PersecutedIncel -3 points ago +1 / -4

My quality of life will end up there soon enough I don't see why it matters.

PersecutedIncel -3 points ago +2 / -5

Ban immigration and deport all non-Whites from NA and Europe

You act like I'm not already in support of that along with recolonizing the world.

PersecutedIncel 3 points ago +6 / -3

Normies are against this but have to shut up just to keep their jobs and not be banned on whatever site they're communicating on.

PersecutedIncel 0 points ago +4 / -4

Contraceptive should require a prescription showing the person is unfit to breed.

PersecutedIncel 2 points ago +4 / -2

Teen pregnancies are a good thing if the boys are allowed to work at a young age, the girls aren't sent to school, and marriage is forced after pregnancy

PersecutedIncel 9 points ago +18 / -9

Contraception is a jewish invention to destroy white birth rates and normalize premarital sex. Contraceptive sellers deserve death.

PersecutedIncel -1 points ago +11 / -12

Sex ed should be replaced with arranged marriage. too many young boys get left behind in the dating scene.

PersecutedIncel -2 points ago +2 / -4

Yes they are, there's nowhere left to run and the way I see it I'll probably end up dead on the street eventually when I'm unable to find work.

PersecutedIncel -7 points ago +1 / -8

Getting wealthier isn't a possibility and society needs people on the bottom rung to even function, we should still be allowed to live comfortably.

PersecutedIncel 0 points ago +1 / -1

17 year old girls are literal children though wtf is wrong with you pedo? That's like the same as raping a baby

PersecutedIncel 1 point ago +1 / -0

Too bad, you pay $100 per game for always online with microtransactions.

PersecutedIncel -7 points ago +1 / -8

Getting paid more to do less is always good, I don't want to get myself killed working for pay that doesn't even provide enough income to keep me stable in between jobs.

PersecutedIncel -9 points ago +1 / -10

There's several tech companies that had talks between staff of unionising to 'protect workers rights' when really it was to protect their cushy life.

Our cushy lives should be protected, at gun point if need be.

Unionising nowadays is a sign that instead of using talent to justify your pay, you're using sheer weight of numbers to intimidate the company into not ditching them for fear of negative PR when it could be the best decision for the company.

The only bad tactics are the ones that don't work. Jobs are temporary anyway so might as well bleed the company dry since it's not like you'd have a lasting job anyway.

PersecutedIncel 0 points ago +3 / -3

Nobody is hard to replace, new replacements are coming by the thousands every day.

PersecutedIncel -5 points ago +1 / -6

We have no leverage, there's nothing we can do legally and white men are inherently disadvantaged in america.

PersecutedIncel -5 points ago +1 / -6

All jobs pay below what I find acceptable for the work, I shouldn't have to risk my life just to live in a shitty neighborhood where I'll eventually be robbed and killed without having ever reproduced.

PersecutedIncel -11 points ago +2 / -13

Today they are used by people who think they should be able to support a whole family as middle class while standing and monitoring the checkouts at Walmart

Fuck off kike, why should I be condemned to have my genes die out just because I'm forced to work an actually useful job.

PersecutedIncel 5 points ago +4 / --1

Nothing else we can do without getting killed.

PersecutedIncel 3 points ago +4 / -1

Any communication ensures that you you never have a chance to act before you're arrested.

PersecutedIncel 3 points ago +3 / -0

Because the only other option is to be killed.

PersecutedIncel -6 points ago +1 / -7

Prohibition only failed because it ended too soon. it would have succeeded had it lasted long enough for modern mass survielance to be implemented. We're at a point in time where almost everything everybody does can be monitored, analyzed and extrapolated from.

PersecutedIncel -4 points ago +1 / -5

Men are at a disadvantage because they can get another man while men are forced to be incredibly desperate.

PersecutedIncel -1 points ago +1 / -2

Run, run for the fucking hills. "Dump that arse", as I'm sure this bitch would happily say, if the roles were reversed...

Men can't afford to be picky, we have to take anything we can get.

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