You're right, they're not happy with themselves. Out of spite, selfishness and delusion they made the choice of rejecting men as a whole, only to find that they are forever incomplete and unalterably alone. Women cannot be a companion for women, any more than men can be a companion for men.
In the case of women however this is not necessarily the result of perversion as it is in men. Women are too malleable to actually have a "sexual orientation" beyond an innate preference for height. It is the result of conditioning. Women grow up with media and culture inculcating them into the idea that each and every one of them should be treated like they were a princess. Untempered expectations like this have fairly obvious results.
To go even further it can be said that any ideology, practice or belief that fails to guard against bad faith is unviable.
This includes "free trade", "democracy", "conservatism", "libertarianism", "equality", and a host of other foolish Boomer era beliefs.
Never heard of either. In my experience, you can't have "lesbians", which again I'll argue don't actually exist as a legitimate sexual orientation, without having neurotic and twisted behavior that frankly isn't interesting.
I had a PMP at one point. Product management definitely can be a significant asset. If done correctly.
Most of the time in my experience it's a fail upward position who spends more time crying at you about why one of the marks on the online training spreadsheet is red instead of listening to the people telling him to buy new parts instead of refurbished crap from overseas so that the damn thing can actually run for two weeks in a row without blowing up.
Yes, Mothers Against Drunk Driving was in fact largely propaganda. It was their activism that lead to the fragmentation of the very concept of age of majority, not to mention a big pile of federal overreach.
Which is why the age of majority in the United States is now effectively 16, 18, 18 again, 21 and 21 again.
Personally I think it's just bad faith argumentation.
There is a big huge flashing neon sign's worth of difference between sexual maturity and lack thereof. And frankly anyone trying to blur that huge, obvious line is suspect.
Particularly when the idiotic federal legal age argument is involved. Congratulations, you've discovered that federal preemption is stupid. Welcome to the eighties where the rest of us figured that out. It's a violation of the tenth amendment to boot. But of the mountain of problems facing America right now it's just about the least important thing on the menu.
If it's legal in your state nobody cares. It it's not, shut the fuck up already, or move somewhere else.
That and corn syrup.