Well I hadn't see it, and unless it's from a time he wasn't a politician it doesn't really matter when it was. It's still relevant to demonstrate what a giant piece of shit fraud this "McCain but skullfucked" israhell first faggot is. Got owned by a 10 year old girl and took it like the pathetic worm he is.
It would be a real shame if someone plucked out the other eye and fucked that hole too... so he has a matched set.
On this Scipio laughed, and added, “What would you have said if you had conquered me? ”
“Then I would have placed Hannibal not only before Alexander and Pyrrhus, but before all other commanders. Ha HA!!! King Kong ain't got SHIT on me!!!”
I was thinking of mentioning that, he's the forever alone meme. Love when Leah Brahms finds his holodeck goon room complete with the compliant real doll version of her. Pretty sure he would be accused of extreme gaslighting and every sex crime under the sun now. Though I thought it was hilarious in the series finale alternate future he was supposed to have wound up marrying her and having kids.
As far as I'm concerned he should be forced to wear the uniform and the visor at all public appearances, like in Galaxy Quest. In fact the only thing he should be doing is appearing in character to promote the opening of shitty used car dealerships in Pasadena, at a flat $35 rate.
Yeah it's pretty funny. I like TNG to this day but this nigger was the least important character and completely uninteresting. Outside of other scholar seasoning-americans who never actually watched the show claiming he was their favorite, no one gave one flying fuck about Geordi LaForge.
He should be beyond grateful he was typecast and didn't just have his retarded little roots moment in the 70s before vanishing into obscurity and a cloud of crack smoke.
People don't realize what they are doing interacting with this shit. Just entering a prompt into chatgpt is offering consent that has ramifications we cannot imagine and starts a ball rolling in one direction: down.
Their stories certainly have helped change my worldview.
I used to be a "life and let live" type many years ago, before this shit was being fired out of every visual and audio medium nonstop.
So now I am firmly a "degenerates must be destroyed entirely and not permitted to even return to the shadows" type, and I thank doughy ambiguous blobs like the faggot in the picture for fueling that fire.
They have never been consistent or operate with any kind of logic, they just say whatever "feels right" or they think will get the most "yass kween" heckin updoots. And their audience are all retarded degenerates who have fried their brain and completely destroyed their attention spans, so they dont even notice or acknowledge current faggotty statement directly contradicts faggotty statment same pedo gender clown made five minutes prior.
You did not and now don't get to move on nigger, you say something this fucking stupid and then double and triple down on it without ever admitting a mistake you can expect to be blasted for it, repeatedly. And you completely deserve it.
Ooh, are you one of those faggots who spent time building up karma then switched gears to subversion, or are you just taking the piss?
This exact thing has been happening all over pretty much every .win community but most especially conpro and here. I've pointed the same thing out but your brevity really marked it for exactly what it is.
How about you just take your lumps, because your comments in this chain are smug predditor faggot shit.
You spoke definitively about something you were 100% wrong about, and instead of admitting fault and moving on you start bitching about "not being allowed to get things wrong". Several others have pointed out (with more patience than me because I've got almost none left for the likes of you) where you were wrong and you persist in your self inflicted victimhood. Perhaps the prudent course of action would've been to confirm your position before acting like it was irrefutable.
If anything, people that get things this wrong need to be MORE severely derided, not less. Every mouthbreathing cunt with an obamaphone thinks their opinion is infallible. Just fire your retarded bullshit off into the ether and then act like you are the aggrieved party for getting exactly what you deserve.
Exactly. Everyone knew how this was going to go just from reading the first message. Even word is boilerplate legalese/kikespeak. There was no way they were going to "conduct an investigation" and return with any decision other than the one they had arrived at before messaging him.
It's kind of like when a wagie at goymart tells a customer they will go look in the back for a product. They disappear for a few minutes, probably to jerk off in the women's bathroom, and return empty handed. But the illusion of due diligence has been maintained.
For me as well. A line from the Game of Thrones books has always stayed with me, even though it's been many years since I read them. I suppose the truth of it was solidified in those dark days in 2020 and beyond.
Maester Aemon: A craven can be as brave as any man, when there is nothing to fear. And we all do our duty, when there is no cost to it. How easy it seems then, to walk the path of honor. Yet soon or late in every man's life comes a day when it is not easy, a day when he must choose.
I hear you. I too don't need to fully agree with someone to appreciate them or get along with them...because frankly that just isn't going to happen in the real world. Not today, anyway. I'm happy if people are somewhat onboard with about 25% of what I believe... for most normies the opinions we hold are a bridge too far, but only because they fear to peer into the darkness that we have seen. And they should be scared; what we have seen is terrifying. Doesn't change the fact that any man of honor & integrity has a duty to do exactly that, but I digress.
