They recently made secretly photographing anyone in public illegal. Apparently tourist shots of a crowd are ok but you can't focus on an individual without consent. I don't understand how they expect to enforce that.
I'm most surprised that TDS Jim Gaffigan roasted Kamala. He sounds bitter about Biden. He's probably right when he says Biden is voting for Trump.
libertarians want to make it easier to declare someone "dead"
Europe is weird.
He's not, just a powerful ally. Though now that he's gone all in, if Trump loses they'll try to take his wealth, imprison, or kill him.
I thought they changed this long ago and then reversed the changes?
Rest assured any time the government does anything, it's to entrench their own power. If the thing they do is something right, that's coincidental.
Yes also needs the little Doom Guy animation grimacing in pain.
Banned words should show the little censor hearts like steam, not ban the whole post.
Tons of Vietnamese cuisine are straight up French cuisine, and nobody complains about that.
Play d&d with old/your rules? Or I guess you mean you don't have a group and were playing with randos, but there are lots of players who don't like new editions.
It's like the editor stepped in and said "hey you humanized Drumpf a little too much for our readers so I had to spice up the ending for you."
Or if they aren't degens, it's rationalization of existential dread and resentment at the state of humanity. They'll often claim that religion stems from our inability to accept death, but their atheism is the same existential anxiety. A complete rejection of higher meaning and purpose is how they live with the fact that bad things happen and people die.
To qualify your "always" assertion, I'll just make it clear I'm talking about vehemently rigid atheists, not the non-believers that would be better called agnostic, or don't care one way or another.
anyone too broke to afford a regular loan is too broke to afford a house
Biden shat himself during a meeting with the Pope, sources close to his thinking admit.
And that's how you were cured of coomerism.
I didn't even know it had a log in feature. Is that for uploaders? I only consume.
Your NASA spend 50 million American dollars trying make perfect space pen. In Soviet Russia we use pencil.
when it comes to political matters
I'm sure he's a genius when it comes to everything else.
It's ok as long as it's legal suicide! We have to kick these illegal suiciders out.
He literally engaged in the discussion.
Good luck with that let us know how it goes. :)
Iron deficiency causing a desire to eat clay or powdery substances.
+Low impulse control
Only if they are already in control of or in alignment with the regime. It strips wealth from opposition and prevents new wealth generation. Democratic socialism narrows the pyramid of wealth and power and makes your scenario far less possible. Arguably it's the whole purpose of the system. For sure it wouldn't be the "digital libertarians" the other comment mentioned, unless they act quickly. It will be a Gates or other WEF ally in line with global bankers. Those are the real "top".
How likely do you think this could happen in Europe?
Before that happens the managerial state will try to socialize wealth so much that no individual can get that rich. So far there are still too many rich elite on the establishment's side to allow that to happen.
Even Michael Malice suggested the same about making the left fight themselves. It's really encouraging to have a candidate that picks up on ideas from the right wing dissident-sphere and to realize our thinkers weren't just navel gazing on blogs about pie in the sky philosophy that could never possibly be implemented.