BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +15 / -0

I know you don't see fucking animals in the ghetto (other than dawgs and bitches), but this tramp could have at least looked at NatGeo the very least.
Also, deer are capitalists. I knew they were cunts, but this makes too much sense.

Looking at her instagram and all the black female retardation going on there, suddenly all the black dudes going after white women make sense.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

Strong, independent feminazi, but the moment something doesn't go her way, she is a baby victim.
She is also an "ex-model". Wanna bet she sucked old rich dude dick when the price was high enough?

BulbasaurusThe7th 36 points ago +37 / -1

This is how I feel about tolerance.
If I don't find it wrong, I don't have to make an effort to tolerate it. I am already okay with it.
If I have to make myself tolerate it, then I find something so wrong with it that otherwise I would just plain refuse. In that case, why am I making myself be okay with something that repulses me so much? Isn't that wrong?

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +1 / -0

You seem to be unable to understand someone having different values. It's obvious we look at for example money in different ways. You seem to be very motivated by money and things, but a bunch of us aren't. You can talk about those things as much as you want to people who are not motivated by it and they won't care.

You seem to value meaningful relationships very little, so what am I supposed to say? A bunch of people do want to have kids and they value that experience more than money.
First of all, stop with this "tradcucks" bitching, you just sound like a whiny cunt. How am I supposed to have an honest conversation and discourse when you act like a snarling feminazi? But yes, I do know traditional men in traditional relationships where the wife works. You would say it's not good enough because it's usually something like foreign language teacher, physiotherapist, chocolatier, etc, so basically not big money jobs.
Again, how to discuss this when you will just say say 'NO NO NO NO' and bring up things that are not important to the people you are trying to convince?

And a man with intelligence is not able to do anything? Dude. The way you talk about people makes you sound more and more like you think literally everyone is either evil or stupid, except yourself.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Again, that is ridiculous in many ways. Maybe a bunch of people don't just care about money and meaningless baubles. You could be money-oriented. Many of us aren't.

You also come with the idea that a woman can only ever be a dependent. Like is she a dependent if she would be okay on her own too?
Also, in many traditional relationships the woman staying home means a lot of actual money saved, when for example childcare would be more expensive or if they try to be self-sufficient and she does a lot of that stuff around the home.

With psycho women, it's the same as with abusive men. 99.9% of them don't just become lunatics out of nowhere. If you are honest with yourself and you look and don't ignore the red flags, the risks are WAY lower.
You will just say NOOOOOPE (all women are psycho, no men are abusive, it's all just women making everything bad happen ever), but whatever.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

He knows your wife more than you do. She is EEEEEVIL temptress who draws you away from the true direction of being bitchy dude who pretends all women are literal Satan.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

That is a ridiculous idea.
First of all, you can't say anything that will be universally true about everyone like that.
Second, how can you even think you can decide that for everyone? What now? If someone says "nah, I gained this and this and I'm happy", will you just go to your typical answer of the man being brainwashed or blackmailed?
It's stupid and meaningless to come with big declarations like that of all the other people when you are just doing to say "NUH" when someone say it's not true.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyone who uses AGP unironically should be charged as an accessory to crimes against humanity,

Hooooo. Send the... UN after me, I have committed a crime against humanity. Jesus.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Johnny Depp was a Hollywood weirdo before Amber Heard was even a thought. Do you think they pushed him because he was a secretly sane person?

So basically black people are literally useless and do nothing and are unable to exercise any self-determination because white women are all powerful. I wonder where my superpowers are. Men are truly degenerate idiots in your opinion, who can do nothing without being made by women.

Again, you make men sound like brainless literal animals who will never ever do anything without women telling them. There is countless proof of men talking about being sexually aroused by the idea of themselves as women. That is autogynephilia.
Let me guess, that's not what men mean, YOU know what men mean when they say those words. Just like feminists explaining what other women mean.

And now you also do the thing where you pretend you don't understand an obviously outrageously stupid joke/sarcastic comment to score a gotcha that only exist in your head.
Like the offendatron lib feminists do.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +12 / -0

You claimed the same about a bunch of different random men, like Johnny Depp, I remember him specifically when I told you that he would fuck you over just like all the leftist women in Hollywood, because politically he is the exact same.
It was a conversation about how you think a lib man would see you as a brother. No, they hate you just as much as the women do, to which you started telling me how he is just blackmailed.
You refuse to see men as people who can be assholes without women controlling them. See how that works out for you.

