Since most lefties seem to be angry the bullet missed, that somehow Trump caused the violence against himself, or that he must have faked it I realized something. This is a group that faked an insurrection, a whole lot of dirt, and Russian interference. They aren't complaining that Trump faked it, they are saying they would have done a better job faking it.
The more sane lefty friends of mine have basically said:
Fuck! The last thing the world needs is for Trump to be elevated to hero
So, what are the chances that Biden gets "Assassinated"?
Nope. Already bet on that three or four years ago. If they were going to do anything, they should have done it then, to get their vaunted sheboon in office.
They lost their window of opportunity long ago. They can do nothing now but inadvertently throw more coals into the Trump Train's boiler.
I would argue a new window has appeared. with Trump surviving an assassination attempt, they need Biden to be brutally stabbed by a tall bald person wearing a maga hat so that they can point and say