Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

What I meant by it doesn't require it is that it doesn't need it to qualify, but it absolutely does and should have it for the various reasons provided.

But the heavy metal example is a great point. Because to me, who hates heavy metal, it just sounds like making noises as loud as possible and then growling "blood blood satan death cunt" incoherently. Based on just my own hearing, there is no complexity or anything that classical composers wouldn't dismiss as children banging on cans.

And I have no doubt that is absolutely the case for a lot of them too, but then I do believe there are guys out there doing as you describe and making something magical. But to treat the first group with the same brush as the second is what people are doing here with other genres.

Adamrises 1 point ago +2 / -1

An aesthetic isn't inherent to it anymore than a book is "lustful smut designed for horny women" because that's the majority of published literature.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

A bunch of it doesn't though.

Its the lowest form of music, simply because it requires no instruments or even really rhythm. Just the ability to write words that vaguely flow. With that low barrier of entry, it'll have the largest flood of actual garbage.

Worse, because the bar is so low people will overestimate their ability and then upload it for the world. Meaning the amount of garbage you can actually find is even higher, while the "garbage rock" guys aren't recording themselves stumbling over guitar strings because its obvious that they are failing.

Adamrises 3 points ago +4 / -1

In the first place, so much of the aesthetic is based on gangster culture.

I mean, that's true in practice but its not a requirement of the genre. That's like saying all anime is moeblob or loli-shit, and thereby Akira is "uwu trash" because the only anime you see on twitter is one of those two.

The problem isn't that its a bad method of music, its literally just poetry spoken aloud, its that the promoted form of it is black trash. I listen to plenty of Youtube artists who just rap about comic books and anime, without a single hint of niggerdom beyond a handful of slang terms. But those won't ever get mainstream coverage, while nigger music will.

The problem is that the Music Industry loves gangster garbage, for humiliation rituals, social breakdown, or just nigger worship (you pick which you think), so that's all they will show people until you reach the point of thinking that's all it is.

Its why the old meme of "I like all music except country and rap" happened. Because both of those had the same thing happen, for different ends of the spectrum. Rap become the domain is niggers talking about their own idiocy, while country became caricatures of farm boys pretending to be tough. But everyone here can probably name good country from yesteryear.

Basically, you are consuming too much media and letting it influence the way you think, even while you think you are rejecting the narrative you are still engaging with it on its face and letting them control you anyway.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Considering one is an elderly lady, its equally likely that seeing them will make people empathize with them for being normal and not evil looking.

The reverse of the "post a picture of the black boy when he was 11 and smiling" tactic, where they know that the mugshot will work against them.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

There is something hilariously karmic about how the DNC mocked a little kid for falling asleep late one night, and that same kid grew up into being the architect of their demise through sheer power of Zoomer knowledge.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

We all know their policies, they don't need to go to another city and say the same things again and again. Its boring for us, and wasteful/exhausting for them.

But they need to do something. Look at how much criticism Harris got for taking a 2 days off this week.

This is a low cost, low effort activity that might increase people's opinions of you and let you get across topics and information you really wouldn't ever have a chance to in more "professional" settings.

I doubt most people will listen to the entire things, but what will happen is a lot of clips will be made and shared by those that do, and those will make huge strides towards humanizing these guys.

I've already seen the Vance one on alcoholic parents being spread heavily.

Adamrises 10 points ago +10 / -0

I know its real because a woman friend of mine listens to it and has for a long time prior, which is how I recognize it.

Its apparently mostly just basic white girl shit without any substance

Adamrises 42 points ago +42 / -0

This podcast tour is unironically changing the game.

Its letting his campaign just show up and be human. Not scream about rage and politics for the 120398143th time like every other media appearance from any politician, but laugh and talk shit. Sometimes its politically relevant, sometimes its just genuine conversation. Its actually connecting to people on an emotional level that isn't frothing, and that's a way stronger source of support.

Not to mention shows like Rogan and Theo Von are so fucking huge they are basically the backbone of the podcast industry, literally listened to by at least 1 person in almost every social circle.

Harris tried to follow suite, but picked one with a cringe ass name (that is only listened to by insufferable women) and came across as inhuman as always. Which is likely how any Leftist trying to replicate this technique will end up for quite some time.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't, the law and country already did that. Which means the choice is either to use loophole to protect and further your interests, or cuck out and just let your enemies continue to do that anyway.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Imagine buying a game made by people who hate you and will use that money to fund things that are meant to literally destroy you, and then spending 100s of hours "fixing" the game that they spent a fraction of the time to destroy and thinking that's a win in anyway.

In fact, because a lot of people will actually buy it because your mod "fixed it" its actively making the industry and the society wide cancer worse by making these games more successful, even if only by a fraction.

This kind of thinking is just "I must consume product" showing it still has power over you, because you even consider playing a game meant to attack you in the first place.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Personally, I just wish the alternative wasn't always "anime girl."

