The problem with most females is no one holds them responsible for their feelings. When they say they are uncomfortable the majority of dudes will wonder what they did and how to fix it. Instead of telling the girls well we aren't picking your emotions, you are handle them or leave we don't need to cater to your fee fees.
I would suspect you've been uncomfortable somewhere and you were probably told some variation of "cowboy the fuck up" or "man the fuck up." Because men are taught to be responsible for their feelings. If your uncomfortable overcome it or leave. Women aren't treated that way.
It's annoying because you're a fair minded person. You can see the unfairness and the hypocrisy of these subversive elements, and because your a decent and moral person it irks you. Sorry I didn't mean to speak for you, but that's how I see it.
They attacked the boy scouts and they bent but the girl scouts said girls deserve their own spaces. You being a fair person would say let everyone have their own spaces, and mix spaces, let everyone have the freedom to pick. These fuckers hate freedom because freedom saps their control
I'm so tired of the blatant hypocrisy. Pelosi is still doubting 2016, Abrams still hasn't acknowledged losing. Cool beans. 2020 votes just materialize and get found. Mail in votes fuck up the count and the process, most fortified election in history.
2024 we lost shit is rigged by Russia.
Warwick Davis was super young, i think around 18 filming this. But he was already in a few movies by then. I have the strangest memory of getting a willow coloring book at a Wendy's when they still had the taco buffet, and coloring the brownies.
I hate the two minute rounds. The commentary team is awful. Who decided Rosie Perez is a broadcaster? Even Mauro Ranallo is pretty awful his constant hip hop references are really grating, I guess being the only white guy he's trying to be "urban"
It's been awhile since I've played the game. But I remember enjoying it. It's a game that is above average but lacks any great aspect. The horde destruction is the funniest part of the game, deciding how you want to destroy them, laying out your traps, and then unleashing death to the freakers.
The legal action, filed last week in Hennepin County District Court, argues that the businesses have lost revenue, real estate value, reputation, and tenant and rental income. It argues that the city's decisions led to higher crime and created a “no go zone” for police in the area. It replaces an earlier lawsuit by the businesses that was dismissed two months ago.
Isn't that rich the businesses are unhappy that the lack of police presence is causing them issues
Why are you censoring cunt but writing out the others?