Looks like he just decided to purge his own account via the option in settings:
I think when admins delete an account it says something like “this user has been suspended”, and when a user deletes their own account it says “this user has deleted their account” - which is like a purge but the account is closed after and can’t post any more. The OP of that thread you linked can still post, he just purged his whole history for some reason
All I learned from the “hybrid tax” revelations were that supporters tended to be groomers lol, atleast iirc that was the case with the two guys who forced it into vanilla, who were later fired and swept under the rug
No that one actually works, look:
Edit: fuck
Some great points here - btw if you’re interested I’m trimming all armor sets for just 2k gp and a dozen lobsters
Some amazing points here on basically “small group project” dynamics, leadership in large and small scales, like you say, directly relavent to a new project at work, or the newly released raid, or just any interaction between 2+ people
Regarding the absurdities of theory crafting I’ll say something seemingly esoteric and obscure to prove my salt - I played alliance, on Mal’Ganis lol
Good one, a lesson often learned by playing console party games like Goldeneye or Smash Bros or Mario Kart with siblings or close friends you see all the time. I dealt it out with smash and was often humbled in other games. I think your point and petey’s points are connected for sure. Maybe in a word, “Sportsmanship”?
Great point, the companies saw us using math to meta-game them, so they did the reverse. The fucked up part though is we were meta-gaming “fun” and they are meta-gaming “raping our wallets”/ “wasting our time” (synonymous these days as you point out)
That is an excellent point. Learning humbleness is such a vital lesson, and one that is disappearing from the modern world. “Competitive” gaming was a great way to do learn that lesson with no real harm being able to be inflicted. Really you’ve found a fundamental goal of “games” in every form they take, from rough-housing to sports to vidya.
But in the modern world, we see “SBMM” unnaturally enforcing a state of 49%/51% Win/Loss ratios so that no one feels “too bad” for “too long” that they might drop the game. The proverbial “participation ribbon” is all that is left to achieve in modern vidya it feels
Just to make it explicit, I see point 3 being directly echoed in our modern “matchmade” but ultimately disconnected societies. You can open an app and find 10 horny chicks for a night, but when’s the last time you struck up a conversation with a stranger? Made a new friend? We were “made” to live in communities of ~500-5,000 at the most. We can remember the faces of ~500 people, we can build reciprocal relationships because we know we will see these people again. But when you look at these rats nests called “cities” these days you see the direct effects of “nothing I do will catch up to me, why not be a little evil?”
The one which discourages the degeneracy, rather than like in 114, encouraging it.
a strong body-spirit duality with the flesh being corrupt
Verse 114 is about the union of the spiritual and the material, yin and yang - not some weird tranny shit or however you’re interpreting it
loyalty to some other gods (usually thoth/hermes, sophia, some higher god of knowledge/wisdom above the demiurge
Aka loyalty to God above satan (the god of this world, need I remind you, the Bible states)
syncretic mishmashes of various other belief systems
You realize Genesis is sourced from the Sumerians right? Almost word-for-word
and emphasis on alchemy and transformation and attaining the spiritual heaven or godliness through knowledge
What’s inherently wrong with this? What you’ve just described is “learning and improving oneself” in flowery (spiritual) language
I don’t know how Xenia (x360 emu) is these days, but I was playing MGSV, Skate3, and CoD AW - with an Xbox controller and upscaled to atleast 1080p (from 720p native), all games I missed out on at the time too which was great, and they looked as good as anything I play on my PC these days. MGSV especially was impressive given they achieved it 3 generations ago
The ps3 emulator (RPCS3) can run smoothly on a cheap $250 minipc, all you need is a relatively good cpu which a lot of these things have
You just need to not be a sockpuppet and need to have made an actual good-faith post at some time since the creation of your account
Wrong, it’s because TD tourists who dream of sucking trumps toes are manipulating votes here.
Also, it’s absolutely a valid criticism to make fun of trump for fantasizing about sucking bini net-in-yahoos toes, as he does so often.
And you misunderstood my comment about tourists - that wasn’t referring to OP but to the faggots crying that OP made a joke about trump
It’s up there for sure, but I still think setting a timer 24 hours in advance on your oven/coffee maker/washing machine for your “day of rest” just ups the ante entirely on “not getting the point”. A culture dedicated purely to the letter of the law. There has to have been a star trek episode about the pitfalls of that
And why is he being downvoted here? Because trump doesn’t actually love israel and OP is a retard for thinking his words and actions and children-in-law would indicate otherwise?
I just mean people who aren’t making any effort to integrate into the ethos of this place:
Another post by OP with a totally rational take, left at [+41,-37]. It’s one thing to treat your own community as a 24/7 trump rally or a 24/7 book burning, it’s pretty gay and soft to try and impose that on everyone else
That’s…literally his point
It’s TD tourists vs ConPro tourists - should be funny just let them have at it
Simple little trick for increasing the size of your house that not many stupid goyim know: just tie a string around your neighborhood and now it’s all part of your home!
How can these both be true?
when people try to manipulate others for their own gain by asking others to sacrifice while they themselves sacrifice nothing then that's a negative, always
Ideas can be used to manipulate others in order to increase one's power but any idea works for that regardless of the truth of the idea or not and that's ultimately all that matters is how useful then the idea is in providing power to your aims.
