Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

One article mentioned he'd been bullied at school for being one of those "wears combats everywhere" kids. School rifle team/ROTC?

I got my training from being in cadets (Canada), so no range fees or anything.

Knife-TotingRat 5 points ago +5 / -0

Speaking of Hinckley, I was just reading this and was shocked at how close he actually was to Reagan ... and even then, he missed twice.

Knife-TotingRat 10 points ago +10 / -0

Department of Energy. Trump threatened Full Disclosure. 😏

Knife-TotingRat 16 points ago +16 / -0

It's the same as the "Islamophobia Bad" thing that popped up out of nowhere after 9/11 "No, no, our pet monsters can be violent, but don't you dare be violent back at them!"

Knife-TotingRat 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is why I hate anything that isn't white or non-human, and I'm not big on most whites, either.

Islamist demons need to go back to the hell they spawned from.

Look at how they're still into GEOCENTRISM. Good gods, "If the Earth isn't the centre of the universe, that might mean I'm not special! Waaah!" Fuck, I hate being the same Order as these beasts.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, well, that game apparently now includes mythical hunter-gatherer tribes as "civilizations". Conveniently ignoring the etymology of the word, which means "fit to live in a city". Which hunter-gatherers (a polite term for "wild human") do not have, and are not fit for.

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think that's a stupid metaphor. A fish would be aware of water the same way humans were aware that air exists because they can feel wind. Currents would just be their "wind". And yes, bottom crawlers probably DO think fish are flying.

And fish do drown .. in air.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

They wouldn't have ANY of that stuff without whites

Except for the STDs. They get that from fucking dead wildlife.

Knife-TotingRat 49 points ago +49 / -0

The bullet grazed him and caused bleeding; he was shot.

The ear is a part of the head.

And these are the same fucktards who think Trump is going to personally hunt down all the trannies the second he's re-elected. 🙄

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

All this "fat positivity" probably did the poor guy in. :/

Knife-TotingRat 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, I didn't know those things could expire.

Shit, I guess that would also be true of the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Act of 1972

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

My husband just mentioned it.

I also reminded him that it brought in the Brady Bill. Is that still a thing?

Knife-TotingRat 20 points ago +20 / -0

Deep state, but they paid some unstable tranny to shoot him because it thinks trump is gonna hunt them all down for sport. That's my bet.

Knife-TotingRat 6 points ago +6 / -0

Hope he's OK. Looks like they got his ear.

And wild, the banner is telling me that both Richard Simmons and Dr Ruth passed away, too.

Edit: Marksman, with that narrow a miss. An inch to the left, he'd have been dead.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

I thought they made a TV series of the Dresden Files.

No idea if it's good or not, but I remember the title from when I was searching for some old probably lost Bob Crane TV movie.

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's also why "deadnaming" is so abhorrent to them.

Traditionally, when someone joined some mystery cult, secret society, or other offshoot minority religion, they'd be put through a ceremony that today would be called "hazing", but which tested your resolve to be a part of the group (and also a way of cementing loyalty and trust and all that good shit.)

Such a ceremony might include things like a ritual death and rebirth as a new person, with a new name ....

Knife-TotingRat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Cancelling is just the newest version of old-school shunning, like the Jehovah's Witnesses still do - they literally treat and think of apostates (dissidents) as dead.

If they repent and come back to the fold, then they can have a resurrection ceremony of sorts (just like Lazarus); I don't know if the Wokies have gotten that far yet in their evolution ...

Knife-TotingRat 2 points ago +2 / -0

The LaVeyan church at least condemns blood sacrifice in all its forms. I'll give it that.

That temple is where that ridiculous booby-goat fake "satan" comes from. Sorry, but Satan has primarily human features. Putting a goat's head on him is like putting a sheep's head on Jesus - mixing up the metaphor with the iconography.

Knife-TotingRat 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes. Wtf were live bullets doing ANYWHERE near a movie set?

Though really they should have long ago switched to leaded guns with effects totally done in post. Sure, it might not be "the same", but wtf, at least you wouldn't have this shit happening every couple of decades or so.

Not to mention the idiot who thought blanks were harmless, and blew his brains out with one. I was in cadets at the time, we got the most intense lecture about that the following Saturday from our range officer ...

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