Lethn 5 points ago +5 / -0

None of those types exist anymore, they all either got MeToo'd or went off to form their own companies because they actually know how to write code.

Lethn 28 points ago +28 / -0

In New Hampshire, a cybersecurity firm found troubling security bugs — and the Ukrainian national anthem — written into a voter database built with the help of an overseas subcontractor.

Fun fact and this really happened, I switched my game engine because the retarded staff in Unity had left an exploit open through their auto-update that allowed a Ukrainian activist to brick the PCs of people who had Russian IPs. I don't understand why anyone would ever trust an electronic device for an election, they need to be banned and never allowed to be used.

Edit: Also after claiming throughout multiple investigations no you couldn't possibly access voting machines through the internet the recent issue with Windows update broke multiple of them meaning there was always a backdoor into that shit.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

We'll see how it goes, I feel quite happy looking at it, can't be more difficult to deal with than Skyrim overhauls.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are they of an extremely foreign persuasion by any chance? Or are they generally just shit? I'm curious as to how it is in normal parts of America. I've ranted in the past about the width of cars for example and how many problems they're causing on the roads. People are just fucking dumping them there rather than parking them properly and they're almost blocking everything off, I hate it.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It does happen naturally at times and I won't bullshit and say I haven't done it, however if it's somebody you get along with the least you could do is tell them, it seems like a form of ghosting in my view depending on how it's done. Mind you, you can make that argument if it happened that easily you were probably just acquaintances at best and had completely misread the situation, it is something I often think about in this especially with things being the way they are these days.

Lethn 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's amazing how much slacktivism is still a thing among these retards but whatever gets them clicks I suppose. It seems to be evolving to the point they'll even create fake events and videos purely for the purpose of farming attention rather than stopping any time soon and even when they get exposed as fake they still keep farming.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

Possibly, I think they have a huge amount riding on this though which is why they're going so far for it.

Lethn 0 points ago +1 / -1

lol the funny thing about the elites' obsession with using migrants as a replacement for low birth rates in the west to fuel economic growth is they are that much of a tax burden and refusing to work because gibs the numbers are going to be absolutely shocking in the next couple of years assuming they don't try their best to hide them which I think they probably will out of embarrassment.

All this shit is going to collapse, it's a simple matter of when, unfortunately the western elites have been proving very skilled and ruthless at keeping it under control enough that the majority don't notice or care what's going on. That's probably going to change though with the roaming migrant machete gangs happening in a lot of places.

Lethn 3 points ago +4 / -1

I think a big part of that is we're simply biologically hardwired and psychopathic women as well as men take full advantage of this because depending on the situation we'll obey that protective instinct even to our own detriment as realistically there's only a minority of men who have caught on to what these types of people are doing to us.

It's kind of like with feminists and how a lot of them will bullshit about children tons then the second they have one they suddenly switch because of their maternal instinct kicking into overdrive to protect their young. It's only really the full on mentally ill ones who brag about their abortions that do otherwise. I think it's important to recognise that aspect of it when looking at these sorts of issues. It's also why I don't trust the tradcuck types who are usually old school evangelicals among other things because they know exactly what they're doing and they're trying to manipulate men into situations which will fuck them over hard by taking advantage of their biological instinct to protect women.

Always remember the clever psychopaths study and use psychology against us, so you may as well too so you know what red flags to watch for.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

I fucking hope you're right, if it's something the politicians can't do anything about all the better, Europe would be incredibly cheap for me to move to so if you get a big country like Germany flipping the script that would be amazing. I would die laughing if Angela Merkel basically got all but physically booted out of her own country and had to go to Davos with her head hung in shame.

Lethn 6 points ago +7 / -1

I'm somewhat white pilled on this, the issue is going to be the normies and how they respond to these results, it will likely lead to balkanisation anyway if the normies side with the leftists.

Lethn 3 points ago +4 / -1

That awkward moment when I'm reconsidering Europe's status as permanently fucked because they just might look at dealing with their migration problem properly. I have major concerns though about the normies and leftists.

Lethn 7 points ago +7 / -0

I really don't want to see race riots in my lifetime because you have to remember that can flip around fast and you could easily end up being a victim of a mob. The politicians are very much forcing this to happen at this rate though because they refuse to enforce the law equally on purpose. This is also why if I ever got put in charge in any capacity I would come down so hard on third world behaviour it would make white nationalists do a double take because that's how you prevent this shit spilling out of control.

