Eatnignogsnotdogs2 2 points ago +2 / -0

They'd rather bitch about "sundown towns". They deny that coloured "no go zones" exist at all.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 15 points ago +15 / -0

Robots in sci-fi: "How may I serve you, Master?"

Robots in reality: "Kill yourself, meatbag"


Eatnignogsnotdogs2 8 points ago +8 / -0

Don't most other countries have socialized tuition or some shit? They don't need to be able to afford it, their governments can dump all their scum via student shenanigans

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 5 points ago +5 / -0

From my distant childhood: A live-action Saturday morning show about a ghost dog, MacDuff. The premise was ripped off straight from Mr Ed. It's now lost media, all copies were destroyed in a fire or something, apparently.

From the early 80s: The Private Benjamin tv series. It didn't have that damn Goldie Hawn in it, the girl who replaced her was MUCH more likeable, but it did have Eileen Brennan and the sgt from the movie. Can't seem to find much more clips.

Honorable Mentions: Werewolf and Manimial. The latter might work as a remake with modern CGI - they wouldn't be limited to the same three or four critters. Would love to see either come back (note: The former has nothing to do with the TTRPGs).

One I was glad to see cancelled: Kindred: The Embraced. Mr Spelling failed to read that first page describing how vampire organs necrotize ...

I'm sure there's a couple of more modern, serialized ones that didn't get to finish their damn stories, but I can't recall what they might be offhand, that's how pissed off I am at the retention of the "season" structure when they're serializing everything now.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 6 points ago +7 / -1

What's so horribe about being related to non-human apes (and other lifeforms)?

I'm more embarrassed of the pakijeets and niggers than the monkeys and lemurs.

Know what the diagnostic difference between a monkey and an ape is? It's in the shoulders. A monkey is a quadruped, and has the shoulders of one. Apes have shoulders that allow them to brachiate, to "stick 'em up". Chimps, gorillas, orangs, gibbons AND HUMANS all have this special shoulder. NO OTHER TREE-DWELLING ANIMAL DOES. Not koalas, not squirrels, no one but APES. And that's why humans are STILL APES. and not something special and apart (in the same way whites aren't anything special and apart from the rest of their species, eh wot)

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 5 points ago +6 / -1

Don't go saying Trudeau needs to be hanged as a traitor there, either.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 12 points ago +12 / -0

So if they were being honest, it's the WHITE birth rate that's dropped. Not the HUMAN birth rate ....

Irresponsible breeders coughing out incestuous retards. by the billion is great if you love a population of livestock, II iguess. Like the dude in Greek mythology who was fine with replacing his own people with ants.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 38 points ago +39 / -1

And this is how technological societies collapse.

This is the answer to the Fermi paradox, I think.

Maybe every technological species gets cursed with its equivalent of pakijeets and niggers, high-breeding devil-heads.

Someone ought to remind Muskrat that corpos like himi LOVE downsizing, when he starts screeching about "low birth rates" (which I believe is just a lie, "climate change for the human-worshiping right). I remember when targets like him would tell us how wonderful and great for the economy downsizing is as they handed out the pink slips.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Demons on two legs that breed like insects but without Nature's population regulation.

Too bad more of them didn't get sterilized. They need saltpeter in their damn drinking water. Or a much higher death rate of their breeders and future-breeders.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

You could say the same about non-,human wildlife. Leave them alone. Fuck the hiunting and trapping industries and every demon involved.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think we are already witnessing it happen.

Check out places where teachers talk to one another. The kids coming up in elementary schools have less self-control than an adult chimp or corvid, from the sounds of things.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 -9 points ago +1 / -10

I can hear my grandmother yelling "told you so" from the grave.

She firmly believed, all her life, that Americans were still and always would be, believers in "manifest destiny". "Don't be silly", my mom always said. "That's in the past". That Schoolhouse Rock bit about Elbow Room sure as fuck didn't help.

Welp. When the war comes, everything on two legs that ain't my husband wiill be considered an enemy. And no, it wouldn't be that hard to find a gun in farming country.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 18 points ago +18 / -0

I think they started turning on the idea of IQ when non-humans not only started registering (according to their hero Descartes, non-humans were expected to score exactly zero and be unable to learn squat-fuck-all), but started beating out humans (particularly retards, who are sacred.)

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 10 points ago +10 / -0

Hint: All domesticated canines (Canis lupus familiaris) descend from the same species (Canis lupus lupus), BUT descended from at least two different populations. The idea of a species descending from a single pair is ... quaint.

What differences that same species-different population descent would make have undoubtedly been ... unstudied.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 8 points ago +9 / -1

That's the lamest thing I've heard in a while. How obsessed with the Holocaust do you have to be to be this fucking lame?

It's whiny crap like this that make one kinda wish the Germans really had finished the fucking job.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Sure, people look different with their glasses off, but they're still recognizable.

The usual way makes everyone in Metropolis kinda stupid.

I remember a really bad sat am cartoon from the late 70s/early 80s where the family of superheroes only changed clothes. No eyemasks, nothin'. And no one recognized them .... Whatever it was called, it kind of deserves to be lost media ...

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Citizens? How about all the non-citizens that were allowed to get in without getting who can use those tactics as enemies agents? Remember rumours of Chinese soldiers coming in via Mexico?

They already caught one chink. How many thousands more to go?

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know for sure that if they try to trot out some ridiculous "grey" as the other species, the first word out of my mouth is going to be "fake".

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 10 points ago +10 / -0

Drones are already geofenced, according to what drone hobbyists have been saying. They stop working if they get too close to restricted airspace, and cops of one sort or another are on the operator's ass in minutes.

What is suspicious to me is that the narrative keeps changing. And base incursions started in England as well as the US east coast back in November.

What's up there now is undoubtedly a lot of civilian and police etc drones looking for the og "drones" that started this flap, but the real "drones' seem to be coming off the ocean, and while they might have "lights", they're not necessarily FAA compliant lights.

Best case scenario: US government/industrial fuckery and gaslighting.

Worst case scenario: Sino-Russian fuckery and US gaslighting.

Outlier scenario: NHI (not necessarily "from space") fuckery and US gaslighting.

No matter what, trust in Washington is going to tank even more than it already has done, at home and internationally.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 4 points ago +4 / -0

I played a bit of Ara, it's actually kind of interesting so far. Gamepass. I like its mechanic better than Civ VI's districts, at least.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Consumer" "drones" that shut down bases in the US and the UK with impunity. That shut down airports in the US (and apparently China). But no one shoots them down. Because local first responders are warned to use hazmat equipment should one crash.

Geofencing? Bah. Not for these "drones".

But there's absolutely nothing to worry about, and they're not "foreign adversaries" ?!

When these clowns say "don't worry", start worrying.

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