Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Depends on what you consider last generation as the Switch lasted across two others.

Compared to PS5 and whatever Xbox is? Absolutely it was the only one worth anything.

Compared to the PS4 and I guess the Xbone? I think it had solid competition until very late when Sony started selling off exclusives to Steam.

Adamrises 0 points ago +1 / -1

Its because most of them are only doing it to feel like rebels and like they are striking back against "The Globalists/Zionists/etc."

Just like black dudes who used to center their entire existence around "The Man" and fighting him.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm not from the USA.

I can still guarantee I can find a neighborhood within 50 miles you could be helping no matter where in this planet you are. But you aren't, because you only believe in God in a self-serving way. Its why you keep talking about rewards and needing to be called to do good things.

Adamrises 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not ready to admit that all the literal niggers they set up to run these things are not only competent, but calculating and capable of planning.

Maybe someone high up the chain is, but the Dems Puppetmasters aren't in every level of every operation and a lot of the failures here are clearly pure nigger-bred plans and their consequences.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Trump went through his entire first term, he saw how they act and react to him. Especially as they weren't shy about bragging about it for accolades and clout. He seems pretty good about learning from some of his blunders.

So for a lot of these he has already likely anticipated this and put in work against it, like he did with his daughter's legion of poll watchers and lawyers.

Not to mention that shit has gotten so bad in this country that they likely aren't able to guarantee as much loyalty and obedience even from their own organizations, and their stuff is likely getting leaked through malice of sheer incompetence.

Adamrises -9 points ago +5 / -14

We all know the reason, it doesn't change the fact that you post 5+ articles a day about them meaning they very clearly live rent free in your head.

Adamrises -1 points ago +2 / -3

He is the type to sell all of us into slavery as long as he got to yell "KIKES" louder.

Its like women and abortion, single issue voters happy to ruin their own life.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah I could see how it would be eye rolling if its your first time, but I've seen it for decades with the Japanese. And the complete opposite where entire classes and gameplay mechanics end up genderlocked.

But I'd rather trannies have the option to make a monstrosity through the sheer level of freedom on display than not be able to make something the way I want because the devs locked it.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly the point. Yet yo-yo there is starting to reach full "China is le based actually?" because his enemies also are working against them.

Adamrises 1 point ago +1 / -0

God asks us to love him and love our neighbor

Alright, I can think of an urban jungle that is within one state of you in probably any direction. Our "fellow Americans" 100% count as our "neighbors" so you've not gotten out of it, nigga.

Would you say it's immoral for people with children to foster kids?

Not inherently, but highly likely because of the exact situation like this, which is a common background for a kid being put into foster care to begin with.

Adamrises 1 point ago +4 / -3

Go easy on him, he needed to get his Two Minutes of Hate done for the day and didn't have time to check that the other resident anti-Jew had posted it already.

Adamrises 5 points ago +6 / -1

Trannies spend all day demonizing TERFs, and those people are explicitly pro-women and at least pretend to care about them.

Does that suddenly make TERFs our allies that we are being psyop'd into hating?

Adamrises 5 points ago +5 / -0

Not to diminish the point, but that's not that uncommon. Like, I played a random 3ds game from over a decade ago with a character creator recently and you could do that in it, and it was pre-body type as it still had gender as an option. It just didn't lock anything to gender other than general body shape. Japan has been pretty open in that regard I think on its own accord.

I think increasing freedoms in creation tools is usually a good thing, even if it can be used for nonsense. Its when they take away tools (like Dragon Age highly limiting the bust slider in a comical manner or Xenoblade removing it entirely) that its infuriating.

As long as the full plethora of options remain the same, trannies using it for their gay little RP isn't my concern. It'll make it easier to find and kick them even.

Adamrises 4 points ago +5 / -1

Or we saw the exact same chart posted 2 fucking days ago and all the useful discussion happened there already.

Including noticing how fucking terrible of a chart it is in numerous ways, which makes any point weaker because of how glaring its faults are.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah therein really lies the problem.

The people saying it are usually the ones who made sure it doesn't fucking work anymore. They sold out a country and world where that worked for more hedonistic retirements.

