RaceCreatesCulture 10 points ago +10 / -0

Let me translate: "we hate the way God made us so we need to change things because we're better than God and know better than God."

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. Only men should be allowed to earn resources from work but if a man wishes for his woman to work he can have her work but he gets all the earnings from her work.

RaceCreatesCulture 19 points ago +20 / -1

It's also justified in defense of your friends/family and fellow man but not just when they are in immediate danger to their life but also when the quality of their life is in danger and their civilization is in danger.

In any case, what I'm saying is you are always justified to use violence against your enemies.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +3 / -3

You are 100% correct and it's quite apparent. The irony though is I've dated hundreds of women and her neuroticism traits STILL make her better than the vast majority of women I've encountered. All women are fucked. If you think the woman you're with isn't you just can't see it which is probably worse because you can't work around it until it blows up in your face and you'll never see it coming.

Taking another position, one might even argue the more women are scared of men the better they act overall.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +4 / -4

I don't get what's not to like though? She isn't scared of talking to me. Why would I even want her talking to other men anyway?

RaceCreatesCulture 3 points ago +5 / -2

I'll be honest, the fact women are so scared of other people is working great for me right now. I've been dating the hottest girl I've ever dated in my life and part of the reason she's dating me is she's literally scared of other men and feels safe with me. She said she hates going out alone because she's scared men will talk to her so she normally just stays at home all day. If she wasn't so scared of other people, she probably wouldn't be dating me so.... win?

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +3 / -1

Agreed. I would only advocate going to a society where women would be considered as nothing more than the property of a man with 0 personhood such that a husband could kill his wife on a moment's whim without any detriment from the law. Anything short of this would never be enough, imo

RaceCreatesCulture 4 points ago +5 / -1

That's a fair argument but the current system isn't working for a lot of men either. Why should women be given the choice of which men they can and cannot like? Why don't we simply force women to do what we want them to or have them killed if they don't do what we want them to?

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Lots of men who hate women pay for onlyfans. Part of the reason they hate women is the fact they're forced to pay for onlyfans instead of being able to acquire a woman for free.

RaceCreatesCulture 0 points ago +1 / -1

Correct. It's one of those things that leftists actually got right. The entire police force should be disbanded and policing should be left to the public.

RaceCreatesCulture 7 points ago +7 / -0

The Soviets are famous for killing deserters and people trying to not fight in the military. Though perhaps since Jews never made many movies on this topic, you might not be familiar with it. The Germans are not famous for this at all.


Comparing the Ukrainians to Soviets/Communists makes more sense than comparing them to Nazis.

In any case, the Ukrainians being killed is a tragedy thanks to the Americans and Jews that have pushed this war on Ukrainian men. Remember, Zalenskyy is jewish and that's not coincidence.

RaceCreatesCulture 2 points ago +2 / -0

Self-Reported studies are absolutely stupid in all regards. Would you ask a group of monkeys how intelligent they thought they were on a scale of 0-100 then ask a group of humans how intelligent they thought they were on a scale of 0-100 and then report that whoever answered the highest was in fact the most intelligent? Uhhhhhh, what?

Asking women what they think about anything just confirms how women think about something which doesn't necessarily (and most likely) have anything to do with what you're trying to measure.

RaceCreatesCulture 5 points ago +5 / -0

Would you put a cat through a Nuremberg trial? Most women aren't self aware enough for it to matter.

I agree that most men and women are feminist. It doesn't matter for now because nothing will change; however, as society continues to crumble until it finally reached a tipping point, the feminists (both men and women) will be rounded up and killed or forced to change their beliefs because feminism will destroy civilization. That may sound crazy now but it won't be in another century. There's nothing new under the sun and there's a reason no feminist society has survived long or was ever written about how great their accomplishments were. Feminism is not a sustainable belief system, is dysgenic and leads to a society imploding. Men will realize this eventually and make the needed correction, though not until things get really bad which they will soon enough.

RaceCreatesCulture 5 points ago +5 / -0

It's not useless for me though. The purpose is to show people that nearly all women in modernity are feminists. If I wanted to specify something else, I'd say something like "radical feminist" which might only be 60% of women.

RaceCreatesCulture 8 points ago +10 / -2

How to tell if someone is a feminist without asking them if they are a feminist.

Ask them if they think women should vote, if they think women should work in jobs equal to men and if they think women should have equal say to a man in a relationship.

If they answer yes to any of the 3 they are a feminist. I'd wager more like 99% of modern women are feminists.

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not like us Canucks ever asked permission to make accounts on TheDonald

RaceCreatesCulture 31 points ago +34 / -3

They're sure fast to ban anyone naming those that can't be named though... but indian pedos... nah, can't even moderate that, zzzzzzzz.

RaceCreatesCulture 22 points ago +31 / -9

Whoa whoa calm down jewish shill. I'm still a proponent of big anime titties, don't worry, you can jerk off to cartoons all you want. I'm just saying your mods are a little crooked in the nose.

RaceCreatesCulture 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ahh, now you're catching on. The police and military still have significantly numbers of White people. Remember WWII? How many Whites killed Whites at the behest of Jews for the glory of Jews? You aren't going to win the war by having a few kids and kicking the can down the road. Our people ARE THE PROBLEM. You need to start assassinating everyone in charge and bring the system down to its knees. There's nothing that guarantees your kids or their kids will fight your fight. You can only guarantee you so fight now while you can or forever hold your peace and accept your defeat.

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