You need to watch some Aaron Clarey. HAVING money does not make you more desirable. SPENDING money does. This is why the dudebros who are the most popular with women are usually borderline or actual frauds with sub-500 credit ratings.
I guess you’re right. Not very useful to them if you aren’t spending it on them. Unless they’re in for the long con and want to try to take half of it.
Like, suppose you're a software engineer minimalist. You make 150k but you have a tiny, economy apartment or starter house, cheap beater car and don't spend much on clothes. Maybe you have one or two hobbies you splurge on (gaming rig? minifigs? crypto speculation?) but to outside appearances you look poor unless someone saw your balance sheet.
Money=more desirable
No shit.
You need to watch some Aaron Clarey. HAVING money does not make you more desirable. SPENDING money does. This is why the dudebros who are the most popular with women are usually borderline or actual frauds with sub-500 credit ratings.
I guess you’re right. Not very useful to them if you aren’t spending it on them. Unless they’re in for the long con and want to try to take half of it.
Like, suppose you're a software engineer minimalist. You make 150k but you have a tiny, economy apartment or starter house, cheap beater car and don't spend much on clothes. Maybe you have one or two hobbies you splurge on (gaming rig? minifigs? crypto speculation?) but to outside appearances you look poor unless someone saw your balance sheet.
That ain't hot.