LastRights 18 points ago +18 / -0

At least the Catholics aren't staying quiet entirely.

They need to get rid of their current pope. Jettison him into space and replace him with someone who isn't a weaselly globalist.

LastRights 13 points ago +13 / -0

They said they opted not to cut ties with WSD because the company was transparent after they confronted it, and the scan revealed no signs that the system had been tampered with.
“There was nothing alarming that we saw that would cause any red flag for us,” Lang said.

Zero consequences.

LastRights 6 points ago +6 / -0

A bit more lowkey, in that she's capable of smiling and has a personality that wouldn't immediately set off all the cats hissing when entering a room, but still a Mary Sue.

LastRights 6 points ago +6 / -0

To be fair, it does look like a mediocre game, but in this day of age, a mediocre game is apparently pure gold, given the alternatives.

LastRights 4 points ago +4 / -0

Looks like a really shitty street fight organized for the entertainment of the crowd. Who are the black guys in the suits?

Also, Japan has or had a lot street thugs itself.

LastRights 7 points ago +7 / -0

Probably also the pressure. The longer it takes, the higher the expectations are. Not only that, but he's finally had a taste of the good life and he no longer needs to finish it for an income.

Could also be a contractual obligation to HBO. As long as HBO is producing new GOT related shows, he's unable to release the final book.

LastRights 11 points ago +11 / -0

... but you're going to have to wait for it. :') Dude is a meme at this point.

Probably not enough trenders, lesbians and BLM cosplayers.

LastRights 14 points ago +14 / -0

It's an entertainment park sim. :')

This management game has you creating your own theme park, with you building customizable habitats for your captives so your customers can come and gawk at the hairless apes.

Couldn't even be arsed to make a FPS.

LastRights 36 points ago +36 / -0

It's rather peculiar that all Reddit alternatives are systematically tarred and feathered as 'alt-right' and 'extremist'. It's almost as if there is a coordinated effort behind it. It reminds me of how Reddit itself was 'purged' clean of 'thought criminals' and 'heretics' by radical left-progressives and now functions primarily as a propaganda mill for the left-progressive DNC.

LastRights 3 points ago +3 / -0

Really, though? Thought both Orcs and Goblins could breed.

LastRights 27 points ago +27 / -0

Your average 'fighter pilot' in The Last Jedi.

LastRights 21 points ago +21 / -0

The complaint about the Suckerbucks election interference was that he had spent 400 million to target key districts in order to get a bigger turn-out for Democrats. If the DNC used the same strategy with the same info, but this time funded by the government itself, an Obamala win may not be out of the question.

Even with the dire economic circumstances.

LastRights 11 points ago +11 / -0

You're looking at two members of a race of 'cannibals', except it's technically speaking not cannibalism, because eating humans isn't consuming the flesh of members of the same species. :')

Elevated humanitarian ideals mean nothing in a brutal 'Medieval' period where you're fighting for your life against a race that can out breed you and is hellbent on your destruction.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

You're already walking on egg shells. It's only going to get worse.

LastRights 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's destroying the remainder of his life for a fetish.

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