because I'm not sure where I was defending anyone.
His policies were (to him) not meant to wipe them out.
wasn't real genocide
Coming from a guy who was trying to defend the highest scoring mass killer so far, that's not very impactfull.
And copyright law. No need to take a risk on new characters when popular old ones can be milked for decades.
Yes, it is retarded to claim to know what his murderous policies meant to him.
The man died in 1976 and you claim to know his thoughts?
You don't have to kill them all for it to be a genocide. He killed 10s of millions and basically broke the rest with his policies, destroying the old Chinese culture and forcibly remaking the people.
Every general rule has exceptions, that's how bell curves work. But those rare outliers on the tails of the curve do not disprove the lump in the middle where the vast majority are clustered.
The genocide Mao carried out on his own people was both more recent and significantly larger, why isn't it mentioned?
They literally arrested the Baron Rothschild.
But there are also fake profiles run by Pakistanis and Chinese pretending
Irrelevant, they're all the same as dalits when they come to White nations.
Because they know most people are retards who never look past the headline.
Luckily, insane men in wigs can't get pregnant.
we're trying to make a religion for the tax write-off. It'll be like scientology, except no kidnapping, disappearances
You'll never get that tax write off if IRS officials don't fear what will happen if they don't give it to you. That's literally how the scientoligists pulled that trick off.
Yes, but bringing asylums back won't do much good if we don't first do something about the lunatics currently running the mental health system and making their patients worse.
Not to mention those non-curvy legs and that suspiciously sufficient upper body strength.
As if establishment republicans have never cucked on guns before. Remember the AWB in the 90s, or the Hughes amendment in the 80s?
Alternatively, that it was a false flag with real bodies and the government killed all those kids.
Some powerful poe's law going on here.
They were challenged on it, pistol braces are back to being legal.
Can't do anything about the $200 without Congress changing or repealing the 1934 NFA. However, as he mentioned in the video, the 1986 FOPA that closed the machingun registry gives the ATF director authority to temporarily reopen it for amnesties, which would allow everyone to pay $200 to register a brand-new auto sear. And if enough people did, that could turn the recent "in common usage" Supreme Court precedent against the NFA and get rid of machine gun restrictions.
I've read most of it and it's Twilight tier trash.
That explains why women love it.
Unfortunately, patent law judges are all old boomers who don't understand computers, so precedent for software patents is all kinds of fucked up, which enables patent trolls.
Reality is often even stranger than memes.
Software patents wouldn't be so bad if they patented specific code, but they're patenting vague concepts here. It's not like patents on physical items, where a competitor can research and find an alternate process to achieve the same end without violating the patent.
Well, first you said the autogenocidal maniac didn't acktuallly do a genocide, then there's you claiming he didn't mean to, as if his intent has any weight comparable to the mountain of corpses he built out of his own people.