Adamrises 11 points ago +11 / -0

Unfortunately, something drastic might be the only thing that could pull us from this downward spiral course.

Adamrises 28 points ago +29 / -1

The problem is that most of the people who say things like "pull up by bootstraps" are the ones who made such a choice impossible.

Like, you should absolutely not sit around crying and get to work to improve your lot in life. But at the same time, we can't just show up with a firm handshake and get a job that'll pay for a house, stay at home wife, and 3 kids and a yearly vacation like our grandfathers could.

So handwaving it off as "just not wanting to work" is ignoring just how bad the situation has gotten for most younger people and no amount of "hard work" can fix the economy and its various failing sectors. And not in a "not everyone will be rich" sense, but in a basic, decent living just isn't possible for huge swaths of people through no fault of their own.

From owning a home to even raising their own children proper, the cost has gotten so high that you cannot work enough hours to get the quality of life that used to just be a given for guys who'd work only a 9-5.

Even worse, the people who tell you to pull up by your bootstraps are usually the exact same demographic of people that made the situation so bad in the first place.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

as they can hide behind 'migrants' as much as they want, it's Muslims.

Considering the British loved to hide behind calling them "Asians" for most of the 2000s (funny how they don't do that anymore ain't it?), they know they still can't outright say it.

Adamrises 37 points ago +37 / -0

The accusations don't really hold up with how both ridiculously dramatic they are and how one of the girls kept going back while texting him romantic, lusty things in between rapes. Really feels like they thought they'd get to steal him away for themselves and get their own personal 50 Shades romance story and are now regretting it all because he didn't. And its also very heavily implied that his wife was the one who kept recruiting these girls and sending them to him to get fucked like this, in some sort of sick game to her.


He lived by this sword, so he gets to die by it. Sucks to suck, cuck.

Adamrises 21 points ago +22 / -1

Not only raised by one, AFAIK his father was super high ranked and Neil basically grew up as Tom Cruise level royalty among them. And then when his father got purged in the 80s or so Neil's first writings started coming out shortly after.

Really re-contextualizes all those "ha ha rape her" stories he wrote even before these accusations happened.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

Playing this little telephone game is so weak.

We know who we meant by Woke Right, and the Left is trying to co opt it by writing articles acting like its a "thing" across the media. And its working great by making us now try to play this little game of "NU UH YOU ARE THE REAL ONE!" meaninglessly over ideological differences that barely have anything to do with the word "woke."

While the actual "woke right" just skirt away because the people the term was gaining traction against are now completely out of the limelight.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

IMC is literally only relevant to us because he was marginally above being a nobody during early GG as a "reformed former Wokie."

To anyone else he has always been a literally nobody, and anyone who cared to find out would see he is a former "actual by name" Nazi self-hating brownie.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was thinking more the guys who worked in various industrial type labor. I know my dad spent a while welding when he was in prison, though he already had that profession prior which meant he helped train the other inmates.

Job sites like that are already half criminal of some kind anyway, so the discrimination wouldn't be as strict.

Adamrises 2 points ago +2 / -0

It wasn't quite as fancy as that, it was just a literal binder with the coins on each page and you were supposed to take them out of the shipping plastic and move them to the binder for display by hand.

Which if you know anything about retaining value, you know its a scam on that alone.

They still might have been that fancy high silver version but it was almost certainly still her being a fool too.

Adamrises 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't disagree with anything you say except for one.

Men, however, have no comparable effect.

We do have that effect, and its when "Women are wonderful" breaks for us. When a man finally has that snapping moment when women cease to be beautiful wonderful creatures and their "true nature" is no longer hidden behind waves of horny and manipulation.

It doesn't break easy, especially not as easy as it does for women. But when it does you can feel it in your soul that reality itself just isn't the same anymore. Its why a lot of older coomers used to talk about "sage mode," because it was a temporary feeling of that freedom.

Its why its just as dangerous for a man to be a slut as a woman. While he might not gain the same physical detriments and specific mental maladies as they do, it runs just as much through his own mind and perception of the world and leads to him being lost in this maddening state of forcefully seeing everything too plainly.

And while you could argue seeing the "truth" of the world is a good thing no matter what, most men do not cope well with that and end up becoming Andrew Tate level psychotic from it.

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