But there were American dollars to be grifted, so there he was and there he remains, changing sides to wherever he can grift best from.
A nation is its people.
As he has numerous times in the past.
Either you really need to expand your horizons or webcomics have gone to absolute shit over the last 15 years while I wasn't looking.
She's a four at best.
Because he's a .jpg poster.
Sunstone is legitimately a good work and not just smutty. It's smutty, but it's also a really well done romance story.
At this point I really just want the translators to list the honorific verbatim and stop trying to localize it. Anyone with half a brain will figure it out and those who can't aren't worth accommodating to begin with.
The very idea that there are "non-binary" or transgender Qunari is utterly preposterous and would probably result in immediate and overwhelming violence given what we knew of their culture in Origins.
Sten in Origins is the only real Qunari. They couldn't get away with writing him today.
I will say, while some of those people mean it, it can also just be shorthand for behavior.
I'd say a good 40-60% of the population is subhuman, irrespective of race. There's some catastrophically dumb and barbaric motherfuckers out there who need a wilderness to wander around in.
I'm expecting them to be ashamed of what they've done. It's embarrassing and disgraceful.
The franchise was dead to me once I heard that the Qunari weren't just 7 foot tall giants with purple eyes that everyone referred to as creatures despite them looking otherwise human. It always seemed like an interesting quirk to the cultural makeup of the land, so the whole "no, we totally intended them to be ogres from the start" thing just really undercut that unique little detail.
That was always a lie.
God I hate influencers. I want both of these people stuffed into an oubliette to rot together.
Because he's never experienced what it feels like to get punched in the face and thinks he never will.
You know how Hollywood is shit? That also applies to their depictions of the military. Spend some time listening to the stories of any given serviceman and you will quickly understand just how slipshod the entire thing is.
think you will find the proportion of good stuff has dropped considerably and you are just watching trash waiting for the rare good find.
This sounds like my experience. Luckily I enjoy a good chunk of the isekai trash that is getting pumped out and sometimes I even get little gems to tide me over like Grimgar.
Sure the industry is producing a ton more shows now, but is it producing proportionally more good shows or is it just an ever expanding mass of rubbish to fill the gaps between those handful of good shows that come out each year?
People who complain about gatekeeping belong outside the gates.
He's never suffered through the agony that was trying to download episodes of Trigun over dial up with other people in the house who keep using the phone line and interrupting your download.
It's a proper weeb litmus test. Anyone who's watched it is definitely all the way down the rabbit hole because they not only discovered its existence, they then went out of their way to watch it and are also willing to admit that.
You also got a bunch of different fansub groups to choose from, and because someone would drop a series midway through and someone else would pick it up you got to pick up on the translation differences and over time you kinda keyed in on when someone was taking liberties with the translation. That and the boatload of cultural insights from translator's notes.
But yeah, there was a lot of obscure stuff I sampled back then that I probably wouldn't have bothered with today. That reminds me, I still should try to carve out some time to watch Kemono no Souja Erin one day. I'm pretty sure I've still got the whole thing on my harddrive, just never got to the end of it. That's one that falls into that category of "I probably wouldn't have picked this up if I could choose from literally everything."
I'm not sure that I was watching it as it aired, since I was doing whole series bingeing rather than week to week at that point, but it wasn't too far removed from when it aired that I saw it, in its entirety. I will maintain that it was pretty mid.
I do miss some of the old fansub sites. I think it was animefansubs.tv I was using at that point. It felt more homey than the sterile torrent sites I have to use now.
You are no more immune to propaganda than anyone else, so don't go casting stones at those of us who had to upend our entire worldviews to get here.