Mpetey123 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thanks. I,not to long ago, confused High School of the Dead (HOTD) with House of the Dragon (HOTD).

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think that's what I'm thinking of.

Mpetey123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I get that. They've been on most of your life, they are kinda habitual

Mpetey123 7 points ago +16 / -9

Are you lamenting like the women? Go crush your enemies, drive them before you. That's what's best in life.

Mpetey123 5 points ago +5 / -0

I don't watch "The Simpsons" but whenever I see those early year episodes they slip on like old comfortable pants.

Mpetey123 19 points ago +19 / -0

They were writing this before WWII. Who was the woman who wrote something about killing all aryans? I tried googling but that didn't help at all.

Mpetey123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here is a more esoteric movie of his, "Best of the Best". He is really enjoyable as the hard ass but later gets to be funny in the end.

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

The bit with the clouds is pretty memorable.

Mpetey123 10 points ago +10 / -0

I don't know if the lady is guilty or not, just saying the timing is funny

Mpetey123 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm getting called a Nigger-lover and you're defending this nigger while getting upvotes. This is a silly place

Mpetey123 1 point ago +2 / -1

Because it's in the zeitgeist. I assume the majority of people have to leave their houses and deal with the public. So to assume you aren't all Morlocks.

Mpetey123 -2 points ago +2 / -4

I'm sorry, who are you? And you're retarded because if you could read faggot, I said it was unfortunate it was mainstream news. Fucking idiot

Mpetey123 1 point ago +2 / -1

The beef between Drake and Lamar was unfortunately mainstream news. So I would assume most of us heard something about it.

Mpetey123 16 points ago +16 / -0

The only time they don't call classical music racist is when they are claiming a composer was black

Mpetey123 2 points ago +2 / -0

I didn't say she was getting charged. I've said she wasn't in fact.

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