I can also highly recommend Hugh Cook's
Philosophically, Ubik is his masterpiece.
"Come in to my Parlour said the Spider to the Fly" - obvious Fed Honeypot.
They should just swap her with the new Ariel chick, Both problems solved. And Lilo's eyes are about the distance apart (although I can't be sure as both are immeasurable)
And we raffle off the kill switch engage
I prefer Weird Al's cover.
They were fucked over by the traitor trannie the detransed then retransed - which was probably its goal all along. They cannot be trusted EVER. They are living embodiments of duplicity.
It's like the Pot calling the Kettle black but in this instance Kettle is White Hetero and Pot is a retarded nigger.
Tell me you're a Cuck without telling me you're a Cuck
Death Penalty
Yeah we've had a discussion about WoT, the Tv adaptation and Sanderson finishing the books. I'm only up to Book 7 so had to recuse myself lest I get spoilers
Actually just do Drenai in chronological order - https://www.goodreads.com/series/77118-drenai-saga-chronological-order
Just checking that out so I could recommend and luckily I did as i just realised there's 2 books of his I don't own. So they'll be my next purchase - The Damned. But you can't go wrong with Drenai, Sisptrassi, Waylander, Jon Shannow and of course Troy
Waylander for mine. There's a lot of overlap in some of the series. But the Entire Sipstrassi stones sequence is probably the best
Yeah I saw that post at the time, this was my 'bump'
Yeah he's great. A 100% not woke.
How to destroy anything instantly - Simple add 1 x laura Dern
As a kid the Daleks and Cybermen scared me shitless.
Dr Who has become such a massive disappointment, loved it as a kid. Now it's almost the wokest crap on tv
I've stopped watching Ted Lasso because they put that fucking "wunderkind" in charge of my beloved Hammers.
Survival of the Fittest - these sesame allergic fucks can just die off.
Substack has been the single best source of information throughout the Scamdemic. Obviously kike media can't allow that
I think Trannies are basically the only form of Toxic masculinity so I agree with her. I recognize no other variants.
We've found Impy's alt
MGTOW is GLOBOHOMO Cucked. Has been for months.