5Cats 8 points ago +8 / -0

Let him talk! Show him to the public as much as possible! He's just as dumb as Trudeau but without even a shred of charisma or stage presence.

Poilievre has sharpened up his image the past couple of years, gotten even better at public speaking! Ever wonder why the Media in Canada won't show him lately? Because he makes their "reporters" look like fools.

5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

The anti-Conservative, pro-Liberal onslaught has been ongoing, without pause, for upwards of 10 years now. Unrelenting, 100% biased Media leftism is normal in Canada.

5Cats 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strangers in Paradise was terrific. Far from perfect, but we (yes I was a fanboy) had an active community back in the day. Terry (the guy who wrote it) heard our wrath as well as our praise.

5Cats 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strangers in Paradise (the left one) has men too. The 2 main characters aren't actual lesbians, but there's others that are.

5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's Francine on the left, she's a "well built" girl! Realistic proportions, which is rare, eh?

5Cats 7 points ago +7 / -0

Every Media outlet is infested with the hard-left. That was even before the Liberals started giving taxpayer money to "Media outlets" who followed their rules against "spreading misinformation". Now they're not only run by leftists, they're addicted to free taxpayer money too.

5Cats 5 points ago +5 / -0

First that anyone would do that. It's brilliant! Counting on the stupidity of leftists to not know the difference is a solid bet.

Second is that it's likely the owner is left-leaning himself. Thus he's afraid of his own kind.

Left-on-left violence? 🍿 Pass the popcorn bro!

5Cats 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have nothing against Blacks (I am Canadian eh? They're really normal folks up here) but every time I hear "reparations" I say:

YES! Give them a (one-way) ticket back to wherever their ancestors came from & pay for their citizenship there. Reparations done! 😸 Of course they cannot come back, naturally.

5Cats 6 points ago +7 / -1

To be fair? France always had a number of Black players due to their many colonies. They kept control of them far later than UK or other nations, and encouraged immigration to Europe from there.

That said: It used to be 6-8 while other nations had 3-5. Now as you say it's 14/15 and other nations are 10/15 as well.

5Cats 1 point ago +1 / -0

Especially when the "Hike Who" itself says how the Dad planned it from the start, eh? The idea it was a typo is... nutz.

5Cats 4 points ago +5 / -1

I knew a guy who literally "went out for milk & bread" and didn't return for 14 months (drinking binge, eh?). His now-ex wife literally threw a fry pan at him (she missed though) when he showed up one day carrying milk & bread.

5Cats 15 points ago +15 / -0

"Trump is notoriously technophobic, reportedly not using a computer or email."

Remember when Hillary testified most of her thousands of un-archived e-mails were with Bill & about the grandkids, and Bill later said he'd sent "maybe 3 e-mails" in his life? The Media had nothing to say about that, eh?

Remember when the Media lit into McCain because his wife "helped him sending e-mails"? His fingers had been broken by VC torture so often he had a hard time typing.

How losing a laptop is "so normal, everyone's done it" when Hunter admitted he'd lost his due to being stoned for 2+ years?

(D)ifferent rules for (D)ifferent folks.

5Cats 5 points ago +6 / -1

Pierre HAS TO SAY THAT stuff, because the CBC and the rest of Canada's government-bought Media have been pushing "he's the same as Trump" for the past 6+ months.

Trump does him a big favour whenever he "disrespects" Poilievre eh?

Standing up for Canada from a position of strength is just common sense, which is why the Liberal party cannot do it, ever.

5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

The English dub is excellent. A terrific "entry level anime" for newcomers.

5Cats 8 points ago +8 / -0

Correct. Some fringe "Christian groups" get LOTS of Media attention don't they? When it serves the leftist purposes.

5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

MangaPark works well for me.
Dynasty Scans is great, but all-Yuri & occasional gender-bender.

5Cats 8 points ago +8 / -0

Correct. Why is anyone surprised that a great show is being well received by people who are not nerds? Even normies can tell greatness if it's great enough.

5Cats 9 points ago +9 / -0

It took me a moment... 😸 but I got it eventually.

5Cats 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Seven Into Snowy" is a legendary p0rn movie, isn't it?

Known for being terrible, lolz. (1978)

5Cats 4 points ago +4 / -0

The fact that most Tesla owners are probably leftists or at least left-leaning eludes the Media & "activists".

5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet Japanese aren't nearly as racist against Blacks as people in China are. Chinese are inherently racist, classist, regionalist & etc. Bigots through & through.

5Cats 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Romans won countless wars, mostly highly one-sided, but still.

Lots of "minor wars" where both sides were pip-squeaks & who cares if one side is good or bad? Pre WW2 there were plenty of those, The Chaco War (1932 to 1935) for a prime example.


5Cats 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mostly true!
They'd often give awards for heroic actions "posthumously" even if the person was still alive. "He died doing X" even if he lived, let alone how exaggerated "X" was. They'd even let him live if he kept his mouth shut, continued fighting until the Germans killed him.

They needed the stories of heroism (true or otherwise) to inspire the troops, but were insanely jealous & frightened of normal soldiers gaining popularity over the officers & NKVD.

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