Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

If its anything less than that, then their insane bloodlust and desire to genocide the Russians isn't as valid. They need them to be actively turning the country into rubble to allow them to act the way they do.

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Its much worse because its a literal sequel to a game with Chernobyl in the title to begin with.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've never seen a Star Trek, but reading his description really jumped out to me as some Leftist's idea of how people who "don't hear god talk to them" become evil over it because they are obsessive dumb religoids. So I guess its spoton as what they always do.

Adamrises 7 points ago +7 / -0

The movie its a spinoff of is a woke mess carried hard by legitimately good actors like Colin Farrell making you forget all the nonsense in between their scenes.

Like, people talked endlessly about Riddler and Penguin bits and forgot that the movie literally had an AoC/Obama (depending on which writer was talking) expy as the Jesus figure they had to protect to save the city. Or that when showing "gang violence" they made sure that only the black one isn't in full face paint, so you can see that only the black one isn't pure evil and needing Batman bone breaking.

But despite that, Penguin was strong enough that everyone agreed he deserved a spinoff. Its no surprise however they brought the same baggage from the movie itself with them.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Its very slow and brooding, kinda like Batman, until the last chunk where it ramps up to overdrive until the end.

Its way too long, seemingly to try and dodge doing an origin story for Batman but still "setting him up."

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

Its almost certainly a female thing there. Both because women make characters like Maleficent their entire personality, and because Scar being so evil is what makes him so hot to women too. So in both cases, its to appeal to them.

In this specific case though, there is this extremely specific character shilling going on. Like, I keep seeing descriptions for this movie as "see how Mufasa became the paragon of good we all know him as."

I don't know about most people, but that's never something I'd call him. Not only that, but it really makes him so more generic than he was even in the original movie which had the excuse of his fucking death to not have the time to give him depth.

It feels like they are really angling for some sort of "Wise African Giga King" symbol to replace the dead guy from Black Panther, and to do that they apparently really need their unquestionably evil counterpart. Its also why they seem to only care about this specific live action movie enough to give it a sequel with its own continuity instead of a one and done.

Adamrises 12 points ago +12 / -0

You refunded the game because it had an intro? Lol.

If a game's intro is dragging on too long without properly engaging you, then that is a massive mark against the game and not the player. Especially if its over a fucking hour by your own admission. Kingdom Hearts 2 is still famous 20 years on for its horrendously long prologue and that's maybe 45 minutes if you never played it before.

This one will get better with mods

Pay full price for a broken unfinished game and hopefully some unpaid schmuck will come along later and make it worth the price eventually!

At least the originals most of us got for 5$ or less before needing some other guy to fix it for us, and those games were breaking new ground in a lot of ways to justify being so broken.

Adamrises 16 points ago +16 / -0

It just continues the trend that Scar is evil because he is evil and thereby the actions that make him evil were justified to begin with.

Like, the canon of film universe shows he was branded by what is plainly implied to be the Devil with his scar that is a literal corrupting mark while also having his head filled with thoughts of being king instead by said devil. And when he tells his brother what happened, the nigga just says "guess your name is Scar now lol" and laughs it all off.

So its actually pretty consistent that Scar is made the villain through external forces that culminate in him being the vile thing he becomes in the original movie proper. In this case, I'll guess its his parents saw him as evil or arrogant and passed him over because of it without caring how it would effect him.

Its that perfect circular logic that bad story writers use. We know Scar will be evil, so him getting shit on is a good thing the audience will cheer for because he is evil, even if that shitting on is what makes him evil in the first place.

Adamrises 21 points ago +22 / -1

The fact that they deliberately went with the Ukrainian spelling on the title told me everything I needed to know about it and how much it was banking on "we are poor Ukies doing our best uwu" to dodge criticisms.

Like, the original games were janky beyond jank, but they still had a lot of soul and clearly they were trying to make something well beyond their ability. This comes across as a cheap nostalgia grab (copying things from the original without understanding why they were like that) using the War as a huge marketing gimmick for them.

And at the end of the day, its still a broken buggy mess. So it has nothing over the originals (which you can fix easily with decade old mods) except a massive price tag, absurd harddrive space, and a seemingly absent or broken A-Life system.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

There is a lot of odd bot behavior that goes on around these parts. As well as ideologically locked people downvoting people who they disagree with across every thread.

Its best to not even acknowledge or care about it.

Adamrises 22 points ago +22 / -0

People forget that the TE part only comes about because of the RF part.

If they didn't hate men the way only a RF does, they wouldn't be zealously blinded to the brainwashing telling them to accept and love men in dresses.

Even then, they were all for it to dehumanizing, sterilize, and destroy men. Until it started having negative effects on them. Until girls were getting beaten at sports and molested in bathrooms, they were still pro tranny.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

it has value enough that powerful forces like the Allied powers wanted it destroyed.

The Allied forces were trying to create a victim narrative for the Jews. Whether it was inventing a Holocaust wholesale or simply downplaying all the "fuck around" portions of Jewish actions that lead to an actual Holocaust happening, they were going around making sure to control as much of the details as possible. That doesn't mean any of those details was particularly powerful or revealing itself. Especially as, there is no guarantee its not information we already know right now anyway.

because everyone already agrees that leftists are destroying society

Just because you don't argue with people here in good faith and attempt to challenge your own beliefs by engaging with people on the level doesn't mean all of us do.

