by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want to see more RTS-FPS hybrid games.

Man there are not alot of those, you got the Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War Which they atleast released free for all when the company went under, its ok not the best.

Then you have more fps focused such as Savage: The Battle for Newerth and its sequel and Natural Selection 2

it is shame that Command & Conquer: Renegade never got a more RTS Mode.

You got the early access Silica (altough I think its is way too rough atm)

Would love to see RTS/FPS in more large scale scifi, aka mechwarrior or planetary annihilation

MetallicBioMeat -2 points ago +5 / -7

Not that I agree with the terrorist assessment of j6 or the surveillance state at all, but if one part is classified as suspected terrorist, would it not be reasonable to suspect the rest of the near family to be involved? As for the child its can only be used for smuggling so the extra suspicion seems overrated at that young age.

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Improvisation is rarely to be welcomed, and then only when the Omnissiah’s will demands it.

But yep it is all code copied from older code copied from even older code with very little knowledge of why.

MetallicBioMeat 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yea, Throw up a simple text webpage should not be something hard to do, where you got the data up to date instead having it in discord post and discussions, and no search is not your friend,

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

They got "private" servers, it's just that they require it to be whitelisted in order to join their main server and even then the progress is disabled, which even if unity mp is a pain in the ass (i know tried to dabbled with it a bit) this is merely the server list repeater, it's should only be add setting saying non official sever and then add it to filter list. It is as basic as it gets .

Edit: The guides are out date for setting up servers. Progression is now allowed, fucking discord having all info, Sorry for pushing this.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep, the art really is WoW, but even Wow had more blood xD

If something is objectively bad and there's a user desperately trying to defend it assume they're an NPC.

Should I assume you are a npc regarding battlebit? (jk), Since they still does not allow private servers, they need to be listed and approved on their list and have severe limitations when it comes to being able to progress, Which is just bunch of bullshit.

MetallicBioMeat 5 points ago +5 / -0

If I can't set my enemies on fire and turn the area into a blood covered mess I'm not interested. It's like having a Warhammer game without blood.

So what you are saying is that they need to add a DLC for it xD

In other news did you see the age of sigmar warhammer game? No blood and no kill animations and ofc a woman as the campaign leader. I'm lucky that none I know seems to like age of sigmar.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

yes and no, they will say that they defeated it, but it still there and more power is required.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's ok, its just sleeping.

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +7 / -0

True, but now they can blame the Deus ex machina and give even further obscuring of that they did it,

Adding a "layer" will help cement legitimacy in the eye of normies when they go even further. Especially since even tech people seem to believe in AI.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Frankly, because I think they're all coders and they're not thinking about managing a framework as your own platform to build different games thorough. I would agree that it is not a manger that get the insane idea to develop a game, or at the very least a good game xD, it requires a bit of insane coder and then they will not focus on making a series rather they will focus to try get the vision brought to life.

It also does not help that the coder these days mostly do not build their engine from scratch, thus to some extent they need to adapt their framework to whatever engine they use.

Do you know of any other industry where this method is done in the indie scale or startup? (cause I do not see the giants changing until they fall)

MetallicBioMeat 12 points ago +12 / -0

Guess it is news for the Americans, but here in Europe the government was quite clear that they wanted a direct line to tech companies in order to combat "misinformation", still amaze me on the normies opinion that it is fine...

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

It seems to be a mostly remote company, so not sure how much the war it self affected them, but the propaganda probably a lot.

I've thought about this kind of thing actually being built for complicated games. It's effectively like Agile Software Development, but instead of just making specific libraries or instances of the same product, you actually build out games to sell as a partial instance of the product, and then pull back the parts and pieces into your main project.

The idea itself got some good points, but it would require quite a lot when you tie the sack at the end, since complex games have quite a diverse level of different areas you need to optimize and if you lose a couple of experienced devs during the module building phase (is there a better term for this?) I see the final product having a large chance of being worse then sum of their parts.

Could it work if you had several teams working on the different modules and thus getting it done more quickly minimizing that the sum module would be out of date or knowledge lost, perhaps.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, there if you could mod then you could just add missing factions and then they can't sell the skin change for 15 dollar, and it ensure that they have to compete with their old products since their lifetime can be infinite. So it the same old of trying to get a stranglehold but over your own products.

The only thing that I can agree is that supporting modding with tools and guides is a lot of extra work that might not see any direct profit.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm eagerly awaiting the features from this is my land to come to the RTS (jk) What worries me is the ultimate dreadnaughts, the little i can gleam from it was not left in the best of state. And this is a ukraine company bought by a swedish holding company thus there is risk for the culture to infect it. Still I really want a new empire and this looks promising.

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also I will never understand the obsession people have with the Opening and Ending sequences lol that baffles me. Most of the time it's unique music or anything like that, I think the last sequences I watched back in the day were Twelve Kingdoms and Outlaw Star and I liked those because they were actually part of the lore a bit and fit the mood of the shows.

I agree, I find them to be most of the time to just be padding and skip them, sometimes some anime swap them to fit with the episode which is nice. I think why they have them is that most of the time there is not a lot of interesting music in the episode themself and anime is all about trying to dip into several markets at once (in regards to merch).

Edit: Speaking of trying to dip into multiple markets with one product, I'm seeing the same with lots of indie games with e.g plush's and other stuff and I cannot for the life of me figure out how that is a profitable market, perhaps the weeb market and modern western market has turned into the ultimate consumer xD

What insults me at times is when they clearly don't even render the frames properly because it was such a lazily done job by someone who clearly did not want to be there talking things like how the characters don't have proper shaders on them and the rigging seems to be barely done correctly. I'll be honest I barely read the manga, anime is one of those things I enjoy de-stressing to because I can watch it and calm my brain down. Probably should read some manga but at the same time the western market is so shit lately the anime studios have been putting out literally anything these days.

Sad thing is that even the hack job are better than the west most of the time xD

MetallicBioMeat 7 points ago +7 / -0

You mix a lot of different industry together in the query, they would all have different dates and entrypoints,but they all would hail from the culture which has its start in academic and government, first infection would likely be the film industry since it had the large production requirement and the ability for government to easily interfere and ensure that approved messaged get into it. Comic books would have been in a similar vein. Gaming itself only grown large and infected enough around 2008.

But patient zero was always red xD.

MetallicBioMeat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hiring people for the celebrity status always end poorly and YongYea got consumed by the culture willingly.

MetallicBioMeat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Competion in the market would be great, but the devs seem to be big enough to have a team and b team, hopefully the a team is on this :D

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Is there not obvious 3d in the opening sequence/intro (whatever you call it) Unsure if they use 3d for the water reflections but would point it to negative. Other than that yes it is good use of 2d and minimal 3d.

Anyhow in regards to story, I felt that it dragged out a bit in the manga (dropped it sometime after the demon plot), but that could just be me not finding the chars nor world that interesting which is the main driving plot.

Read the Delicious in Dungeon? It just finished and I hope it get an anime with good quality 2d.

by Lethn
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

One of the few old RTS in which we got the source code to my knowledge is the Red alert (with the release of the remaster, they released the old source code)

In which you can see how the simple AI works and the helps/cheats it got.

by woxter
MetallicBioMeat 2 points ago +2 / -0

if only those losses would matter much more.

MetallicBioMeat 4 points ago +4 / -0

So this is normal interaction of the halo 3 xbox community? in the age of about 2015 and earlier?

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