Ole_Bowie 25 points ago +25 / -0

I-I'm not reading all that.

Ole_Bowie 1 point ago +1 / -0

Couldn't just come up with a creative insinuation? Cowardly as it is, shit's not worth it in the higher echelons of discussion.

Ole_Bowie 35 points ago +35 / -0

How could this have happend!?

Ole_Bowie 6 points ago +6 / -0

And they are, though there exists a bizarre contingent that I'd encountered in the halcyon days of when /pol/ wasn't fun but still useable.

A strange creature indeed, these nazi catboys.

Ole_Bowie 4 points ago +4 / -0

At some point I forgot that some "femboys" observe themselves as rightwing. I wish to forget again.

Ole_Bowie 5 points ago +6 / -1

I have been there and at its best it can be decent - though every community I'd ever been in somehow contracted commies into their moderatorship.

Every single one. Even very goal oriented servers had a contingent of do-nothing commies that seemingly manifested out of the ether, and lo, they eventually wormed their way into moderator positions and spammed their memes with impunity - stranger yet, they were almost always trannies. This was before my ideas solidified into what they are now and I didn't know just how pervasive a problem this was or of the biased support they get from the platform itself.

That isn't to mention the adjacent repugnance of its lesser avenues (Ratittoui 18+, hentai servers, hookup servers, El Chapo Traphouse and other tankie servers, etc.) and its corrupt developers in general.

This isn't to say I recommend Twitter, or any platform for that matter. Few small knooks remain where the truly disillusioned may cohabitate.

Ole_Bowie 2 points ago +5 / -3

Nuances that nevertheless take a knee to the indecency of the uncurated net, which has more pull than any canon. Modern anime is rife with this indecency and acts like grease to an already slippery slope, and is a shared imaginitive landscape with the exact coomers we condemn.

With the shrinking portals of traditional masculinity, I think neither western cartoons nor anime after a certain era are preferable.


Kids will of course nevertheless find this shit and other questionable things, but a thick callous of masculine identity needs to be solidified early on to curb the influence. If my kid found a hyper-feminized modern anime and tried to pitch it to me I would deny knowing what it is and give him my best "what the fuck are you watching" face of disappointment and discouragement - the kind when you'd watch pokemon on a saturday morning and Ash and the cast start talking about their pokelove as your father walks by with the kind of grimmace that would make any kid turn red with embarassment and frantically change the channel.

I'd also occasionally "borrow the computer", not even to pry but just to stir that very same anxiety.

Ole_Bowie 12 points ago +14 / -2

Do that and next thing you know your kid has an Astolfo avatar and a Discord account.

Ole_Bowie 3 points ago +3 / -0

~~ × 2

It confused the hell out of me because the numbers have a bit of a mind of their own. If you skip from 5 to say 10 for the sake of hyperbole, it'll auto correct and mock you with the formatting equivalent of putting on a retard voice by changing that 10 into a 6.

[u] You'd figure underlines would be similar to the crossout, [/u] but unfortunately it is kinda hidden atm.

Ole_Bowie 5 points ago +5 / -0

*for social brownie points

Ole_Bowie 33 points ago +33 / -0
  1. Except the Holy Bible and other curious books and articles you don't like, and hey, why ever burn books when you can rewrite them and silence anyone you want?
  2. Science™ but only through the "correct" bureaucratic filters
  3. Whenever it is convenient for you
  4. Whenever it is convenient for you
  5. Whenever it is convenient for you + social brownie points
  6. ^
  7. ^
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. Only as far as you know, which isn't much. Never consider how ecologically damaging, say, a basic housing unit or an entire soy crop is, or what goes into that china-made gucci knockoff you bought from Wish. So long as it makes you look like dances with wolves - posture, posture, posture! Love nature™ but never observe her laws. Hell, never even go camping because camping is racist.

Listing here is a formatting nightmare.

Ole_Bowie 11 points ago +12 / -1

This shit is what happens when they come back from the UK - they absorb the pozzed doctrines of the west like damn tofu and surprise surprise, they bring slag culture back with them.

Pay the toll, Paulina.

Ole_Bowie 25 points ago +25 / -0

The state needs to be the ultimate guarantor of a child's wellbeing!

Ohhohoho that's fucking rich. Yeah, why don't you go right on ahead and take a little peak into the institution of foster care and you tell me what the "state" can guarantee for the children. Anyone have faith in the system? Anyone? The only thing they can guarantee is their fat bottomline.

State's a damned rich kid clownshow over who's moneylaundering schemes and lobbying takes priority - they don't care about the finer details about what happens at groundlevel. These people and their lawyers need to be tossed into woodchippers rather than be given interviews.

Ole_Bowie 8 points ago +8 / -0

Every single thing that came pouring out of her uppity cunt mouth could have been instantly refuted and riposted by reminding her of the following - she is a 4.5/10, she is microwaved leftovers, she is essentially a parasitic beggar, her current optimism for single parenthood is going to age comedically at 35 fuckin' years young.

Ole_Bowie 2 points ago +2 / -0

If only she'd slapped him with a job application.

Ole_Bowie 6 points ago +6 / -0

Report niggers to the IRS

This one was by far the most scathing.

Ole_Bowie 21 points ago +21 / -0

Its all hate!

Yes. I hate you because you owe me a whole fucking world. I'd be ashamed of myself if what I thought wasn't mutual.