Cronosmax2 4 points ago +4 / -0

This contributes to sexist stereotypes about women and tells men that women are sex objects for their carnal pleasures. Ban this game now for muh soggy knees!

Feminist game "criticism" that you're a bad person for opposing

Cronosmax2 6 points ago +6 / -0

Commies already raiding the comment section

Cronosmax2 21 points ago +22 / -1

I see this sentiment spewed everywhere and it makes me so fucking sick. It's not just this one Reddit slag, this type of argument is posted and said everywhere, both irl and online.

Cronosmax2 6 points ago +7 / -1

Wish people like this got dogpiled more twitter is a feminist shithole anti feminist and pro male twitter spaces are niche in comparison

Cronosmax2 8 points ago +8 / -0

Feminists will be seething as if tit jiggle in this game is akin to the patriachy keeping women as sex slaves in every man's home.

Cronosmax2 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trannies already invaded that comment section

Cronosmax2 11 points ago +11 / -0

Your grand pa sounded like a very wise and great man. R.I.P to him, and I kinda always thought how lucky in a way people who died before the wild ride started, imagine fighting in WW2 to just to see the world now

Cronosmax2 0 points ago +2 / -2

I liked it

Cronosmax2 6 points ago +8 / -2

Isn't it worrying though how common this sentiment is and how much women buy it

Cronosmax2 7 points ago +11 / -4

You should see how much support radfems get online and even in real life. Fuck women, I'm done with people saying these sorts of women are a small but loud minority. The Jews and the elites deserve to pay for pushing feminism

Cronosmax2 2 points ago +6 / -4

This tbh. Radfems aren't just a loud minority on twitter like people say, they have and are gaining influence in society at a fast rate. Not every woman is a misandrist dyke, but it's clearly not uncommon anymore

Cronosmax2 8 points ago +8 / -0

" We are rebels against the system but we want more of the system"

Cronosmax2 4 points ago +5 / -1

I didn't want to add more to my other comment so I'll just say this; these people are only still around because laws are still in place and the people who hate them still have things left to lose. Funny how they call others incels too, because they still enforce gender roles in some way ( a men being lesser for not having sex or having social disorders like autism is a traditional gender role).

Cronosmax2 -1 points ago +2 / -3

Keep in mind that the op whore is talking about fucking anime boobs out of all things. It seems stupid at first, but if they're willing to censor art they don't like, what else are they willing to do? I see a lot of radfems openly calling for male genocide ( a looot more than you think), so it's sad that the government listens to these people. Roe v Wade is the only thing the government has done to fuck them over, but it wasn't even to dismantle muh women's right because the whole argument about abortion is whether or not it's murder, and a lot of women voted for it to be overturned to. These people think they own the world which is why they seethe over libertarianism so much, because they want to control you and they expect you to just take it. They want a chauvinistic patriarichy but just in reverse.

Cronosmax2 -1 points ago +4 / -5

Yeah pretty much. His base arguments are still correct. As much as Imp may be nuts at times, he in my eyes is still kinda based for hating feminists as much as he does. I wish more men would adopt his mentality without the crazy shit of course. I'd rather live in a society with imps than a society with pussy worshippers.

Cronosmax2 -2 points ago +1 / -3

Screenshot is from https://arch.b4k.co/v/thread/661839885#661841103 Not even 4chan is safe from these cunts. I just have them so much and the fact that they have so much influence in society makes me sad. The men who support this are just as complicit

Cronosmax2 7 points ago +10 / -3

The screenshot is a femcels replying to someone saying that they will draw whatever they want regardless of feminist bitching. Always remember that leftists and women believe that the world is theirs and that they can impose anything on anyone they want because of their eternal victim status. Feminists are some of the most spoiled rotten children ever, which is why they demand that men give them whatever they ask for while they can in turn cry to the government that they supposedly hate so much to implement laws to fuck over the average man ( because all men are privileged billionaires who abuse women you see). Feminists are worse than jews. I just wanted to make this thread to vent because I'm just sick of feminists and their bullshit. And fuck all the men who helped them get this far in the first place. Radfems openly call for male genocide on twitter and get celebrated for it. I'll make another thread soon about how in Iceland, over 100k women are protesting literally for men to get payed less based on false statistics. These cunts aren't just a small minority on twitter like people say, they are a plague to society.



MRAs are cucked btw because while feminists are marching through insitutions and are normalizing misandry like calls for male genocide, mras just complain online and still tell eachother to be "respectful and non hostile to be better than them".

Cronosmax2 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm not really Christian myself but I respect the beauty in this story. May you all have a great Christmas

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