Arkana 9 points ago +12 / -3

The author has drawn porn before, but dragon maid is just a slice of life anime. Cute girls doing cute things.

Arkana 6 points ago +6 / -0

From an old Gamergate content creator I'd suggest watching this video which goes over some of that.

Arkana 10 points ago +11 / -1

India's caste system lasted for an extremely long time. It was only recently that they had to criminally punish people still holding to it. Of course it still had intermixture and changed over time, but it had good staying power.

Every system will have it's own "castes" of a type, the only difference is how visible they are and how easily people can move between them.

Arkana 6 points ago +13 / -7

MLK jr. was a huge psyop for middle class americans. They said "Look black men can be suit wearing christians too!" and then killed him off to make a martyr.

This was just used to make "segregation" something universally bad, with Rhodesia and South Africa being used to try and teach the world the lesson that you are not allowed to have a working modern caste system with just white europeans in power.

Arkana 20 points ago +26 / -6

You can blame the politicians that enabled the Civil Rights act in particular.

Arkana 32 points ago +32 / -0

KIA2 win doesn't even have any rules in the sidebar. I have absolutely no idea what the rules are since I barely use reddit anymore.

Arkana 33 points ago +33 / -0

It's even more blatant that their verification program is supposed to be on hold. Which means that this wasn't just a lazy verification, it's absolutely deliberate.

Arkana 3 points ago +3 / -0

Use catbox to upload stuff up to 200mb.

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

He certainly does in the Genealogy of Morals.

Arkana 14 points ago +14 / -0

In some ways it was. One of the biggest forms of early Communist type thought was put into practice during the 1871 Paris Commune. France has tended to be the place where radical egalitarianism has been fostered.

I would recommend reading some Nietzche as well, because from his writings we know that this "Inversion of values" has existed for a long time.

Arkana 28 points ago +28 / -0

Anti-white is the most broad term, since it works for both self-hating whites and outsiders who hate them too.

The people in power who were anti-white convinced society in 1965 to open the floodgates to many more immigrants who are also anti-white. The only people who don't want a "race war" are the whites with all the ideological weapons pointed at them. Whether they want it or not, it has been happening for quite a while.

The fastest way to lose a war is to pretend that it's not happening.

Arkana 56 points ago +56 / -0

They aren't "racist" they're just anti-white. Racism is nothing more than an attack word used to make people back down. These people are the ideological descendants of those who popularized and made the term, it does not intimidate them.

The "true believers" will just shout back "You're the bigger racist!" to which the public will silently agree out of fear. If you call them anti-white, they may deny it or better yet try to show how that's a good thing. The public will begin to think in terms of pro-white and anti-white, at least in a very small part.

If somebody cannot be in favour of their innate nature, then they are so possessed by shame that you would be able to puppeteer them into doing anything.

Arkana 7 points ago +7 / -0

Odysee is coming out with streaming soon. No idea how good it will be though.

Arkana 14 points ago +14 / -0

He had no damage to his throat, but a lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. What was preventing him from breathing was the drugs, not the standard procedure neck hold.

Arkana 49 points ago +49 / -0

Yeah I noticed this as well. This is clearly done by somebody progressive in translation or the US office trying to impose it on the Japanese developers.

I'm all for more customization options like being able to put all voices, hairstyles, and beards on both sexes, but removing "male" and "female" is just biology denial.

Arkana 9 points ago +9 / -0

It's quite clear that a lot of people are willing to submit to new measures at a moment's notice. It depends on the social network in question because a lot of these grew on Tumblr and have developed more on Twitter. I could see norms being changed as the internet cultures continue to develop further.

Arkana 18 points ago +18 / -0

People are worried about things like birth control adding more xenoestrogen to the water supply. As well as the potential damage of micro plastics entering the body or insecticide on plants, but I haven't looked too deeply into things like that.

It's clear that something is happening. This is shown by how much men's testosterone counts have been dropping heavily since the 1970's.

Arkana 20 points ago +21 / -1

I believe she is Jewish or at least her family seem to be, whoever put up that religious symbol on the front of their door.

Arkana 12 points ago +12 / -0

Not too surprising. There are so many accounts with virtue signaling that it will happen eventually, and most PR or social media people are on the progressive side. Unless a higher up at the company explicitly says "Avoid controversial issues or you'll be in trouble" then it's up to people like HR, and you know how that will end up.

Arkana 28 points ago +28 / -0

Yeah polls are about how they want people to feel, not how they actually do.

They can manipulate the numbers by framing the question a certain way, changing the answers, and deciding which groups should be polled. That's if they're not just making up numbers as well.

I recently saw this post and it definitely seems relevant.

Arkana 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah I meant artists who are adults, or alternatively who draw adult material (nsfw).

Arkana 30 points ago +30 / -0

A lot of this "grooming" obsession is nonsensical. They treat people the age of 17 and under like they're total infants. You see this a lot with adult artists on twitter saying "No minors!" as well.

Arkana 8 points ago +8 / -0

Pretty sure that's a troll account, but it can be very hard to tell in this day and age.

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