In this very comment thread I am arguing with an anti-semite and a pro-Jew about the same exact point I am making to both. That has value to me.

What would reading the book actually change about what you believe? Would you become more pro-Jew if it was exonerating to them? Is there any room left for you to become more anti-Jew? Remember you can only kill them once.

Adamrises 2 points ago +3 / -1

Its extreme because its at the end of the line. You can't go much further than it once you've reached it, and under the umbrella of its belief you often cannot be anything less on it. As shown by the fact that I am making comments that are generally anti-Jew here, but you find it questionable that I am not 200% on your end.

Also, anti-Jew discussion is usually called "extreme" because it has no nuance. They are either demons that deserve a First, Second, and Fifth holocaust that we should remove from society by all means, or you are a Zionist Jew lover. Whereas Muslims people will generally accept "leave them in their desert and stop dealing with them" as a point on the scale between "kill them all" or "embrace them."

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

His perspective was obvious from the title alone, as what he desired the book for. Your dismissal of it is little better than his clamor for it, as both betray a completely closed mind on the topic.

But that is the danger of the topic, nobody has any ability to be anything but extreme on it. It is either a book of lies about Jews or Jewish lies.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

If they were in control, then why does their life still suck, huh?

Checkmate, atheist MAGA.

Adamrises 4 points ago +6 / -2

I'm aware of his point of view. But that doesn't matter.

Someone like him will read it and it just confirms what he already believes, or he discards it as lies if it isn't suffeciently anti-Jew enough. And anyone who isn't at that level of extremity (like maybe yourself) will discard it as "more antisemitic lies," or if it its pro-Jew enough just be a drop in the ocean of their beliefs confirming what they already believe.

That's all I'm getting at. Its a topic so polarized, with all of its literature even more so, that no actual piece matters in the slightest. No one is engaging with books like this to learn or challenge their minds, its just for confirmation of preregistered beliefs.

As in, it has little value.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

A cunt is an innate physical characteristic of a woman. By your own logic, its stupid to do so.

And I'm sure you'll say "cunt means something else in this context" but so does every other racial slur. Calling someone a "nigger" isn't doing so because black is innately bad, its shorthand because black means "stupid, lazy, criminal, etc." Just as whatever cunt means when you say it.

Adamrises 4 points ago +6 / -2

I mean yeah it might be interesting in a way.

But anyone willing to read the book and believe it already thinks Jews should be destroyed, gassed, killed, and all other forms of end game actions. Anyone who isn't at that point is very unlikely to think the things in the book aren't lies.

Point being is that, while interesting, that's all it is. You, or anyone else, aren't going to change their mind over what they read in it. Its just outrage porn.

Adamrises 14 points ago +14 / -0

Book burning has always been a "we took a photo at a specific moment that looks really bad, so now its a talking point" type event. Every side commits it, everyone is guilty of it in some form, its a complete nonsense thing to grandstand on and always has been.

And considering all the other research the Japs were big on at the time, I doubt there is anything of value in there besides gore and confirmation bias. I'm not against it existing, but at this state of the universe its not going to tell us something new about Jews that people who are open to the message don't already believe.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Studio 4C straight up did a more brutal adaptation of the Passion and Death of Jesus than even Mel Gibson did and it really puts into perspective how hardcore the Japanese are willing to go when they finally do pull something.

Unironically a short film that should be shown in churches and the like, simply for how powerful it hits.

Adamrises 15 points ago +15 / -0

Trump rewards loyalty

Especially after his first term was plagued with people constantly betraying him and selling his loyalty for asspats at every chance despite him giving them stations beyond what they'd ever get otherwise. I can't imagine that preventing that isn't high on his list this go around.

I don't like putting in women, but there is something to be said of extreme loyalty to a person/movement being stronger than competency or experience.

Adamrises 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mortality seems to be the big overarching "theme" of the series, and how despite humans having the most fragile and short form of it they seem to make the most of it. In contrast to the elves and demons (and lesser extent dwarves, but they don't get much focus) who have all the time in the world, yet treat it so lightly that they let decades or centuries just slip by while only improving passively.

Fern is narrowing the gap between her and Frieren basically every time we see her fight. Its still a massive gap, but its still getting smaller despite the extremely short amount of time relative to Frieren's life Fern has been learning from her.

And that's someone who isn't really all that interested in magic herself, just is innately good at it and has a good teacher.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

They'll win against anime, but anime is only a fraction of its own industry. Its the most front facing part of the manga/lightnovel/doujin treadmill, but its also the most commitment heavy and costly. They can subvert it, but they'll never be able to stop all those other forms because the barrier for entry is so low.

So it doesn't matter if they win. Most of the same stories will get told, you'll just need to read it instead of watch it. And the sheer mass scale of scanlaters mean they can't even control the flow of those to Western countries.

Adamrises 8 points ago +8 / -0

Even Miyazaki hates Miyazaki, its why he is constantly pissy and tantrumming about anime being awful and evil while he continues to make more of it. Its pure projection on his part.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ghibli movies play at movie theaters constantly. I can guarantee that's where they've seen them, because I know lots of people who've only seen anime period that way.

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