RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Iirc right didn't they hide the white portraits or diversify them or something? I remember a big kerfuffle because they kept removing and calling white portrait restoration mods racist.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah BGG is terrible, I once went on there trolling saying something like "I'm whatever flavor the week sexuality and this offends me" and I was floored how many comments came in saying "Me too!" or "I feel seen" and yada yada.

It definitely attracts that community but then again the board game community is wild, you have people there dropping thousands upon thousands of dollars on games and expansions for them.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

An interesting theory I've read and makes sense to me with how crazy society is that alot of the actors of the time jumped on the crazy Scientology bandwagon to escape joining the pedo Hollywood cult.

Scientology does have some power behind it and while bizarre I'm sure it's preferable to the pedos and moloch worshippers. It's an interesting thought at least.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

So one of the bigger mod teams of the Warhammer 40k community split off years back and recently-ish one of the team released a mod called Unification. People were hyped at first but as time when on people realized it's buggy as all hell, doesn't fit together and pulls assets from other games and modders without their permission.

Since there's been a whole thing where the mod team have threatened modders for pointing this stuff out and have had the admins pull competiting mods and silence alot of the criticism. It's definitely stiffened the community because modders either get their work sucked up into Unification or just have left because the mod team threatens them. It's sadly a shit show and definitely sheds light on why the big team split apart in the first place.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think if you like the first you'll like this one, it might be a little on the nose with the villain but I enjoyed my time with it. It was definitely infinitely better than the weaker entries.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah but you don't need F4SE most of the time. Most mods are just esp/bsa archives so as long as you can drag and drop you should be fine with the majority of mods.

RipleywasRightLV426 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah and I don't trust the admins after all the stuff that happened with the 40k Dawn of War mods.

RipleywasRightLV426 9 points ago +9 / -0

Which is interesting because the recent one is a love letter to the first one. Someone getting stabbed on a bridge, Ethan's sleight of hand tricks, Max's daughter on a train, hell they even brought back Kittridge.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes the self reflection is just not here. From the comments he doesn't present as a "good person" yet these woman still won't sleep with him.

RipleywasRightLV426 0 points ago +3 / -3

How are you "successful" by every metric of success that men want to see in other men? You're a 35 year old man who sits around jerking off, playing videogames, blaming society for their problems and literally has to pay for sex. Who aspires to be that?

So you make $150k/yr and have a masters, so? I know plenty of men who make a third of that a year yet have loving wives and children. You have no partner, no children, you're literally going to leave behind a bank account that'll go to the society you hate so much and a unfinished BG3 save and a mountain of porn.

You say you're far more productive but also that you're suicidal and hate society so why should anyone trust anything you work on? You need to fix your problems man because I honestly don't blame any woman or person who stays clear of you.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +4 / -3

Where did you pull good and bad from? I'm just pointing out the fact you yourself say you're suicidal, have no hobbies or pursuits and make no efforts in dating and yet expect woman to fall in your lap, so my question again is why would they? Furthermore if life was "optimally" as you wish why would any girl's father pick you over anyone else? You still wouldn't be getting laid in that case, because any father with half a brain would want someone better for their daughter.

And again how am I part of the problem, I'm not sitting here with suicidal thoughts wasting my days jerking off. Society would be better off without men like YOU, because honestly what are YOU providing to society? How is sitting there playing BG3 with your dick in your hand advancing anything or doing anything for the world?

RipleywasRightLV426 0 points ago +4 / -4

How am I part of the problem? I'm not here writing six paragraphs on why a woman won't fuck me and saying things like "I hope I die rather soon, tbh". Society is not forcing you to think that, society is not forcing you to jerk off and do nothing for fun. These are your words and actions, not mine and you complain but then also say that you won't change anything about yourself.

There's nothing wrong with you yet no woman will sleep with you. Both things can't be true.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +5 / -4

Bruh honestly you need to ask yourself why would any woman date or sleep with you to begin with? In your own words you say you don't put any effort into dating, hate all woman, and don't do anything for fun or have any pursuits or hobbies besides jerking off. On top of that you sound incredibly depressed and aren't doing anything to fix that.

