BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Have you ever read Monster Hunter International by Larry Correia? Because one of his nicest, kindest characters is a Jamaican dude, who is a Baptist, is super into LOTR and used to be a high school chemistry teacher. And funny enough, SJWs HATE the author and keep calling him a sexist and racist.

Amen to that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +23 / -0

RIGHT? It's never the nerdy black dude who plays DnD and thinks Brandon Sanderson is god. As much as they like to deny it, it's always some absolute shitbag criminal who ruins the lives of everyone.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +8 / -3

I will be honest, I will never defend furry shit and lolicon.
I have seen way too much of this. "UWU, I am just a furry", then surprise, surprise, turns out they rape puppies to death. Kero, Toggle, Doug Spink...

I don't care how much people say it should be fine on here and this will be unpopular, but furry is absolute degeneracy. As much as the community tries to pretend it's all friendly and shit, some ungodly horror surfaces every time.

Animals and kids are the ones I am not willing to risk so adults get away with their sick fantasies. "Oh, they don't offend", until they do and by then it's too late.

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

It's muh racism to automatically judge people with ghetto names, but like... they make it so difficult to not do it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Oh, I get that. I'm just saying that if the pill is so bad (which it is), then maybe we should do something about that?
I know someone who got her liver wrecked by the pill and apparently shit like that happens.

But really, I don't understand why people keep saying hormones are very complicated both in men and women, but then we just mess with them for funsies, like this or gender stuff.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

Okay, the pill is banned. Guess how hard women will cry about muh reproduction health and rights. The feminazis demanded this to be a thing. Now live with it.

Same goes for breast implant illness. Oh, you tell me maybe the big brave body modification of plastic balls in your body is a bad idea? WOAH. I especially like the ones who screeched about "I get them because of me, I don't care about anyone's opinion", then end up crying on Youtube about how society pressured them into it when it poisons them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

Ghetto people keeping pitbulls = diversity
White people keeping a labrador they maybe love a bit too much, but generally try to do the best for = racism

When we talk about whites, then ban everything, everything is bad. When it's about blacks... they need to do everything, regardless.
Every uneducated black person who can't be trusted should have a gun! YAY. RIGHTS! They should have dogs, doesn't matter if they know what to do. Have 75 kids, good idea, diverse.
Whites? Fuck you, don't breed. You can't be trusted with a gun. Keeping pets is evil. DIE. Oh, you made a point of getting educated and doing you best? Still no.

Now let Davonte and LaQuisha absolutely butcher the things you are banned from.

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

A shitty, race baiting version of Happy Death Day?

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

You should come to the South. Pécs is super beautiful , you can hike in Mecsek, there is a spa in Harkány, there is a small, super chill summer music festival (I hope it will still exist) called Fishing on Orfű by these mountain lakes, there is a little wakeboard place nearby, the Abaliget cave, Villány is a wine region where you can go tour all the cellars and grab some great food, lake Balaton is pretty close as well. If you have a bit more money and you have the certification/experience, you can go hunting. Some places offer horse riding as well. A bunch of fun things.

Orbán is a politician. By nature, I don't love politicians. They always try to benefit themselves and their buddies and that will never change, left, right, center, green, blue, anything.
BUT. He is 10000% right about certain things. Supporting families to be able to buy or build homes and to get cars suited to a bigger family is absolutely right. Cold or not, a lot of times people's decisions about the number of kids they have absolute hinges on things like... do we have enough space? Can the whole family get somewhere without having to think who goes in the car and who stays every time?
Incentivising people to have kids is the way, not importing a perpetually dependent class of people who absolutely can't fit in and will be criminal and destructive.
The leftists before him weren't any less corrupt and they desperately want to fit in with the fascist left of Western Europe.
The left here is also a bunch of retards who can't even agree with each other on what to have for lunch. Let alone forming any form of a unified face and plan for anything.

Crazies exist everywhere, sadly. 99% of people are fine with you Muricans. We also have very colourful expressions to deal with those people. "Anyád picsája" is wonderful and concise. (Means your mother's cunt. Many a Hungarian conversation was closed with it.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

You're welcome, I do my best to make the world a better place every single day.

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

Repeat after me. The left cares about the people, it's the party of love, acceptance and goodness.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

HURRR. I don't care about fiction unless it has dragons. Not even CNN is that bad. Yet. They have harpies and trolls, though.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +14 / -1

The channels ALLOW them to do that? I'm not saying here news aren't biased. But they don't allow their anchors to go off script, there is not much... personality, I guess. Sometimes they go "Yeeeeah, that baby alpaca we just showed is adorable, ain't it?". But the news are not portrayed as personal for them, because we all just agree that it's their job to say the stuff and then they go home.
It would be absolutely out of question for the person to voice something that is (supposed to be) their own opinion on air. No way.

(Just a side note, I am kind of up to date with a lot of US pop culture, but it's usually fiction or something described informally. I never watch US news and even the things I do watch, I don't do it actually on TV as it airs. So my cultural understanding of these things is very limited and filtered.)

BulbasaurusThe7th 32 points ago +33 / -1

Okay, here is the thing. In my country we don't make a big deal of "news anchors". Sure, some names are more known, but it's more like a meme, like "oh, this anchor talks like this and they look like that, lets make a funny reference in a joke", so I don't understand how and why American ones got so self-important.

This woman looks like a clone of a clone, overbotoxed second wife of a rich guy, hanging out at the yacht club.
Why should anyone care? She has no right to pretend she makes the news. She is a talking head. You don't want to hear your waitress pretend to be a dietetician. Bookstore clerks don't form literature. I don't care about my dog groomer's opinion on environmentalisms.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

One of them is like "I am terrified". Bitch, you ain't. You wouldn't be an online titty streamer slut banking on muh gamer guuurl is you were so not confident and scared.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I wish. Some are nice. I always like the Asian girls, they are super polite. The Arabs are ALWAYS rude as fuck.
I knew one Turkish dude, he was not a Muslim. We got him hooked on pork, dude became an addict of bacon and I am not joking. Had to find out for him where to buy pork crackling "for snacking". :D
My sister somehow made friends with a Mongolian law student. Dude was super nice, my sister's bf even ended up going to Mongolia on vacation. It was wild.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Well, the consensus seems to be it isn't. Would I argue with Apple? With Beyonce? Our cultural and societal icons who are on the right side of history. Politicians like Saint Obama or Alexandria The Great?
I don't make the rules, my friend.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

We have some... mostly temporary students. And my grandparents used to have a black doctor in their village. Based old guy.
I mean I have zero clue why a dude in Africa thought "ya know what would be funny? Becoming the doctor of a backwater, tiny village in... looks at map Hun-gary? Noice".

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

First of all, you don't know me.
Second, the left does plenty of violence. Setting whole city blocks on fire is not violence? Oh, dear.
Third, what does that have to say with what I said? I literally meant "I don't care if gender specials kill themselves". Which is actually true, I didn't give a fuck when that video game one set himself on fire. Won't care if others do it. I especially don't care if they just threaten. Happened before, someone tried that on me in my life and I told him it's not my business.

BulbasaurusThe7th 30 points ago +30 / -0

saying you "don't understand" neopronouns isn't an excuse to be transphobic and invalidate someone's identity

Bitch, I don't give a fuck about your identity or your existence.

This is the thing. These people assume we all care about them. Nah. I don't. They can threaten to yeet themselves and I will not freaking care.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +13 / -0

He is younger than I am and yet looks so horrid. Jesus.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

They usually just beat the shit out of their wives/gfs/baby mommas.

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