Oh and by the way, I would go full weaponised autism and DNA analyse the crap of retards who deficate in the streets and give them extremely heavy fines so they either never do it again or leave.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

When you look at the other options you'll realise why I'm perfectly happy with this one lol some of them do have a node setup if that's more to your preference but they have their own issues like incomplete documentation or poor explanation. Or alternatively accessing variables between the dialogue editor and the scripts is a massive pain in the arse.

Now I can have exactly what I need for proper quest interaction and dialogue, so for example I can have the usual RPG setup with stats and currency among other things. Then I can have the same variables within the editor updated if there's ever a change if necessary, can't do that in the other addons quite so easily.

That example you looked up I get where you're coming from but it seemed too limited for my tastes.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

This is something really noticeable about porn generally and believe it or not it's something Callum mentioned back when he was on lotus eaters mentioned even if you were searching up lesbian stuff that shit would push itself into the search results and on the recommended feed, then it turns out yes they really were fucking with that because they thought it would make people gay instead of just piss them off because they were trying to fap. Without going into too much detail for obvious reasons, thank fuck Rule 34 and hentai exists LOL, support the arts :D

Lethn 2 points ago +4 / -2

The funny thing is that's going to backfire potentially depending on the guy LOL and then the TERFs are going to be writing articles about how these men are getting off on it and it should be banned.

Lethn 15 points ago +16 / -1

I think it's worth pointing while people are rightly making fun of the guy who even bothered putting this into his design. There's an extremely weird alliance happening between radical terfs and evangelical christian types over the issue of sex bots and sex dolls generally.

There's a move to consider them as 'sentient' despite them obviously being completely inanimate and nowhere near as advanced, none of that matters, they just all think men are being creepy rapists who get off on a woman that can't say no and fight back so they regard it as a violation of women's rights that these things even exist. There was a clip I remember awhile back of Ana Kasparian basically going on like she knew anything about men that men get off on the control. As if there's some kind of insidious reason behind men wanting a sex doll.

I swear I'm not making this up, anything and I mean anything that takes away from the attention of western women triggers them even if they openly admit they would never go anywhere near these guys to begin with and look down on them. This reminds me of the stupid bullshit where you had retards trying to declare that certain visual novel characters were essentially children and fell under having human rights and yes I'm not making that up either.

Lethn 1 point ago +1 / -0

It's just nice being able to browse through tech sites and not cringe at the pricing anymore, even if I can't afford a full high end rig I could potentially get a second PC to do rendering on while I game on my other PC, there are options now.

Lethn 3 points ago +4 / -1

Quite often that's the case, but I keep an eye on how they talk to each other occasionally because it's important, they really seem to believe this which is how you know that logic will never win against them and the right is wasting their time on it. Logic will never win against people who's ideology revolves around emotive feeling rather than facts.

Lethn 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do understand where the OP is coming from and how it makes you resent people when you realise, okay wow, these people were basically acquaintances at best and never really gave a fuck. It might seem immature, but I think I'm more inclined to believe it's partially a cost and time thing. I could for example totally understand if people are extremely busy or have a family, they can't help that, at the same time though if it's just one or two trips for the year and not that much of a distance, is it really that hard?

People are just horrible apathetic dicks sometimes I swear, no wonder socially awkward individuals have turned to the internet to get any real sense of a social experience and belonging. This kind of thing is what's making me want to save up for a plane and just fuck off into the sunset, I don't give a shit anymore.

Okay, so you're too busy to say hi in person? We have the internet now and can stay in constant communication, people at least could do Discord or Telegram.

Lethn 6 points ago +6 / -0

If Japan went full xenophobia and closed off all migration entirely with mass deportations I wouldn't even blame them

Lethn 8 points ago +10 / -2

What's exceptionally annoying about people like this is, you'll see it on reddit, they think this exact same way about Trump voters. I've been wrapping my head around this mentality for awhile to understand why they think this way and what it is they'll believe total falsehoods about Trump or the out of context quotes and then not understand why they get told to fuck off.

I think that's what it boils down to, then they go back to groups like that for positive reinforcement. If Trump ends up winning despite all the cheating going on they're going to be in for a massive shock and we're probably going to see a lot more family drama and break up which they'll inevitably blame Trump voters for with zero self-awareness.

Lethn 3 points ago +5 / -2

If it isn't the bickering it's the purity spiral and virtue signalling that goes on at the dinner table, also makes me realise I have an excellent poker face as it turns out despite being a terrible liar.

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