So why would anyone want that? Like sure blame your age or society if you want but running off to Thailand isn't gonna fix the real problems your having.

RipleywasRightLV426 4 points ago +4 / -0

This, the quickest way to dry a woman up is start talking about your insecurities or making yourself weak which is why I find this push to make men "let their feelings be known" is so damaging.

RipleywasRightLV426 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think you misunderstood my position, I'm not saying that all drugs should be legal I'm just pointing out they were used in many medical forms back in the day and while illegal to the general public they are still used (usually under patent now) in that setting.

Again look at weed, why was it banned? Clearly wasn't reefer madness, because it's quasi legal in most of the country and people aren't losing their minds. And that's saying something especially with the purity and extractions you can get nowadays.

And that's alot of drugs too, why were they put on scheduled lists? What were they competing against? It's interesting to dive into without saying all drugs should be legal, which they shouldn't. I don't need to be able to buy opium on a street corner, but it's a curious question why did the world survive just fine when you could?

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's not just the white nationalist types, I've been seeing even the hardcore Christians and Muslims be like hey maybe we join together and crusade against this evil they're pushing. It's very interesting the world these leftists are pushing us into.

RipleywasRightLV426 11 points ago +11 / -0

I do think J6 pretty much was the perfect cover for the whole thing. Literally anyone who had legitimate evidence or complaints were immediately thrown under the bus and questioning the election became "continuing the treason". It poisoned the well so deep that even today they still use J6 as a counter to any evidence.

It really activates the almonds that before the evacuations that day they were supppsed to review part of the evidence as part of a session but when they came back and did an "emergency session", it couldn't be brought up do to the emergency rules.

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

I mean every social setting and group I've ever seen women in exclusively viciously tear each other apart.

It was incredibly illuminating to see the bonds of brotherhood between guys in the military, college, fraternal orgs etc while all the female units and orgs could barely function due to the cat fighting.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +3 / -1

Because it was profitable to a lot of people to outlaw them. That was why weed was crushed back in the day and alot of other drugs were removed or made illegal when it became a opponent to up and growing pharmaceutical companies.

Look at the hard drugs are still used today, Opium derivatives used in surgeries, Meth prescribed to kids with adhd etc

RipleywasRightLV426 3 points ago +3 / -0

A little out of left field, but the complete Metal Gear Solid V. I mean yes you can pick up a copy off a shelf right now but the game itself is unfinished and with Kojima off doing walking sims it will never be.

Like a full third of the game was never finished, mission 51 was only the tip off the iceberg with the behind the scenes knowledge we have today. Complete story arcs, characters, gameplay systems, hell the actual ending of the game all cut or just not finished.

I am eternally curious to know what actually happened between Kojima and Konami. You don't see that treatment in Japanese businesses especially with someone that beloved and of that level of status in a company.

RipleywasRightLV426 12 points ago +12 / -0

Yup I'm honestly with the investors and planners who say now you should invest asap in cat food and box wine because those markets will be booming with these people.

RipleywasRightLV426 5 points ago +5 / -0

Pretty much. I personally find it hilarious when people like this or some of the lgbt community come out for this shit because it's like you don't have kids and you won't. Your ideology will die out with you.

RipleywasRightLV426 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're definitely not the same people, at least them I have a modicum of respect for. I mean was there any real reason for that war? I helped fight in it and I couldn't tell you what or why it was for.

These people are just anarchists or communists falling into the "popular movement" just like all those falling in line during the Cultural Revolution. I don't think they realize they'd be lined up against the wall with everyone else.

RipleywasRightLV426 15 points ago +15 / -0

God I hate when they say shit like this. If the founding fathers were alive today they'd be burning the fucking country to the ground just because of income tax alone let alone everything else.

RipleywasRightLV426 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ahhh yes the tranny who posted pictures of a prisoner of war he executed on twitter and then tried to delete them.

I was really hoping he'd be gone after taking that artillery shell a year back.

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