BillieEllish 7 points ago +7 / -0

I used to work for them as well and the woke shit came in really hard and fast. We couldn't get our division profitable despite being one of the bragged about "AI" and big data groups. The VP over us would just blog about BLM and the virus while we were floundering but prevent us from actually functioning. They laid people off to make earnings during the peak of the economic damage and the VP's team selected who to lay off. Higher ups usually tell low level managers to lay off a certain number of people but this time this woman's team hand selected who and still won't tell why. The result was teams losing essential people while the dead weight stuck around.

The BLM shit at IBM was insane. They had propaganda all over and had the term emb(race) on their propaganda. There are black Slack channels where black women complain about how IBM is oppressing them despite them all being insufferable managers of useless teams. The only funny part about those channels are the black women bitching at the white women about "allyship" and how its empty unless whites give their jobs to blacks. They would @ managers, making retarded demands, and the managers would stay quiet while being harassed. Our managers were told to ask the blacks in our teams if they felt safe working at IBM. Everyone there made $75k+ and the office was in a wealthy and low crime area. The black diversity officer for our location drove a Mercedes.

IBM doesn't give a shit about its employees and management is filling up with upper(middle) class women who treat their job as more of a social activity than a responsibility with people's livelihoods on the line.

BillieEllish 6 points ago +7 / -1

This will not fix anything and just centralize control over the internet. The US already has issues with computer tech innovation. Further restrictions will just accelerate it.

Wanting the government to solve problems it creates by adding more layers of government seems to be an obsession liberals have.

BillieEllish 17 points ago +17 / -0

I think its less "work=salvation" and more they have nothing else in life. Some people are just boring and get purpose from work.

There is something to the protestant work ethic and it keeping one from self destructive behavior. The work also is not limited to a job so one can work part time and have a hobby or personal projects. It can be anything productive.

BillieEllish 25 points ago +25 / -0

It's neither capitalism nor communism that dictates that. You'd have to be small brained actively propaganda to reduce it to that.

Also, there is a cost of living issue that prevents a lot of people from working less. Given how economically illiterate people are, I have no hope they will actually pinpoint the actual sources of their misery.

BillieEllish 1 point ago +1 / -0

There was a twitter thread by one of the top researchers of gender dysphoria that said nearly all kids who took puberty blockers and took hormones(befote puberty) would stay the opposite sex. Most that did not take hormones or blocker, they would eventually become normal by 25.

The brain altering chemicals may be fucking up these kids beyond the point of no return.

BillieEllish 6 points ago +6 / -0

I stopped watching TV 10+ years ago. Only a few adult oriented anime and documentaries. People can tell when they talk to me for while and think something is wrong with me. It hurts my job prospects and "career" a little since big tech has a lot of bug men.

I've come to the conclusion that electronic entertainment, especially from the major outlets is poison, even when it isnt steeped in social justice. I wasted my earlier years playing video games and watching TV when I couldve had fun being productive or entertained myself without burning out my dopamine receptors.

People need to turn off and tune out but most people wont.

BillieEllish 25 points ago +25 / -0

It really is a religion. These nonproductive women obsess over it at work. It seems like a religion for a class of people that self segregates and hates normal people.

BillieEllish 20 points ago +20 / -0

I will need to go on the slack channel and look at their bios again. One is a VP of our division that writes blog posts and has department meetings where she gives media training responses. The other i remember who I personally dealt with was overseeing the transition from one monitoring service to another. Her job consisted of scheduling meetings and listening in. She didnt know the products and the migration is now cancelled

BillieEllish 46 points ago +46 / -0

Guten tag. I work for one of the aforementioned companies and will provide information. The company had a group working on this the second management started embracing critical theory. It consisted of female managers of nonproductive teams, HR, and the alphabet employees who put their "gender" in their bio.

It has gotten so absurd that they were considering banning black box and replacing it with opaque box. Someone heard in a meeting that a backend testing label was called yellow zone(and also gray zone and red zone). The woman was concerned it would offend east asians. They do not have experience with development and do not understand the history of the terms. Theimpossible1 probably has a point about women in the workplace because of this and I would probably agree to some extent.

The most rabid people participating in this seem to spend more time messaging about their social actovism than making the company profitable. There seems to be a trend where there are positions 40+ yr women occupy that serve as a form of welfare where work requirements are basically nonexistent and the women occupying them priortize increasing their social status rather than getting any work done. These women never get laid off.

BillieEllish 13 points ago +13 / -0

According to their logic that means their affirmative action is also illegal.

BillieEllish 1 point ago +1 / -0

Always reminds me of chodes

BillieEllish 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe he can claim to be a former KKK grand wizard at 18.

BillieEllish 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not white, but thanks.

So an itallian finally admits he's not white.

BillieEllish 15 points ago +16 / -1

"Guildwars Lead Designer, Jennifer Scheurle, involved with Riot Kitchen, the bus full of petrol cans and explosives. "

The above title give us the information we need to understand the content of the post. [title of subject][subject's name][action][relevant context]

"Gamers are supporting the terrorism and insurrection. Big surprise given the social justice turds gamers prop up!"

This title does not give people the who or the what. It reads more like a personal response to the post rather than a title of the post.

BillieEllish 29 points ago +29 / -0

The military guys I know claim the feds have them classified as a terrorist org and treat them as such. The problems are politicians and sympathizers in the govt.

BillieEllish 6 points ago +6 / -0

The progressive(the political philosophy) mindset encourages constant change. Those people are the ones who dominate silicon valley tech.

BillieEllish 13 points ago +13 / -0

The old Atlanta Mayor threatened people with an ass whoopin if they rioted, stating something to the tune of "we dont do that here". They called the black mayor racist...

The current mayor allows it to happen until it leaves the bad area in southwest atlanta.

BillieEllish 9 points ago +9 / -0

What if we gave that space back to New Yorkers?

They always use the language of the revolution. New Yorkers are the ones parking there.....

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