PM-Melania-feet-pics 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well at least we don't have to have Daenerys coming out as trans, Jon turning gay for no reason, and the Seven Kingdoms going to a bunch of fat twerking Summer Islanders

PM-Melania-feet-pics 1 point ago +1 / -0

No free healthcare to save him from the dragons Diabeetus and Heart Failure

PM-Melania-feet-pics 2 points ago +2 / -0

They're not stupid, they're evil. They know they don't mean what they say. They don't care. All that matters to them is power. And the only power that matters to them is the power to harm you.

PM-Melania-feet-pics 2 points ago +2 / -0

They are and they do, and it's the media. Obama was just their PR guy and now it's Kamala.

PM-Melania-feet-pics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Normies, by definition, have no thought process beyond the last thing the screen told them to think. You'll "get through to them" and as soon as you walk away they reset to zero.

PM-Melania-feet-pics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Exactly this. Within days of the election (which will be stolen obv) it will pivot from:

Schoolteachers are not "grooming" your children and you sound like a deranged lunatic when you say things like that


The children consented!

PM-Melania-feet-pics 4 points ago +4 / -0

My take was "women need (and deserve!) armies of simps to do their work for them otherwise it won't get done"

PM-Melania-feet-pics 2 points ago +2 / -0

Antisemitism, a crime that Israel can prosecute you for in any country...

PM-Melania-feet-pics 1 point ago +1 / -0

Welcome to the Eternal Now. There's a 4chan pasta about how low iq individuals see no connection between their present and future selves.

PM-Melania-feet-pics 4 points ago +4 / -0

So it's going to get worse until China looks like a bastion of freedom and democracy in comparison?

PM-Melania-feet-pics 8 points ago +11 / -3

Another death by the Suddenly. Imagine how much worse it'd be without the jab!

PM-Melania-feet-pics 3 points ago +3 / -0

Now watch as the people who demanded covid lockdowns turn around and demand faggotry be protected as a human right

PM-Melania-feet-pics 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's because most if not all of the left are:

  • cunty females who easily succumb to groupthink/peer pressure;

  • spineless beta males who are even more easily bullied into compliance by aforementioned cunty females;

  • fags/troons who are some combination of the above.

They think the same tactics will work on us that work on them, because in their arrogance they'll never see that they're the ones in the wrong.

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