A sacrifice to risk your life away should be rooted in some sort of gain. For example, say you join the military but raping and pillaging the enemy is allowed as well as taking on slaves and war brides. You may risk your life and sacrifice for your community but you're also doing so for your own benefit as well as the benefit of others. This is fair.
Isn’t the perpetuation of your civilization, where people aren’t forcibly raped, enough of a “gain” for a civilized man? I just don’t see the implicit necessity of linking these two things. I think back to the gentle place, ringed in spears.
I think God is True Neutral and our perceptions of what is good or bad don't pertain to God.
Hmm…not sure I’ve ever really come across an ideology of God like that which didn’t ultimately boil down to “do as thou wilt shall be the whole of law”… what separates your view from Crowlyism or more generically satanism?
I don't reject spiritualism at all, I just reject ideas that use the spiritual to justify manipulation of the material. I think the spiritual and material are linked. One affects the other so to speak so if you act a slave in the material, you've enslaved yourself spiritually also. I reject notions where people use a spiritual framework that none of us truly understand to justify taking actions that are not beneficial to one in the material but beneficial to others and justify it because the spiritual will be better in a manner you can't perceive.
I agree, glad we can build from this common foundation. I assume that your acknowledgement of the spiritual side of life includes an acknowledgement of an “ultimate” spirit or entity which we can label God for the sake of convenience?
Of course with no attempt to overly specify as “this God” or “that God” - we can fairly regard God as the ultimate Creator (in addition to the other things which he represents the existential pinnacle of), right?
Now does it make sense that the ultimate creator would ever favor wanton destruction? Is there any means of logically understanding the God that we agree exists favoring the dropping of atomic bombs in Nagasaki or firebombing Dresden? Both of which are examples of decisions made, supposedly difficultly for those who made them, for the “greater good”.
If one is willing to use the “greater good” to justify despicable means, where does it end? By what means can you assure your success? Surely not through and appeal to the God of what is good?
Regarding your example, I just note both the absurdity of it:
A man with a gun comes to your house and points it at you. He says give me all your stuff or I'll kill you.
take your gun and defend your property by killing the guy. Assuming there's no other risks involved and you will kill the guy and successfully defend your property that to me is the correct choice
And how both guys are suggesting things where none of the risk or harm can apply to them.
All good ideas for your spirit will benefit you in the material as well.
I feel like this neglects the entire realm of “sacrifice” - surely there is some validity to the realities of patience, humbleness, delayed gratification, achieving a better future through a sacrifice of some kind in the present
Regarding the short bit, I would say I interpret it (not my writing) as more of a metaphor and less of a “story”, though it is obviously written in “story” form. It’s comparing the two paths available to a being of free will: merciless, godless competition or merciful, future-thinking altruism (and the requisite accompanying need to defend that merciful civilization from outside attack, something we presumably has been lacking for quite some time) - a gentle place, ringed in spears. I thought it also spoke directly to the notion of ideas and words as weapons (and offspring).
Lastly, I would ask your thoughts on the thrust of my previous comment, the microcosmic example of our discussion and its macrocosmic applicability
From this glimpse past the facade (which I appreciate), I see a man ground down to spiritual nihilism, leading to a kind of economic materialist world view which includes ideas within that economic materialism. Do you outright reject the “spiritual” nature/aspect of existence? It sounds like you do, and I would suggest that is perhaps neutering the wholistic potential of your perspective.
Just to use our current interaction as an example of my point about truth being the only path to defeating deception, look at how fragile your power actually is. Once the truth about multiple accounts comes out (which again, I appreciate, for the truth of admitting it at the start, and I suppose here for its illustrative purposes), your power erodes. Logically, when ultimate truth is revealed, it is the only thing capable of eroding the power of ultimate evil, and thus logically since it happens at both sides of the spectrum (our tiny and insignificant evil here, of using multiple accounts and, presumably astroturfing them to appear “more popular” - given your mercenary approach to ideas themselves - and the hypothetical though logically existant “ultimate evil”), it also applies throughout the spectrum as well.
Just like you can’t cure a wound by causing more harm, I don’t see how more lies could ever beat older and stronger lies.
I’d be interested in your thoughts on this short piece, I think it actually gets to the crux of this discussion quite nicely:
Huh, you sound different from the other guy I knew who used 50+ (emphasis on the +) accounts to troll TD and post about christcucks on ConPro. Though your thoughts on the reduction of ideas to mere weapons interestingly echos him, I wonder if you guys are being pumped out by the same school-of-thought…
The actual truth is entirely irrelevant. Just make up whatever theory you want to convince people to promote a good outcome for you and your people.
Doesn’t it worry you that by disregarding the truth you will inevitably select “the wrong” theories to promote, leading to potentially catastrophically negative outcomes? It seems to me that “truth” and “the right thing to do” are completely entwined in reality…I suppose you disagree?
Regarding immigration, absolutely. Along with all the “pseudo-legal” means they’ve been using over and above “net immigration rates”. In this example, you see how disregard for truth amongst the people who run our society (at the ground level made up of mostly gentiles) has led to disastrous consequences for society, due to the pursuit of perceived benefit. Think of everyone who has been convinced we “need” migrant labor to prop up the economy. Those people are genetically identical to you and I for the most part. The only thing that stands a chance at winning is truth, don’t you think?
Interesting, do you mean something about how the free-form nature of the game and player interactions meant that understanding the psychology of the other players was way more important to success (like poker? I never played Eve, just heard some of the stories) than most other games?