Bouldabassed 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly amazing response except for the conclusion.

But in the end, to try to embrace porn and reject promiscuous culture is an incoherent position.

People merely advocating for certain things to not be banned are not "embracing" it. If I say I don't think that alcohol should be prohibited that doesn't mean I am "embracing" alcohol or any downstream problems introduced by its existence. If someone is advocating for weird shit to be normalized, that's a completely different thing altogether. I think 99% of people here could agree stuff like that should carry a stigma and not be normalized, but advocating for it not to be banned does not contradict that position.

You touch on utilitarianism a little, so it really seemed you were going to end with "and thus most here don't want it banned because it doesn't lead to us winning the overall cultural struggle we find ourselves part of, and is, in fact, counterproductive to it," but instead you randomly veered off into "not wanting something banned = embracing it."

Still saving your post though; stuff like this are why I love this board.

Bouldabassed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Most of the time they can, but there are plenty of edge cases where it's difficult to tell apart. If you see enough Japanese, Chinese, and Korean people, even as a white person you'll develop a knack for telling them apart most of the time by facial features alone.

Source: I speak Japanese and this topic has come up many times with my Japanese coworkers. I can tell pretty well myself at this point too.

Bouldabassed 7 points ago +7 / -0

In addition, a decent portion of the Japanese population pretends nothing happened and there’s nothing to apologize for

Honestly, knowing what the likely alternative looks like? Based.

Bouldabassed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah I think it's extremely intellectually lazy to be like "this leader is evil, that one is evil, they're all equally evil." No, we are capable of thinking with nuance. We won't get anywhere with that kind of thinking that paints everything with one brush.

Bouldabassed 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's honestly pathetic how thoroughly an entire generation was brainwashed into mindless consumerism.

Bouldabassed 5 points ago +6 / -1

The point I was making is that puberty is around 12 to 14 for girls. It's pretty well established that, when anonymous and free from repercussion, guys will rate 14 year olds as relatively quite attractive, even compared to ages like 24 or something.

Bouldabassed 12 points ago +12 / -0

It's pretty much established fact that women skyrocket in attractiveness around the time they hit puberty. Actually, I recall some graphs that suggest the peak (as identified by men submitting ratings anonymously) is actually before 18. Unfortunately don't have access to it on my phone at the moment though.

Not saying I think it would be good or healthy for society for grown men to hit on 14 year olds, but I'm not going to participate in the performative pearl clutching at the mere thought that girls under 18 can be attractive.

Bouldabassed 4 points ago +4 / -0

Great post. Definitely a concern I have and something I brought up in the other thread. I appreciate the time taken to come with lots of examples. It's very noticeable how the usage of this word has shifted over the past decade and even just the past five or so years.

Bouldabassed 4 points ago +4 / -0

I also fly Delta a lot for work since they are the only carrier with a direct route between my city and my most common work destination. Gotten some free vacations out of it which is nice, but looking forward to dropping them like a bag of trash the second I'm able to do so. The problem is the alternatives are quite limited. Was it Southwest that was giving obese people an extra seat for free and distributing the cost among the rest of the flight?

Bouldabassed 2 points ago +2 / -0

This stuff always makes me wonder. Are many of these people (the politicians, not the children) true believers? My default thought is that they are pushing this shit on the world for personal gain and would shield their families from it if they could. But often times their own families are affected in ways like this.

Bouldabassed 10 points ago +10 / -0

In order for it to be "copium" there has to be significant negative effects that are being explained away lmao

Bouldabassed 14 points ago +15 / -1

Who said anything about normalizing it? Not criminalizing or banning it doesn't have to mean normalizing it. I am strongly against it being banned but I am even more against it being normalized. It should be banished to secluded corners of the web and should have a stigma associated with being found to like it. But we cannot go even one step down that path of censorship because it doesn't lead to good places.

Bouldabassed 13 points ago +13 / -0

I've gotten into it at length on this subject many times and don't feel like doing so again, but I can't help but add one thing to the discussion. The linguistic manipulation needs to stop. Loli never ever used to refer to "any anime girl who could remotely be construed to be under the age of consent of 18 determined by the US government." However there has been a disturbing trend of people, even ones who are generally defending it, who are willing to cede that ground. Hatsune Miku is not a loli lmfao. She may be "underage" (pretty sure she's supposed to be 16), but she is not a loli. No, the words are not interchangeable.

Loli refers to pre-pubescent girls. Think 12 years old or something. No, being petite (as most actual Japanese girls are in real life) does not automatically make someone a loli.

Bouldabassed 3 points ago +4 / -1

That's all well and good, but how is it relevant to the post we're discussing? She just said her and her friends consider a lot of that stuff to be not desirable in a potential husband and father of their children.

Again, I would wager I would strongly disagree on where she draws that line, but the assertions she is making don't exactly run afoul of your rant there. A statement that they don't view it as desirable in a potential mate isn't some grand overarching claim that it's fundamentally bad, although I wouldn't be shocked if she would follow up with that if pressed on it.

Bouldabassed 10 points ago +11 / -1

You've never run into manchildren who spend too much time, money, and attention on stupid shit like collecting funko pops? Personally, to each their own I guess but I could see how that is pussy repellent. That is the grain of truth, there are a lot of actual manchildren out there.

The problem comes when one notes that where she draws that line and where I or most reasonable people on this board would draw that line is probably very different.

Bouldabassed 13 points ago +14 / -1

There are some grains of truth in there, but as noted in this thread, I can't expect her to be using a good faith definition of the word "obsessed." And most modern women spend more time on useless vapid shit than guys do on their hobbies. A dude who is a little too into Star Wars but is otherwise a well functioning person with a stable job and life is generally going to be more than the average girl deserves today.

Bouldabassed 11 points ago +11 / -0

And everywhere else in the world, just places like China have preserved their cultural awareness of that biological reality moreso than western cultures that like to pretend it doesn't exist.

Bouldabassed 16 points ago +16 / -0

The fact that they have such a sizable gender imbalance and aren't overrun with ugly bitches already is a testament to how fucked it is here. The only ugly Chinese girls I've seen are just ones that are naturally ungifted in the looks department. Unlike American girls who in many cases go out of their way to ruin their natural beauty because they're infected with some shitty mind virus.

Bouldabassed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I wouldn't even call it an engineered recession. As far as I'm concerned we've pretty much been in one for half a year or even a year. Government spending was the only thing keeping the illusion alive.

DOGE combined with the immediate shock of tariffs (whether they stay applied for long or not) is plenty enough to start the descent. Unfortunately, a correction is very much needed in some cases. Hopefully housing prices take a beating but I'm not holding my breath.

Bouldabassed 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's definitely a mistake to act like it's as deep red as most think it is, but I don't think I'd be willing to call it purple at the moment. It did vote for Trump by 14 points.

Bouldabassed 21 points ago +24 / -3

Worst thing Trump has done so far in term 2. Absolutely deranged.

Bouldabassed 6 points ago +7 / -1

As someone currently dating a girl from SEA, and who had only dated American girls prior, the difference cannot be understated. All the way down to the basic body language where it's very easy to tell most western girls are just going through the motions.

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