Ahaus667 0 points ago +1 / -1

What switcheroo moron? White men make the majority or third party voters. White women do not. Care to argue that some more?

Ahaus667 1 point ago +2 / -1

“No evidence” right because Judith butler, jk Rowling, Gloria Steinem, Simone de Beauvoir, on and on don’t exist. In fact, can you name more than 5 prominent feminists that aren’t white or Jewish? What do you have? Beyoncé?

Ahaus667 1 point ago +4 / -3

Young white men have never trended more conservative than today , young white women have never trended more liberal than today. Make your own shitty logic make sense.

Ahaus667 2 points ago +3 / -1

Per capita white women support abortion, lgbtq, unequal rights (19th), immigration, and title IX. Why do you think “conservatism” keeps being liberal talking points 20 years ago?

Ahaus667 1 point ago +4 / -3

Who indoctrinated the current generation of women into the blithering morons we see everyday? It was older white women. Married white women and older white women overwhelmingly support abortion, domestic violence, having superior rights (19th), on and on. They are the reason churches became feminized shells of themselves. This is all hilariously well documented.

Ahaus667 13 points ago +13 / -0

White men make up the highest percentage of third party voters unlike white women. Also the variance between single white men and single white women is a greater contrast than any point in us history.

Ahaus667 23 points ago +24 / -1

The majority of violent crime is committed by black men. Black women commit violent crimes at a higher rate per capita than white men. You can argue it’s due to matriarchal structures, which is likely part of it, but I would argue it’s having an average iq of 85. Jews are highly matriarchal and don’t have the crime rates blacks do, same as Koreans.

Ahaus667 16 points ago +17 / -1

By a narrow margin, it’s like saying “56% of white women voted Trump so the other 44% totally don’t want white people extinct”

Ahaus667 36 points ago +36 / -0

This, the church got heavily feminized and “forgiveness” turned from offering a path to salvation through tribulations to pure cowardice and enabling

Ahaus667 19 points ago +20 / -1

The aclu is just aipac, this bill is bad for pornography companies, who in turn tend to be aipacs biggest donors.

Ahaus667 9 points ago +9 / -0

It’s not about the “untapped” market, that’s the lip service. It’s about constantly pushing inferior products and having political lip service to keep the retards buying. Gaming has suffered the biggest drop in gameplay quality to where the only bigger companies really keeping a minimum quality level is Japan which forces everyone else to do the bare minimum to compete. American companies are more invested in whale sales than actually making a viable product.

Ahaus667 6 points ago +6 / -0

They most certainly did. Affirmative action policies by the government forced women into companies and forced “diversity” for companies that contracted with the government. The revised Philadelphia plan 1969: A federal policy requiring government contractors to set “goals and timetables” for integrating and diversifying their workforce.

Ahaus667 11 points ago +11 / -0

The government forced women in, women took easy jobs like hr and co-opted hiring

Ahaus667 18 points ago +18 / -0

*every company forced by the government.

This is forced “diversity” there is no sane reason for grandma to be getting paid the same to work at Home Depot when the male employees have to do all the physical labor for her.

Ahaus667 4 points ago +4 / -0

Every time is also when someone who never buys a game wants to shame the fan base for “racism”

Ahaus667 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here’s the flat out truth of “black culture”, it’s matriarchal, that’s also why it’s a constant shitshow. The 80% will vote one way because their mom/aunt won’t give them room and board or help with their babies unless they vote democratic. The 20% that aren’t matriarchal aren’t voting democrat anyways.

Ahaus667 8 points ago +8 / -0

It really showcases that, even in their own arguments, the left is incapable of doing even the smallest thing themselves to avoid inconveniencing others.

Ahaus667 15 points ago +15 / -0

This is a perfect example of why the left is retarded. There is no logic in requiring the people being on opposite ends, so instead of one person moving slightly we must get ladders and readjust the tree so a person could be so inept as to not realizing to move to where the apples are falling.

Ahaus667 17 points ago +17 / -0

I’ll keep repeating this until blue in the face. Holding someone to their standards does not make them your standards.

Ahaus667 3 points ago +3 / -0

Non combat roles for men you can get away with 50/50 and under 13 for a 1.5 mile as an 18 year old guy. Combat roles/ ops is 80+/80+ and ~10 for a 1.5 realistically. Combat role usually is about 15-20 chin ups minimum too. But that’s just the “PFA” portion, which doesn’t account for swimming and beach runs. 4 miles in boots on wet sand is worse than any PFA I’ve done.

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