Fact -1 points ago +1 / -2

Probably a dissenting opinion but you're being a bit of a fag.

  • From the chopper voiceover, to the footage overall, to the footage of the lab scientists, the ad is absolutely full of white men including in the highest positions, to the point that lack of diversity would be an issue if you wanted to make it about color.

  • The dumb bitch being made fun of for sharing the polar bear, and "hey, aren't you the sister of..." dumb bitch, are both... well... dumb white bitches.

It so happens that Randi Zuckerberg has a vagina. And it so happens they wanted to force a drink throwing joke into this commercial, which no shit they would not throw at a woman.

Whatever this ad is, it's not a statement against men, or whites. Nor against straights, to round things off, since sexuality wasn't applicable to the ad.

Fact 5 points ago +5 / -0

I've been curious. If I put a sign that says "Blacklives Matter", do you think they'll come out screaming "How dare you suggest the concept of 'blacklives' that is somehow different to 'lives'?!", oblivious to the irony?

Fact 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wanted to do 23andMe to figure out which medical conditions I may carry the genes for. Here's a tip that's hopefully still applicable if you want to do it. Just use a fake name. Fake name on the account, fake name on the return label, throwaway email address. There was no verification.

Fact 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is not changing. The right is not aggressive. And the right still has turnip farms to tend far removed from city liberals. Just as the city liberals still have BuzzFeed articles to write far removed from the turnip farmers who they were told are all Klansmen. So any realignment within the left isn't going to come from attraction or openness to the right. It isn't going to come from "You know, Chauvin might not have asphyxiated Floyd." It's going to come from finding that they themselves are on the right of the extreme left. It's going to come from "Cops shouldn't intervene in stabbings when the stabber is black!" Hence my saying Antifa and BLM are useful to us.

Fact 8 points ago +8 / -0

Antifa and BLM have done us a service. The real problem is government and corporations selling everyone's future to enrich themselves. As they have done with China for the past 50 years.

Another problem is the government and media seeking to divide people, because without a bogeyman people would be asking pretty quickly what the fuck is the point of government and media.

Now ordinarily, the former problem flies under the radar because who is going to scrutinize what happens in Washington, or Nike's boardroom, when you have kids to feed, a wife to eat, shit to do.

The same lack of scrutiny, or even difficulty of scrutiny if you live in a geographical area that is too skewed, makes their FUD far too effective in the latter problem.

But with the riots last year, people sure are paying attention to what the government is doing. And every clown move stretches the rubber band a little tighter.

And while left and right division still exists, the left is now heading towards a civil war with the far left, while the right can just take care of itself and watch them eat each other.

Fact 20 points ago +20 / -0

This data isn't about the media though. It's about confirming there is a silent majority out there whose response to the woke shit is STFU.

Fact 18 points ago +18 / -0

I think we can fairly assume most viewers of the Oscars tune in for the celebrities and not the movies.

by xleb2
Fact 30 points ago +30 / -0

Oh God, my sides... They dedicated this whole farce to wokeness and gave the Best Actor award to a straight white male?

Fact 7 points ago +7 / -0

Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post. That is all you need to know.

But if you want to know more:

My stewardship of The Post and my support of its mission, which will remain unswerving, is something I will be most proud of when I’m 90 and reviewing my life


I know that when I’m 90, it’s going to be one of the things I’m most proud of, that I took on the Washington Post and helped them through a very rough transition

Some fucking CNN article you can search yourself. I refuse to link CNN.

Fact 17 points ago +17 / -0

It is literally not possible for me to feel your definition of pain and hurt. Because the world, even the genocide and starvation in my country of birth included, is not a conspiracy to keep me down. Because when my life doesn't go to plan, I double down on working hard, not go looting. And because when a cop pulls me over while I'm jogging at night, I say "thanks for looking out for my community, officer," not "I didn't do nothing you fucking pig." You see, unlike a fentanyl addict who sells his life for a fake $20 bill, I actually know my life matters.

Fact 13 points ago +13 / -0

Virus calls the cure an epidemic. More at 11.

Fact 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always thought that Black and Italic (almost like Italian) were offensive font terms. We should use Fatass and Slope.

Fact 9 points ago +9 / -0

"And when I asked for soy marinade they called me a f—... A f—... I can't go on. It was a sexual slur that I've not heard in all my years of online gaming. ???"

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