No factory for anything, ever, needs twenty thousand 60 IQ apes who can't even read their own language. There is literally no use for them in such numbers.
This happened to displace the real Americans who live there.
I've been there many times. It was a genuinely nice place, like a lot of Ohio used to be. It's sad and it's sickening and if I were the people of Springfield I'd be reaching for the ammo box right about now. Fuck voting and fuck elections, the wicked aren't going to stop if you ask nicely.
Polls are bullshit.
So are elections. Democracy is fake and gay, and we aren't going to solve this nation's problems by playing the same rigged game over again.
It's a lesson the right should have learned four years ago.
There's only one future ahead of us and it doesn't involve a gangster leftist establishment giving up power willingly.
Buy ammo.
And paint huffers.