lgbt stuff in everything

Smith1980 6 points ago +6 / -0

Awesome! My parents talked to me about saving and investing but I didn’t listen until my late 30s. So better late than never. My goal is to be debt free within 3 years. Congrats

Smith1980 8 points ago +8 / -0

You are right and I have debt I’m paying off due to stupid decisions when I was younger. Have a good job but also do surveys on the side to make a little extra and I house sit in the summer so that is some extra cash as well. But I’ve learned the hard way how quickly eating out can add up. Thankfully I do a hybrid at work so I only have to be in the office twice a week so that saves on gas. You are right, there are things that can be done

Smith1980 37 points ago +37 / -0

And people are so clueless about inflation or the Fed. Add to that the braindead media pumping out articles about how high inflation is a good thing or the economy is actually great but we are too stupid to see it.

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