Makes me wonder what happens if Trump doesn't win, all the late night Jimmies shtick is orange man bad.
Don't ya know that a hearty and balanced breakfast is white supremacy.
Isn't the Boondocks made by a black socialist dude?
Japanese Internment Camps
Let me guess America is bad for having Internment Camps? Do those chuckle fucks know what the fuck were the Nips doing to Chinese, Okinawans, Philippinos, and others during World War II? God I sick of this rewriting of history.
I can't wait for the Reddit meltdown.
You forget closing all entrances except for one, because the chink flu gives a shit about what door you use. Honestly isn't more of health hazard to funnel people through one door, than using multiple entrances?
I like how Burger King still panders to literal nobodies, instead of making their "food" actually edible.
Fall Guys, and yet I have to win a crown. And the usual TF2 dustbowl, plus hoping for those new case drops (That's free money right there).
Get them both on plane to Russia, they are wanted there for their Crimes against Humanity.
Huh, it's like promoting Late Night Jimmies and Hollywood trash was very stupid idea.
Can we just airdrop these "Journalists" into places like North Korea, Iran, or China, and be done with it?