Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just get press gangs to throw migrants into the troop truck.

Hell, lure them in with free gibs.

Just don't give them guns til they get there. Drop em off via parachute equipped with a map and compass and coords to a weapons stash.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

If humans can extinct a billion Passenger Pigeons, they can get rid of Muslims, too

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

How many are taught that German cities such as Munich were wracked by riots and fighting immediately after WWI, before AH even stumbled across the nascent NSDAP?

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 1 point ago +1 / -0

When will you rage? Never, coz y'all are cowards who only wanna shoot at those who can't shoot you back. Be too busy murdering deer to worry about kamala.

Eatnignogsnotdogs2 2 points ago +2 / -0

For the average Joe, currency was only a yardstick to standardize barter transactions anyway, for most of human history. Currency was for governments and travelling merchants, not townsfolk who stayed in one place and knew the same people all their lives - townsfolk just traded with each other, and maybe kept debt books, but only strangers needed to pay coin.

Of course, this only works in small populations in high trust societies.

The industrial revolution really was the worst thing to happen next to the Renaissance ....