You blame feminist women for black supremacy. Because the like of Tariq Nasheed and Ibrahim X Kendi are not real, they are women in manface? They must be controlled by women.

Yeah, dudes bragging online about fishing used pads and tampons out of public bathroom trash cans are caused by women, so you gloat like a psycho about every time some autogynephile doing these absolute serial killed fucked things, because random woman in a bathroom had it coming for... Valerie Solanas?

Right. For every Asia Argento, you can gleefully post about one male creep on Win. That makes you sound not unhinged and mean-spirited.
Maybe I have the capacity to have issues with both? But I'm sure I am a secret agent of feminism, here to seduce and BRAINWASH AND BLACKMAIL men.

On that note, I will post all the male .win users' dick picks if I don't get declared queen of the universe with a harem of hunks.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +16 / -2

I never said women have no power. You are the one who legit says that every time a man is shit, it's women controlling him or he is being "blackmailed". Every time. You have claimed the black dude who hit children and old people with his car at that Christmas event was pushed to it by women. Same with MtF transgender molesters and sexual criminals.

But I am the crazy one here. Right.

BulbasaurusThe7th 23 points ago +24 / -1

Shhhh, black people are enlightened giga libs, domestic violence, sexual violence, child abuse and neglect, homophobia, sexism, racism against other minorities are non-existent among them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 15 points ago +18 / -3

Yes, you just declare the conversation over and how you have won like a feminist. Yes, honey, you are so right. Every time, it's not just the voices in your head.

Jesus fucking Christ, why do I even try debating literally delusional paranoids?

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes, people who are childish like stoner movies. Are we going to claim it's literally just women? Do you never talk to men with low brow humour and childish tastes? What about stoners who find them funny? Let me guess, just women.

DUDE, the fucking movie is made by literally almost 100% Jews. The fuck are you on?? Now you go on and on about Nazis and all.

You are literally denying Jews are at odds with Christians culturally because women exist. Do you ever just read back what you write?
How is that making the Jewish-Christian conflict not a thing? HOW? You can't just point at literal, observable facts and say they don't exist because "le womenses". I'm not even blamind any side, but you think there are no historic conflicts between religions now?

My feminist friends? WHAT? I have been told by feminists I need to be raped to so I can learn to be friends with them. Now you are trying to say I'm some feminazi secret agent?
I have literally broken contact with real life "friends" when they turned feminazi. The fuck??
I do despise feminists.

Now you are blabbering some random other HBO show that nobody fucking mentiones. The red string over your corkboard is getting out of control.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Now I am sure there were drugs in the mashed potato I just ate.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +9 / -2

Stoner movies are because of the mockery of women how? I know, now you will go to Seth Rogen being BLACKMAILED by women. Abused into being a horrible libtard hellbent on ruining society by women. Otherwise he would be a giga Chad.

Literally all of the people who made Santa Inc are Jews, defacing a Christian cultural thing, part of a culture they have been at odds with for a long time.
But a few of them were also women, so the men doing it can be explained away by.... tiny women inside life-sized robot men, like in Men in Black?

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +8 / -1

You ask me if Silverman is not a woman, then you pretend Rogen, a man is because of women. I swear to god, this is some impressive mental gymnastics.

BulbasaurusThe7th 13 points ago +15 / -2

Throw in something about feminists too. Like TheImp.
"I am a Jew and I hate you Christians. DIE you disgusting shit."
"It's women's fault."

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, Teriyaki chicken with that sweet onion sauce is pretty nice, but like...

BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +3 / -1

I don't care what he went through and that's a fact. I just don't fucking care, he was always a violent crazy and those have no place in society.
A bunch of us went through a bunch of shit. I am not going to go into details, it doesn't matter. But it's not a fucking excuse to kill children. FUCKING CHILDREN. I don't care if women roasted you in a vat of hot oil, nobody has the right to do that and the moment they do, I want them to die.

Another thing is, in some cases, women do wrong men. But you go "WOMEN DID IIIIIIIT" every single time and you excuse any man you ever see. No thought put into it, just say you canned response and it's done.

BulbasaurusThe7th 1 point ago +3 / -2

You are just as deranged as a feminazi and you still pretend you aren't. You are willing to look at every single insane, evil man that ever existed and pretend it's not so bad, because le wominz made him do it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +4 / -1

I remember Mary Phagan, you fucking cunts. Remember that. Think about that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

Written by a... troon. Surprise, surprise. A "trans lesbian" who claims this is acceptable because he had so much trauma that he can't get mad about it.

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