You're welcome to join the discord and try.
But to quote the movie Cromwell...
"Go again to this King. Offer him once more our terms, though God knows he should be well acquainted with them by now. ... Now, Sir Thomas, if you can achieve this, where we have failed, this trial will end."
We know Root is British, and are pretty certain he's Gen X. He's stated that he sees 1d4chan as immature and something that he enjoyed in his younger days but doesn't relate to now.
Root only did one action on CWC, and that was to delete the page. All subsequent maintenance on the page has been by the community to keep swatting down attempts to rebuild it.
He has, somewhat.
The editor discord was set up by Lemming as a response to Root's absentism. There is a strong desire in the editor community to not schism. As long as Root doesn't offline the site entirely, the editors won't initiate a fork. But measures have already been put in place to facilitate a fork at any time if Root escalates.
There isn't one.
Like I said, it's a standoff.
The editors don't want to cause a schism in the userbase, because if we online a fork while the old domain is live, not everyone will move.
RIght now, the status quo is this:
Root refuses to remove the robot block. The editors have copies of the site ready to go, updated to an S3 bucket daily.
If Root pulls the domain down, the editors will pick a new domain, stand up the latest backup and all that Root accomplishes is that he loses control, he doesn't manage to kill the site.
As long as Root doesn't go nuclear by pulling down, the editors won't go nuclear by using their backups to fork the site.
Hence: Standoff.
Root doesn't like what the site has become.
But the leading editors collaborated to set up scripted content ripping. If he kills the site, it won't die, he'll just lose control and the community will online a new domain.
The situation is a Mexican standoff. We can't make him remove the robots directive, but we won't fork as long as the domain is still running.
It was not censored.
Root deliberately delisted it by adding a robots file. If you're mad about it, go bicker with him on the discord.
Or on the talk page:
He's not going to listen. The editors have argued with him about it for months.
Well, I know exactly how I feel about this...
A USOPC boycott would be very difficult to pull off.
Let's look back at the boycotts of the 1980's.
If an NOC decides to boycott the games, the IOC's response is that they will permit that nation's qualified athletes to compete regardless of the NOC's wishes on the matter. They do this to make it clear that the IOC is not subordinate to the NOCs. But because their NOC is not participating, they compete under the Olympic flag and anthem. Any sanctions the NOCs decide to levy against those athletes is their problem after the fact, and not the IOC's concern.
For a country with as many athletes as the US, you WOULD have people crossing the picket line to compete anyway.
A more practical gesture would be for the USOPC to deliberately CHOOSE to participate under the Olympic flag rather than the Stars & Stripes. A bunch of countries did this in 1980.
I figure they're just
Well, you're going about it all wrong.
See, presented with that sort of situation, I'd take the whole pile of tickets, put it into Puppet and bang out an image for them in an afternoon. Are they bullshitting? Maybe. But they're gonna have to be more creative about it than trying to push the wait on me, cuz I've got my tools figured out.
Oh, you want a new VM too? Wait ten minutes and you'll get an email when the clone is done. Close ticket.
That takes a lot of money.
Cuz I want to do that... with a house... on the coast... of Lake Superior.