The video was posted ~6 hours ago, I watched it ~3 hours ago, thought “wow, more people should see this”, and posted it on the two forums I post on
Interesting re: the clip, I didn’t realize how closely linked the video of MH370 was to him, I found it surprising that I had never seen that clip before, but I’ve also never heard of the interviewee before this, so I guess that explains why I hadn’t heard of either. The clip is interesting in its own right imo, but I’ve been following the “over unity/ZPE” thing for a while and at this point I’m pretty well convinced there’s something to it, based on the sum of a variety of totally different evidentiary paths
The video was posted ~6 hours ago, I watched it ~3 hours ago, thought “wow, more people should see this”, and posted it on the two forums I post on
Interesting re: the clip, I didn’t realize how closely linked the video of MH370 was to him, I found it surprising that I had never seen that clip before, but I’ve also never heard of the interviewee before this, so I guess that explains why I hadn’t heard of either. The clip is interesting in its own right imo, but I’ve been following the “over unity/ZPE” thing for a while and at this point I’m pretty well convinced there’s something to it, based on the sum of a variety of totally different evidentiary paths