The original two white actresses replaced with mixed meat plaster and an emaciated hob goblin. This was no accident.
It is the inversion of what is good in the world.
With a magic wand, the once despised illegal immigrants become the beloved legal immigrants.
We love our legal immigrants, don’t we pedes.
/our tolerance and hospitality will be the end of us.
Wow, it’s almost like any vote make in America is a vote for Israel.
Completely natural and not manufactured in any way.
A culture that "lost it" is a culture that failed to preserve it.
This seems more an issue of the constant brainwashing younger.
In group preferences is completely natural. I would argue that someone who believes race is simply skin color is the brainwashed one.
Like it or not, your race is a uniform you cannot simply remove.
Somebody needs the S3 plan from Metal Gear Solid 2.
The S3 Plan (the Selection for Societal Sanity.
To clarify, the S3 plan basically was about feeding people information that the Patriots wanted them to know and seeing if they'd take it as fact. The Plant chapter was the Shadow Moses Incident for all intents and purposes, except the Patriots decided that Olga should be Gray Fox, and that the Gurlukovich Army should be the Genome Army, and so forth. Again, that's how the S3 plan works, certain bits of information are modified to the Patriots' whim and the Patriots wait to see if the S3 plan's test target accepts the bait. Raiden, the S3 plan's test target, accepted everything that happened at the Big Shell as events totally different from Shadow Moses
Rabbi Hole is now my new favorite phrase
Also known as a walk through Vienna.
People in power are actively working overtime to convince men to act like women because they know what men of good character can accomplish. Become what they fear.
The real rural purge is the handing out of scholarships to "disadvantaged children of farmers". It was really about big aggro planning to buy up cheap land once the "educated" children moved to urban areas.
Who benefits from the destruction of innocence? Why is it what the government currently promotes?
Press X for triggered.
"Are you being Served" is another good one.
Control the culture, control the country.
Once you realize that all celebrities are manufactured, you then have to ask yourself, who benefits from the creation of celebrities who are so degenerate.
/we are a nation being programed to be failures.
Wow, horrors beyond human imagination in the name of peace. He just had to do it out of the goodness of his heart. Thank you once again Mr. (((SCHMIDT))). It will certainly be the most human robot army in the world.
The modern version of Snow White is giving commands and not making work a shared game of responsibility like the original.
How's that uprooted atheist society working out for you Mr. Dawkins?
/Do the church bells still ring?
Democracy is nothing more than a word without open and free debate.
They can say what they want, but 40,000 years of evolutionary divergence is one hell of a drug.
/our exertion makes us beautiful.
Look at all these Chinese interfering with our elections.
Fighting for America at this point is like fighting for one big gay disco.
Don't fight for the gay disco.
Your skin is your uniform whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
Your skin is your uniform whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.
That feeling when you visit Israel and show respect to their Talmudic rituals, only to have the leaders stab you in the back and talk shit about your dead grandmother.
Prince William Wears Yarmulke at Western Wall, Visits His Great-Grandmother's Resting Place