AssCreed Nigero : Asian Hate edition was developped by Ubisoft Québec.
Both 24h and 12AM/PM are commonly used. The ''official'' being the 24h system.
Not being a total degenerate piece of shit Ubisoft Challenge : Impossible.
Aren't feminist women supposed to be on a full sex strike since Roe vs Wade was overturned?
Sends nudes to a male feminist.
Surprised Pikachu slut face when he turns-out to be a sex-pest.
Including one from a domestic abuse survivor.
Unless he was beating her himself or manipulating her straight out of the house she was getting beaten how is this relevant?
Obvious ''wimminz are special victims of everything, and this one is a double victim, which makes getting her nudes double bad!''
millions of years
Out of curiosity, what traces of human civilizations would be left after 10 000 years?
Stonehenge was pretty ruined after just 3000 years.
How did they get stuck for 9 months?
It all started with a flawed Boeing test flight last spring.
Haaaaaaahahahahahaha. Boeing.
These women should be excited for either their (n)th child being born, or a grandchild being born.
Instead they agitate for the destruction of their people.
The White Feathers Empty Egg Cartoon mouvement.
''Stop trying to fix the sinking ship. I want you to listen and understand my feelings, don't try to fix everything and listen.''
No no, it makes perfect sense.
The fire started in the Ikea cafeteria. Which serves poutine.
Ramming up the cleansing of European history to remove White people from it. The usual propaganda / erasure to proceed with a genocide.
The offer : ''No tarifs on Canadian exports. But we get to keep tarifs on imports to Canada and not contribute to border security.''
The BC kangoroo court of ''human rights'' was actively helping Jonathan Yaniv legally harass female beauticians who refused to wax his balls.
The only reason the kangoroo court's judge didn't rule in favor of the plaintif was because Yaniv yapped publicly too much against the defendants for being immigrants not respecting tranny Canadian culture enough by performing gendeer-affirming ball-waxing.
Bonus lulz : at the time the legal filings were using the name ''Jonathan Yaniv''.
These courts need to be dismantled. The one in Québec that went after Mike Ward for jokes about a child celebrity, was later found out to be packed with pedos in high level positions.
Maby they were just mad that Ward was insulting their preteen waifu.
Sexually-explicit drawings of kids is pedo.
Opening the door to criminalizing drawings is still bad.
There were several chirping smoke detectors during the full interview :
Bonus lulz : '' Charges of assault and battery have been filed.''
Well those batteries are obviously not charged.
Man she went full ape with a strong head-bashing.
Disagreeing with her is being a manchild, duh.
Matt ''sick leave is for pussies'' Walsh.
Did you spend $250 on a collector's item and she is aware of that?
She is thinking that's $250 you chose to ''waste'' instead of spending it on her.
Thus you are ''obsessed'' with your hobby and that's a red flag.
Going to a games convention to see interesting stuff and find a couple old games without the ''e-bay tax''? OMG what a manchild.
Here, the Court finds, by clear and convincing evidence, that Dr Mann, through [his lawyers] Mr Fontaine and Mr Williams, acted in bad faith when they presented erroneous evidence and made false representations to the jury and the Court regarding damages stemming from loss of grant funding. … The Court does not reach this decision lightly.
So in other words... Mann made shit up again.
They [ Mann and his lawyer ] each knowingly made a false statement of fact to the Court and Dr Mann knowingly participated in the falsehood, endeavouring to make the strongest case possible even if it required using erroneous and misleading information.
I wonder if he displayed this behavior in other contexts. We shall never know...
I vaguely recall an episode where Frieren met one of the few last elves alive, a male, and didn't bother trying to save her people by making children.
Purrsecution was too on the nose.
He likely pays plenty of sales taxes anyway.
He deserves a games console, a medal and a licence to carry-on exterminating child rapists.
The UK planned to massively kill German civilians by dropping 5 million anthrax-filled cakes ( they were made, and ready to drop ) to infect cattle in Germany during WW II.