I cancelled my cable several years ago too, and tangentially to what you are talking about I've lost more than a few relationships over the years that were deeply important to me. Some I cut off, even more cut me off. Especially during the (((pandemic))) where a lot of people showed their true character, for good or ill. Some are still "friends" but I will never trust them again. Point being: I've gotten quite comfortable with walking away from people that once mattered, so walking away from some shabbos goy profiteer "entertainer" pretending to be based means nothing to me.
And just so this post doesn't end on a sour note or end overly negative, I've also been pleasantly surprised to find some people that I misjudged display far more character than I thought they had. Not nearly as common as the above, but then I've always valued quality over quantity. In things, ideas, and people.
I've always loathed Nerdrotic and pretty much anyone that is an adult, especially a middle aged "man", who makes videos in a room surrounded by goy toys. He also pinged my sonar as an (((inconspicuous fellow scifi geek))) from the first time I saw him.
I did like Critical Drinker for a while, until I realized that like all of the rest of the "acceptable" supposedly right wing/non-woke youtubers: he nose exactly the topic and group to stay far away from. Just like all the others, he feigns ignorance/confusion at the state of hollywood like it's just poor decisions made by individuals working without coordination instead of intentional destruction of all properties that had some decent message or displayed actual virtue & inspiration. And even when he does stray towards acknowledging coordinated effort, it's in a manner meant to lead the viewer away from the actual culprits.
And as you said, it's very suspicious that every single one of them loved Picard season 3. They are all pied pipers who are happy to cash out acting as controlled opposition and endlessly rehashing the same talking points. If they had the balls to actually confront the real issues and source of the problem in entertainment: their platform would disintegrate overnight.
Your last paragraph is spot on. I watched season 1 of Discovery & season 1 of Picard and that was enough for me...but I was able to be roped back in for season 3 of Picard because I grew up with TNG in it's first run.
I will admit I did enjoy season 3...at first. What's most interesting to me in hindsight, is that as soon as it was over, I was over it. It left practically no residual impression on me. There were a lot of pretty solid guest performances (Ensign Ro's return being the standout) but in the end it did wind up being nothing but memberberries and filler. A high calorie meal with no nutrition, no real sustenance.
Contrast that to TOS, TNG, and DS9 which all still have profoundly effecting & evocative moments that I reflect on even after many repeated viewings across the last nearly 40 years. I remember how satisfied I felt in 94 after watching "All Good Things..." which was a wonderful note to leave on, especially considering in my opinion Season 7 is the weakest of TNG.
Even when Nutrek is somewhat good, and the only instance of that is Picard season 3...it is still a poor simulacrum for the genuine article. In fact Data in season 3 is a perfect analogy: a golem with every related character stuffed into one body that is less than the sum of it's parts and at it's best is still just a pale imitation of something with far more heart, soul, and staying power.
What's funny is that episode is basically the gender clownery we are enduring now taken to it's conclusion if allowed to continue on it's trajectory unobstructed. The story is about a whole fucking planet of non-binary they/thems and one of the aliens firmly says she is a girl. So the governing force sends her to re-education camp and she comes out brainwashed and no longer thinking she is female.
I know the claim is that it was an inversion & indictment of so called conversion therapy and claims to defend gays and other members of the alphabet soup...but it's amusing to me that I've never in my lifetime seen evidence of something like conversion therapy to de-gay someone occurring with the force of the state/media/academia/etc backing it...and I'm old enough to have grown up with TNG in it's first run. What I have seen for a very long time is abject mockery and scorn of anyone who has anything negative to say against the alphabet soup, especially if they are Christians. What I see all the time now are zealots infesting places like twitter & reddit- keeping everyone in line with social pressure and fear of being ostracized or cancelled. And when you hear stories of people that de-trans, is there a single one where they don't talk about the viciousness their former "allies" treated them with?
Was going to point out Tapestry as that was not only a great episode but philosophically a profound lesson for all. Our flaws and our failures or the things we are not proud of are still a huge part of how we become who we are...and we often learn and grow far more from these than our triumphs and the things we are proud of.
One thing that is funny to me is that the "le racisms!" they always focus on are the garb they were and the way they speak...which is basically just how most Africa-Africans sound.
Interesting that the never mention the whole conflict of the episode is that the king sees Tasha Yar, a blonde White woman, and decides he doesn't want his current wife queen stank booty anymore. So he just grabs Yar and transports out and claims her as his new wife. It's amusing to me that I never here these soy lefty actors winging about that aspect.
As everyone else has pointed out it's an embarrassingly shitty episode but not because of the "stereotypes" but because it is poorly written and frankly kind of boring. But no one seemed to have a problem with the episode of Irish-Aliens that were transported on the Enterprise to a new colony...where the men are all drunks and they are kept in the cargo bay sleeping in piles of hay next to their livestock. I wonder why that doesn't raise any of these performative activist's ire?
Sokath, his bike stolen!
A man who is legitimately a follower of Christ instead of a chameleon who wants to use the religion as a shield (and a political weapon) would not have that reaction.
The question was legitimate, and nothing about him is.