Like those are plenty attractive, but that's the only fucking thing people do in response to this and its incredibly boring because I've seen 90000000 anime girls done and drawn better.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

unless it was due to race religion etc., there's nothing much you can do about it.

Literally every single one of those exceptions was made because somebody did in fact do something about it and got things changed. The fact that you put these two pieces right next to each other and didn't realize the irony of it shows that you aren't even thinking when you say things, you just NPC repeat them.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Its both. People were straight up killed often, but Yugi did use a power called "Mind Crush" all the time which basically was a the "shadow realm" thing anyway.

So like, original Kaiba had his soul literally sent to the Shadow Realm which left him in a coma until he "solved the puzzle of his heart" (which the Mind Crush shattered) and that's why he went from absurdly evil to kinda evil but obsessed with cards, and then after the second Mind Crush in the very first episode of the anime turn into just an anti-villain.

But then there was Arkana, who in the original just had saw blades come out if you lost that would chop off your legs and you'd bleed to death. The Dub changed it to magical shadow blades that would send your soul to the shadow realm.

So the concept was there, and Yugi in the "season 0" before Duel Monsters took over the show would alternate between outright killing the villains or shattering their mind depending on circumstance. So he did actually "send people to the shadow realm" in a way, but only some of the times.

So the dub instead turned all the try-hard grim and edgy killing and torture into instead over the top cringe wacky shit that was much more fitting for the concept of a card game anime. Which as an end result, makes for a much better watch imo.

Point being, censorship can at least not create irredeemably awful products if its still being done with soul and creativity. Its still not a good thing on principle, but we can still enjoy it.

Adamrises 30 points ago +30 / -0

Its a containment board. By keeping it on reddit they can keep the "regretful" ones from seeing true comments from people, and leave them only with a community full of people who obey reddit rules (aka, can't criticize trannies too much or directly). Which in turn keeps them on the plantation and from noticing too hard.

Its actually pretty clever that way.

Adamrises 32 points ago +32 / -0

but they were great looking

The only important part of that entire screed. She is upset she isn't attractive anymore, the attention/applause for being a tranny has run out, and she can't default back to "Basic Woman Behavior" like all the rest do when their bullshit attention whoring fails.

"Detrans" is just the same old mentally ill attention seekers, jumping from one sinking ship to a new one. They've learned no lessons, the mental illness that lead them to one bad end is untreated, and their very existence feeds more people to trannydom by showing "you can still have a community if you regret it and change your mind!"

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

he's articulate and able to point out all the hypocrisy

I mean, that's literally the best thing a VP could do. Be a foil to cover the weaknesses that the president has.

But Vance's strength is that he is half Trump's age and far more in touch with the actual problems in society instead of some politician whose been in the system too long. Which means, unlike 95% of the picks, his existence puts further assassinations attempts on Trump as a net negative for TPTB because they'd end up with someone far worse for them.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Vance is doing a lot of heavy lifting for this campaign and if you haven't been watching it, you are truly missing out because the dude is a genuine fun time to watch them try and defeat.

He got Walz to self destruct live on stage and even cuck out and agree with him on a bunch of points, which is why Walz has been basically a back seater all month.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

The thing about a lot of anime in those days is the censorship was genuinely often more creative, and even more memorable, to a point where its almost arguable that its good in its own way.

One Piece wasn't quite to that level, but ones like Yugioh are almost better with the wierd censored version (of the anime, not the cards themselves).

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

Logically, its also the only thing that can make sense.

The Asari have been in the galactic scene longer than humans have, but other races still treat humans as looking strange despite Asari looking near identical. They've also all been breeding with those Asari all along.

So if it isn't the case, then Asari just evolved knowing that white human female was the de facto most attractive thing in existence and every other race just didn't see the connection.

Adamrises 9 points ago +9 / -0

The title had me wondering what the wrestler Goldberg had been up to and I'm disappointed it had nothing to do with him.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

After Biden and now this, it should be a grim reminder to all the Dem "Elites" that they will never get to die or retire with any dignity or peace. Until they draw their last breath they will be forced to come out and sign their name to losers to keep the machine running.

Even Obama looked sick of it, and that guy still has decades ahead of him being their buck broken bitch.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, South Korea literally had a puppet president installed by a shadow cabal of women. That's a literal thing that happened in the last decade. And their Feminists put ours to shame in terms of literal power and destruction they regularly commit.

The men there never had a chance to pop their head out of womb before it was already in danger.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

They pulled Carter out to endorse her last week, and the progeny of Cheney before that.

Its literal appeal to authority while hoping you don't remember a thing about that authority.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Even assuming it was true, I'd bet a lot of people caught onto the "bring back tallow" discussion it brought up and are now holding off on going there until they get the good shit back.

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