Social contagion.
I look forward to the day when the number of "detransitioned" becomes equal to the number of tranny activists.
The UK has been completely feminized, for sure. Nothing good can come of it. Exactly the opposite, as your linked info. illustrates.
Because women once needed to nurse infants and raise them to adolescence, they had been kept out of public life and developed devious, backdoor methods to fuck people over.
Now that the pill has more or less made this process optional, women can act as overtly evil as men always have, and they're apparently making up for lost time.
You can't build your white nationalist "paradise" if everyone justifiably hates white women.
The Nazis managed to convince enough people that the proper role of women is to father the children of the SS, joining stables of breeders privileged to receive the jizz of the Master Race.
Good luck getting contemporary women to play along with a scheme like that.
Once again demonstrating that neo-racism has absolutely nothing to do with race (unless you're white), but where one is positioned in the intersectional matrix of "oppression."
Human beings appear to need some sort of explanatory principle for existence and the suffering that goes along with it. What has rationalism offered but emptiness and philosophies like existentialism or the emotional and ethical desert of materialism? You atheists keep looking backwards, usually citing the easiest target, the atrocities of the Catholic Church.
But the Church also made possible a rich and rewarding vein of art. So did Islam in its heyday. Buddhism, ditto. The arrogance of calling the cultural products of the major religions "garbage" says a lot about the atheist outlook.
Rationalism has given us heroes like Semmelweis and the miraculous edifice of technology that has improved earthly existence, but it has also failed to grapple with the amoral stupidity and hubris that led us to the glories of cobalt bombs and Sarin. The evil that produces religious barbarisms also corrupts the rationalist, but rational evil is the product of an absence of morality rather than corrupted morality turned against itself as with religious hypocrisy.
Your comment is typical of atheists, who are as dogmatic as any Imam.
I don't understand what the vertical gradient is intended to represent.
As far as I'm concerned, "anarcho-communism" is a fancy way of saying "hippie commune."
A Gavin McInnes routine that took on a life of its own is about to be acquitted of whatever it is they're being charged with ("Sedition"? Really?)
"Authoritarian" is not a political philosophy. The opposite of Libertarianism (or Anarchy if you want to get technical) is Communism.
Slow to 10 MPH, pour pints of red paint out the driver and passenger windows.
Vanderbilt and Tennessee are major NCAA colleges, too.
Just wait until a lesbian is ass-raped by a tranny in a unisex bathroom.
The fact that for all our history women have been the majority of schoolteachers has brought us to this desperate place. All our political ills, except maybe communism, can be traced to feminism.
So trash thousands of years of art, history, and philosophy because you have a stupid opinion of their originators.
Look at what we have replaced religion with, what we have developed after deluding ourselves that "man is the measure of all things"--communism, the font, and its effluents feminism, transgenderism, and the entire edifice of quack academic woolgathering that is turning the West into some sort of sci fi dystopia.
I really like "The War" and "The Civil War."
Imp is absolutely right to mistrust the F contingent, no matter how it's modified. To ally with them merely to suppress the tranny social contagion is bad tactics. RFs are the worst expression of feminism, since they are the font of all iterations of neo-Marxism; they gave birth to Woke.
A TERF is simply another totalitarian political bloc. Obviously they are not the only ones opposed to the tranny agenda.
Argento is the slag Anthony Bourdain snuffed himself over, after he threw over his Sardinian wife and abandoned his daughter to chase after her.
Watching him debase himself over her in the latest documentary on his life is absolutely cringeworthy.
The editorial staff of The Atlantic should be tied in sacks with rocks and dumped into it.
What in god's name is wrong with that aging little fag? With one statement he has negated his entire body of work by calling into question his credibility, his ability to arrive at unbiased conclusions regarding primary sources, and you can't get more primary than unedited video surveillance camera footage.
And I thought I was at the limits of my shock and outrage over Trump derangement. FFS, you don't have to support or vote for the man to have a sane opinion on him and his performance in the WH.
"Get people killed"? Life is not a Hilary Swank movie.
This barbarism is encouraged by so-called "hate speech" prohibitions. We are expected to believe words are equal to blows.
I can see the time when a soul brother or sister chimps out and gets away with shooting someone because he or she was called a "nigger," if it hasn't already happened.
Children are the future.
So that explains why my local WalMart employs mouth-breathing, lazy, surly soul brothers and sisters and old white women with shin splints who lose their hearing when they work behind the deli counter..
"Can't tell your victim or oppressor without a program! Get your program, folks!"